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This dynamic mix of 3D and 2D pixel climbing action from Shady Corner Games is about to make your gaming session steamy hot – Tower of Boin is now available on GOG with a -10% discount that lasts until October 20th, 2 PM UTC.

In this title, the year is 833 of the Imperial Era, and a mysterious wave emanates from a mysterious tower that suddenly appears on the outskirts of the Imperial City. All of the women who were affected by the wave had their bodies transform in the most peculiar way... To solve the mystery, a female elf knight Lufia takes on the challenge of the mysterious tower on the outskirts of the imperial capital... the Tower of Boin.

Check it out!
avatar All of the women who were affected by the wave were all transformed into big breasted beauties while the men watch in awe.
I mean.... Ammm.... When I started my Mum fed me well for a whole year. I do not miss breasts xD anyway, good luck! ^
Post edited October 13, 2023 by Seb3.7
I can't tell much about this game from the GOG store page, but remember when GOG said that thanks to GOG's curation, you can put the name of every game on GOG onto a dart board, and then throw a dart, and no matter what game name the dart hits, you know it will be a good game, because GOG curation ensures that only good games are allowed onto the GOG store?

Well then, that should settle the matter, and guarantee that this, and also all the similar games that GOG has released over the past couple of years since they started allowing the release of AO games on GOG, must surely be a good game, right?

By the way, does anyone have a link to the direct verbatim quotation to the quotation I cited via paraphrase at the start of this post? If so, please post it. It will be very useful in many future threads too.
Post edited October 13, 2023 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
To quote from the store page:

"All of the women who were affected by the wave were all transformed into big breasted beauties while the men watch in awe.
However, this phenomenon also brought about various disasters at the same time. Because of the sudden increase in her breasts, Lufia is unable to wear armor and unable to keep her footing."

Ok, I get it that sex sells and most of the gog customers are young horny men. But THAT... What the hell.

I love playing games and the idea behind gog, but almost every time a new nsfw game is announced I'm disgusted and offended. Seriously? Do you even think for a second hmmm, what about our female userbase, how would they feel about this game? Would they feel disrespected? Ignored? Discouraged from buying games and participating in the community?
Post edited October 13, 2023 by Shannqa
Shannqa: I love playing games and the idea behind gog, but almost every time a new nsfw game is announced I'm disgusted and offended. Seriously? Do you even think for a second hmmm, what about our female userbase, how would they feel about this game? Would they feel disrespected? Ignored? Discouraged from buying games and participating in the community?
I feel like I'm getting troll baited here but...

Females, like any other gender or sex, are surely capable of ignoring the games they don't like and can move on to the next thing. There is no need to be offended over a work of fiction that you don't have to buy or play.
high rated
It is getting boring.

Every NSFW release thread summed up:
big boobs, curation, shovelware, trash, RPGMaker, art style sucks, porn - internet - bad, and so on.

The supposed jokes are not funny because of the repetition. It is also fascinating that certain people have the time to regularly comment on these games although they completely dislike them.

Just move on, save your time and that's it.

It would be by far more interesting to read actual positive posts about these games instead of the same spam over and over again.
Post edited October 13, 2023 by foad01
Shannqa: I love playing games and the idea behind gog, but almost every time a new nsfw game is announced I'm disgusted and offended. Seriously? Do you even think for a second hmmm, what about our female userbase, how would they feel about this game? Would they feel disrespected? Ignored? Discouraged from buying games and participating in the community?
clarry: I feel like I'm getting troll baited here but...

Females, like any other gender or sex, are surely capable of ignoring the games they don't like and can move on to the next thing. There is no need to be offended over a work of fiction that you don't have to buy or play.
Sure, women can ignore a sexist game, or five or twenty of them. It's all art, entertainment, people can have fun however they want. But it's not just one game or five or twenty of them, really - almost all nsfw releases are like that. I'm sure some of you guys wouldn't mind a game with explicit images of dudes, what was it, 6 feet, 6 inches, 6 figures? How often would you need to see or read about it for it to start bothering you?
Shannqa: but almost every time a new nsfw game is announced I'm disgusted and offended. Seriously?
So almost every time a NSFW game is announced you feel the need to go to the game page, read the description, look at the picture, just so that you can be disgusted and offended by it ? You might need a better hobby...
clarry: I feel like I'm getting troll baited here but...

Females, like any other gender or sex, are surely capable of ignoring the games they don't like and can move on to the next thing. There is no need to be offended over a work of fiction that you don't have to buy or play.
Shannqa: Sure, women can ignore a sexist game, or five or twenty of them. It's all art, entertainment, people can have fun however they want. But it's not just one game or five or twenty of them, really - almost all nsfw releases are like that. I'm sure some of you guys wouldn't mind a game with explicit images of dudes, what was it, 6 feet, 6 inches, 6 figures? How often would you need to see or read about it for it to start bothering you?
I'm willing to bet it never would, because I can't see why or how.
Shannqa: I'm sure some of you guys wouldn't mind a game with explicit images of dudes, what was it, 6 feet, 6 inches, 6 figures? How often would you need to see or read about it for it to start bothering you?
Most of the web sites I buy these games from also sell yaoi/boy's love games. I just ignore them, same as I ignore games with any other subject matter I don't care for (e.g. ryona/brutal.)

That being said, GOG could probably do a better job of letting people filter out adult games for their own peace of mind, and to make it easier for people who are looking for this type of game to find it.
Shannqa: but almost every time a new nsfw game is announced I'm disgusted and offended. Seriously?
Gersen: So almost every time a NSFW game is announced you feel the need to go to the game page, read the description, look at the picture, just so that you can be disgusted and offended by it ? You might need a better hobby...
Nah, most of the time I see "nsfw" in the thread title and I just skip it, but sometimetimes I get too curious and pay dearly for it ;)
Shannqa: Nah, most of the time I see "nsfw" in the thread title and I just skip it, but sometimetimes I get too curious and pay dearly for it ;)
Well then if you skip it then there is no issue. That's what I do with things that don't interest me or I don't like.
Shannqa: But it's not just one game or five or twenty of them, really - almost all nsfw releases are like that. I'm sure some of you guys wouldn't mind a game with explicit images of dudes, what was it, 6 feet, 6 inches, 6 figures? How often would you need to see or read about it for it to start bothering you?
It would not bother me at all. If GOG wants to stack the shelves with the kind of anime dudes I find in my sister's room, I'm all for it. I won't be buying it, but I wouldn't take it away from anyone who wants it.
Post edited October 13, 2023 by clarry
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I can't tell much about this game from the GOG store page, but remember when GOG said that thanks to GOG's curation, you can put the name of every game on GOG onto a dart board, and then throw a dart, and no matter what game name the dart hits, you know it will be a good game, because GOG curation ensures that only good games are allowed onto the GOG store?
Seeing our library of Whalerock games I would not count on it.
There is some junk on GOG, independent from being adult oriented or not.

This game looks like it was heavily inspired by Nebulus. For that the gameplay looks ok, but I could do with some other sound than NES style. C64/SID would have been more appropriate.

edit: corrected name
Post edited October 13, 2023 by neumi5694
Shannqa: But it's not just one game or five or twenty of them, really - almost all nsfw releases are like that. I'm sure some of you guys wouldn't mind a game with explicit images of dudes, what was it, 6 feet, 6 inches, 6 figures? How often would you need to see or read about it for it to start bothering you?
clarry: It would not bother me at all. If GOG wants to stack the shelves with the kind of anime dudes I find in my sister's room, I'm all for it. I won't be buying it, but I wouldn't take it away from anyone who wants it.
I'm glad you're all for it, but please keep in mind that there is a difference between spotting a game/movie/book or whatever sexualizing your gender once in a while and experiencing it every day your whole life. It's not a very nice feeling.
Shannqa: (...)
I want to be asexual too, but it's hard... it's really hard. Could you help me to overcome the desire of looking at erotic games? And how?