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low rated
Thanks for bearing with us in this thread. We’d like to announce that today we’ve introduced the addition of new installers, with implemented GOG Galaxy client.

Like Destro described it back in May, we decided to separate the „new" and „classic” installers, for your choice. So if you don’t care about the features like achievements or cloud-saves and don’t want to use GOG Galaxy, you can download the „Classic Game Installer", just like it was handled before. For games that have new installers, the default download view on „My account” will show the "GOG Galaxy Game Installers" - you will notice that, as it is visibly described in „My account” game view. To download the „classic” ones, just go to „Options" and choose „Classic Installers”.

The new GOG Galaxy Game Installers were added to +100 games - a selection of all games that make use of GOG Galaxy features. I'll post the current list of games with the new installers in a separate post.
Going forward, all new games that will use GOG Galaxy features, will now receive both GOG Galaxy Game Installer and Classic Game Installer.

Introduction of GOG Galaxy Game Installers doesn’t change anything in terms of keeping the Classic Game Installers up to date. As soon as we receive an update for any game, we will prepare an updated version of the classic installer, just like it was done in the past.

Edit: Pinned.
Post edited July 06, 2017 by fables22
high rated
While I'm releived they'll leave the old installers. I fear that they won't update them, this would be easier for everyone involved if they had just left the installers alone. There are better ways of making people informed of galaxy.
Marioface5: Is it? The game files are all the same, the only difference is that one installer has Galaxy and the other doesn't. I seriously doubt this translates to doubling GOG's workload.
if that's how it will be implemented, then good.
but there are also games, files of which are completely packed into installer. dunno if those are in the list, but they may be. and in that particular case troubles of updating, packing and such are doubled.
high rated
pimpmonkey2382.313: While I'm releived they'll leave the old installers. I fear that they won't update them, this would be easier for everyone involved if they had just left the installers alone. There are better ways of making people informed of galaxy.
Couldn't agree more.
high rated
synfresh: Galaxy was always designed to be the centerpiece of the store, with the features that are included with it. So if you don't like Galaxy, then yes I guess that does make you a 2nd class citizen. Also I think you need to be careful when you say 'what GoG customers want'. The forums do not represent the entire GoG userbase and only GoG knows how many request and want the client vs. those who don't (I bet the number is bigger than you think).
This isn't a question of whether or not Galaxy should exist, of course it should. However, I sincerely doubt that a lot of customers have requested that getting games to work without Galaxy should be made more difficult. But that's the road that GOG is taking. Not content simply to make their client better, they are actively trying to make not using the client more difficult. And that, for lack of a better word, sucks.
Depending on their installer packaging process, making two separate installers might actually be quite simple. Run the original process as they've been doing, save the output, then run an extra step that packages up the necessary Galaxy installation files (the new process) and save THAT output separately. Boom, both installers available, and no game update discrepancies.

That does depend on the details in their installer creation process, though.
mm324: If you read through the "What did just update thread" and you'll see there are times when galaxy gets updated while the offline installers are in the "we're working on it" stage".
Which was one of the main reason/feature they pushed forward when Galaxy was first introduced. Peoples complained that patches were released less often on Gog when compared to Steam, Devs said that is was because it was more complex and the process was longer for Gog because of the standalone installer/patcher when compared to Steam "continuous" deployment of patches.

Galaxy was offered as a way to alleviate that by allowing those who didn't want to for the standalone patcher/installer to be released to have access to the patched version faster. But in the end the installer are keep up to date even if, for obvious reasons, it takes a little more time.

mm324: I feel the same way. As far as the possibility of discontinuing the "classic" installers just look how they decided to quit maintaining the GOGdownloader.
They announced a long time ago that they no longer planned to support the downloader once similar features would be introduced in Galaxy, they never tried to hide it or pretend they would continue support the old downloader indefinitely.
Post edited May 12, 2017 by Gersen
When exactly does this new "feature" start?

I just compared some of the games from the list with my downloaded installers - so far they seem to be the same?

Nothing has changed on my account's downloading pages.

No boxes to check, etc.,...

Edit: Ah, just stumbled over the blue post. Ok.

Edit 2: @Gersen: thanx, I just found the post.
Post edited May 12, 2017 by BreOl72
high rated
Destro: Thank you all for your posts in this topic, especially for all the constructive feedback.
Rixasha: 2) You already have multi-part installers. Add to them an extra part that is always named galaxy.bin. Make the installer notice if it is present, explain what it is and ASK NICELY if it should be installed at all. When you need to update galaxy, you just update this galaxy.bin, ONE FILE ON YOUR SERVERS, shared by every installer that wants it. One that NO ONE HAS TO DOWNLOAD AT ALL, is EASY TO SKIP by automated means, and DUPLICATES NO WORK for you. My second favourite.
Also thank you for listening to the feedback. I am one of the people who usese Galaxy most of the time, when he plays his GOG games, but I really appreciate your change of mind with autobundled Galaxy. Because I am one of the guys, who loves collecting his old classic installers on separate Hard Drive.

But as other people have already voiced thier opinion about this solution offered by Rixasha, I would also like to raise my hand in support of this idea, which would save your storage requirements in the future, and also a lot of hassle with creating classic installer, every time some new game is released.
high rated
I'll post some copy from another source: It seems the majority wants some kind of STEAM-copy here, but without the price of enforced features. Taking the nice, left out the bad. And in fact: That's not possible! It doesn't matter how good the new process will be: At last it's all about time. Time is money and so it is for GOG. They even have problems with communication to the community here, questions stay unanswered for a very long period (seems forever, knowing about some threads left without any answer for about more than two years now). And some people here think they can manage TWO different installers? Simply: WOW, as I've said the voices will get more and more quiet. The thread here? Perhaps it'll last some time, let's say a week? And afterwards: It will be forgotten because there are some more "shiny" things here. The development of GOG as a platform was not good within the last years and it won't get better.
Post edited May 12, 2017 by throgh
BreOl72: I just compared some of the games from the list with my downloaded installers - so far they seem to be the same?
They said that it was delayed to give them some time to impement the double installers (one with Galaxy one without) solution. So it will probably not be before a couple of weeks at the earliest.
high rated
Marioface5: My faith in GOG has been restored. Thank you for listening and compromising with us.
ValamirCleaver: Mine isn't, I don't think GOG is going to maintain 2 different offline installers for the long term. I think GOG is just going to attempt to quietly discontinue the Galaxy-free offline installers at a later date after they think the uproar has died down.
Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.

This is of course much better than if GOG just went ahead with their plan and ignored us entirely, it's enough for me to even wishlist again the afflicted games as something I might actually buy, but the whole debacle was something of a disaster and coming up with a less-than-opitmal plan to make the stupid idea less terrible because of the backlash isn't nearly enough to rebuild my trust in GOG, which even before this mess wasn't what it used to be. GOG's obvious goal of ramming Galaxy down everyone's throats by questionable methods and continued discarding of it's former principles coupled with the fact that it's long-standing user base is basicly being relegated to "adapt or become a second class user" cathegory are not exactly filling me with cheer and love for the the store. Can GOG rebuild my trust in them? Sure. But it's a long road and I'm no sure if they're even going in that direction.
throgh: And some people here think they can manage TWO different installers? Simply: WOW,
If they use a script to create and upload their installers (which they most likely do) then creating two instead of one would simply mean modifying said script once, it's not something hard to do especially given that the game binaries don't change between the two version therefore they don't have to test both installers separately. It's just an automated process.
high rated
Gersen: If they use a script to create and upload their installers (which they most likely do) then creating two instead of one would simply mean modifying said script once, it's not something hard to do especially given that the game binaries don't change between the two version therefore they don't have to test both installers separately. It's just an automated process.
Yes, but that's not all: There is more ... capacity of the CDN perhaps for distribution? Bandwidth? More installers for ONE entry means also MORE money to invest for just one published game. Have you recognized that within the automated process? As I've said: It can be as good as possible, in the end the number on the paper just wins. :)

My trust in GOG is completely ruined after this action and there is no way to restore this.
Post edited May 12, 2017 by throgh
synfresh: Galaxy was always designed to be the centerpiece of the store, with the features that are included with it. So if you don't like Galaxy, then yes I guess that does make you a 2nd class citizen. Also I think you need to be careful when you say 'what GoG customers want'. The forums do not represent the entire GoG userbase and only GoG knows how many request and want the client vs. those who don't (I bet the number is bigger than you think).
Wishbone: This isn't a question of whether or not Galaxy should exist, of course it should. However, I sincerely doubt that a lot of customers have requested that getting games to work without Galaxy should be made more difficult. But that's the road that GOG is taking. Not content simply to make their client better, they are actively trying to make not using the client more difficult. And that, for lack of a better word, sucks.
I think GOG's troubles are caused by poor site design. What do you think?
I'd rather if GOG went one way about this. That is, to go with their original plan but with our initial suggestions, basically including a stub to the installer and opt-in. But now that they're going to take the approach of two installers, then it is only reasonable that we expect you, GOG, to keep both installers up to date, especially the Classic installers. While people will resume buying from your store and having faith in you, I really urge you to keep on in providing us these updates without issue.

Because let's face it. If a new installer is updated while a classic installer isn't, we're not going to praise and clap for you by then. You've seen how the past three days were like, and it is in your best interest not to provoke your fanbase like that in the next coming days. I really don't want to be forced to pull out my faith in you. I want to see you succeed and keep on offering DRM-free and classic games, GOG. I don't want you to leave behind all of this success, and in turn, lose us out, your userbase. Let Steam excel at that.
Post edited May 12, 2017 by PookaMustard