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high rated
It's been a while since I did a formal giveaway, so I've decided to do one to celebrate nothing in particular.

In designing this giveaway I have shamelessly borrowed from some masters of the genre (specifically, Phc7006, _Slaugh_, bler144, ZFR). Thank you for the ideas. I am also using this opportunity to shamelessly promote MaGog.

The short version:
I (with the help of MaGog) have randomly picked a GOG game. You need to guess which one. The first to guess correctly wins the giveaway. The prize is one game of my choice from your (the winner's) public GOG wishlist.
[Note: This is similar to Phc7006's scheme, if you've played it before, but the game you win is not the game you guessed, so don't limit yourself to your wishlist].

The long version (a.k.a. the rules):
1) To be eligible to win, you must have a positive forum presence for at least a few months. By positive presence I mean being generally nice to other people, answering questions, offering advice, maintaining lists, harmlessly joking around, playing non-giveaway forum games, searching for Ricky, complaining about the hardships of life on GOG, that sort of thing.
[Note: Don't be obtuse and don't be coy. You know if you fit this description or not.]

2) To be eligible to win, you must have a public GOG wishlist. This means that your wishlist should be set to "Share wishlist with: EVERYONE".
[Note: Otherwise I cannot see your wishlist to pick a gift, since I cannot accept friend requests (my friends page yields nothing but gogbears since 22 May and GOG has no interest in fixing it)]

3) To be eligible to win, you must have at least three games on your public GOG wishlist, at least one of which costs $10 or less.
[Note: So don't even think of having a wishlist with just one item: Pillars of Eternity Royal Edition]

4) To be eligible to win, you must be listed in the Directory of Public Wishlists. This means that your name has to be listed in this post. If it is already there, great. If not, follow the instructions here to get yourself listed.
[Note: This is one aspect of promoting MaGog, originally devised by bler144]

5) If you are not eligible to win (or simply do not want to get a gift), you may still participate but will need to do it for someone else (i.e. if you guess correctly, that someone else will get the prize). That someone else must be eligible. To play for someone else, simply post "I'm in for...". Once is enough, unless you wish each of your guesses to be for someone else.
[Note: I believe you cannot know whether someone has a public wishlist if he or she is your friend on GOG without asking him or her]

6) You may not participate for mrkgnao.
[Note: This is known as "The ZFR Gambit"]

7) If you are not eligible to win and do not wish to participate for someone else, please do not guess, as this will make my life difficult should you guess correctly. Please.
[Note: Ineligible posts will be silently ignored]

8) You may guess once every two hours.
[Note: The easiest way to determine this is to make sure that your last post reads "posted 2 hours ago" (or more)]

9) Do not edit your posts.
[Note: An edited post will be silently ignored]

10) If possible, highlight the game name in bold.
[Note: If you forget, no big deal, but don't edit your posts]

11) The game name you post must be readily identifiable as exactly one item on GOG's current or past catalogue. For example "Witcher 2" is OK, although "Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings, The - Enhanced Edition" is preferable. However, "Witcher 3" is not, for it may refer to any of the following four games: "Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, The", "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, The - Expansion Pass", "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, The - Free DLC Program", or "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, The - Game + Expansion Pass". Obviously, "The Witcher" is even more invalid. For best results, copy-paste the name from GOG or MaGog.
[Note: An invalid name will be silently ignored]

12) Once a day, I will post a new clue about the game. I will also list all the clues in the following post (post #2). I will try to post new clues around morning/noon US time (which would be afternoon/evening Europe time, etc.). Do note that you may find it difficult to make use of the clues if you don't know how to employ MaGog, but fear not, I am sure people will be glad to offer a helping hand.
[Note: This is similar to _Slaugh_'s scheme, except no one gets murdered]

13) Please do not downvote any post in this thread. Please do not argue about the eligibility or ineligibility of anyone. Please do not mention the word "scam" or any of its declensions. Play nice.
[Note: Please]

14) You may draw other people's attention (or your own) to specific rules, if you see someone doesn't get it.
[Note: No mafia elves will be employed in this thread]

15) If you realise that your latest guess cannot be right (e.g. contradicts one of the clues), you may guess again without waiting the full two hours. Just add an explanation why the previous guess was invalid when you make the new guess.
[Note: The previous guess will be silently ignored (even if it happens to be correct)]

16) Have fun.

Post edited August 18, 2015 by mrkgnao
Clue #1: The mystery game is a game in the widest possible GOG sense of the word. Specifically, it is one of the 1189 items on GOG's current catalogue or one of the 24 items previously found on GOG's catalogue but since removed. This means it could be a regular game, a bundle of games, a DLC, a separately sold soundtrack, a season pass, a digital comics, a premium edition, a standard edition, an upcoming game, a removed game, etc. It cannot be a movie. It cannot be a pipe.

Clue #2: It is not Nekro.

Clue #3: GOG does not list Japanese as a supported language for this game.

Clue #4: The game has not been unbundled by GOG.

Clue #5: The game has last been on sale in 2015 with a discount of 60% or more.

Clue #6: When the game was added to GOG, it was already at least 5 years old.

Clue #7: According to GOG, the game works on all five recent versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10)

Last Clue: The game has a star rating of less than 4.2
Post edited August 21, 2015 by mrkgnao
Finally an interesting ga. Thank you very much mrkgnao.

My first guess is : ANNO 1602 A.D.

Ok, 1 guess down, 1212 to go............
Ooooh guessing giveaway! Yay! ;)

What better way to guess than to use MaGoG's random function? Maybe it will hit the same gane twice...

First guess is:
Legacy of Kain: Defiance
Based on your wishlist I guess that you bought an RPG or a Strategy game.
not in
amrit9037: Based on your wishlist I guess that you bought an RPG or a Strategy game.
not in
I didn't buy anything yet. I will buy the gift once someone wins by selecting a game from his or her wishlist.
Nice set of rules! I wonder how many will be "tricked" into believing the giveaway works in another way...

Maybe when there are enough clues to compose a nice riddle I will try a serious guess.
For now, just on principle, I will name the game I most regret to have missed before it has been removed from the catalog. Seeing the "last chance" promo page slowly expire was a pain... who knows, maybe now I can transform bad luck in good luck!

My guess: Arma 2: Combined Operations

Thank you for the entertaining contest! :)
Awesome contest :-) My guess:Outlaws + A Handful of Missions.
My guess Grim Fandango Remastered
Not in but thanks :)
Thank you for the giveaway and +1. :) Not in, because I was already horribly lucky in the MG4E. Will probably continue in making lists and/or excluding hint-based games, though.

BTW, why is there no note to rule#15? :P
I'm in as well! Thanks a lot for your generosity mrkgnao and +1!

1st guess: Arma Gold Edition (removed game)
Edit: will add something later as I've edited my post already. Smartphones are not that smart. Or their users. Definitely one user ; P
Post edited August 17, 2015 by Ghorpm
My 1st guess would be Fallout 2
Jack Orlando: A Cinematic Adventure - Director's Cut
fun giveaway, thanks ;)