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I was just remembering how I was out walking around in some barren area, and I stumbled across pieces of paper lying on the ground. They were blank, but it almost seemed like they left a trail that might eventually lead somewhere. I remember picking up a few, but then I headed off to continue whatever quest I had been working on, and I never found them again. Over the years since then, I've occasionally thought about that paper trail (ha!) and wondered what that was about.

It occurred to me that I have a forum full of gamers here, and maybe one of you might have a clue.

What was the deal with those pieces of paper, out in the middle of nowhere just laying there?
Bookwyrm627: I was just remembering how I was out walking around in some barren area, and I stumbled across pieces of paper lying on the ground. They were blank, but it almost seemed like they left a trail that might eventually lead somewhere. I remember picking up a few, but then I headed off to continue whatever quest I had been working on, and I never found them again. Over the years since then, I've occasionally thought about that paper trail (ha!) and wondered what that was about.

It occurred to me that I have a forum full of gamers here, and maybe one of you might have a clue.

What was the deal with those pieces of paper, out in the middle of nowhere just laying there?
My bad. I'm one of those gamers that when playing an rpg I PICK. UP. EVERYTHING. I ended up with a bunch of blank pieces of paper and didn't know good they were so I just dropped them on the ground out in the middle of nowhere. I figured no one would ever know about my littering but it seems I've been busted.

To seriously answer your question, it's scary how many hours I have in that game but I don't recall seeing that.

ADDED: DAMMIT... now you went and did it. Now I'm firing up Morrowind again. shit. There goes my next six months...
Post edited December 06, 2017 by OldFatGuy
If those pieces of paper are blank, you can enchant them and make custom scrolls.

Unfortunately, I believe it is too expensive for this to be practical, not to mention the fact that I am not aware of any respawning or infinite source of those blank pieces of paper; you're better off enchanting other items in order to get a reusable enchantment.
dtgreene: If those pieces of paper are blank, you can enchant them and make custom scrolls.
Can;t you do that with any blank paper you find? It's been a while but if I remember. there is blank paper everywhere in that game, even right where you start/register
Without knowing what area you were in (sounds like you were just a bit north, and east from Vivec City in the badlands there but not certain) I can't say for certain, but there are a few places in Morrowind where there are items left in a haphazard line, and if you follow them they take you to a quest item, NPC, or location.

Morrowind isn't terribly hand-holdy, so you sort of need to jump on those clues when they come up. If you're where I think you are, those pieces of paper would have led you to a scholar who got himself in over his head with some local wildlife.
This sounds really cool! Were you using any mods?
OneFiercePuppy: Morrowind isn't terribly hand-holdy, so you sort of need to jump on those clues when they come up.
Now ther's the understatement of the fucking millenium:D My experience is that if you don't at least sometimes consult an online map or walkthrough of some kind Morrowind will fuck you over hard and often. It's probably the only game where I've actaully had the quest giving NPCs give me wrong directions:D And even if you're going in the right direction, whatever you're looking for may easily be obscured from view, and you'll just walk by, without knowing. You may very well walk a quarter of the map before you realise something's wrong.
Post edited December 06, 2017 by Breja
I seem to recall such a trail south of Tel Uvirith ('Uvirith's grave' on the map), by the streams of lava. I can't recall making much sense of it; at one end I seem to recall that there are a couple of hostile ashlanders nearby—perhaps they did something to the owner of the book?

Edit: added a picture of where I believe the trail is. BTW, I found it playing with only official content + unofficial patch, so I'm pretty sure it's not mod related.
Post edited December 06, 2017 by MightyPinecone
Bookwyrm627: I was just remembering how I was out walking around in some barren area, and I stumbled across pieces of paper lying on the ground. They were blank, but it almost seemed like they left a trail that might eventually lead somewhere. I remember picking up a few, but then I headed off to continue whatever quest I had been working on, and I never found them again. Over the years since then, I've occasionally thought about that paper trail (ha!) and wondered what that was about.

It occurred to me that I have a forum full of gamers here, and maybe one of you might have a clue.

What was the deal with those pieces of paper, out in the middle of nowhere just laying there?
i pick up everything in rpg games THOU SHALL NOT LEAVE ANYTHING BEHIND..MUST PICK UP ALL

*inventory filled* too collectivee to drop items so i go to the nearest shop too sell em if no shop i fast travel xD LEAVE NOTHING BEHIND
OldFatGuy: My bad. I'm one of those gamers that when playing an rpg I PICK. UP. EVERYTHING. I ended up with a bunch of blank pieces of paper and didn't know good they were so I just dropped them on the ground out in the middle of nowhere. I figured no one would ever know about my littering but it seems I've been busted.

I considered marking this thread as a question. If I had, this post would have been the answer.
OldFatGuy: To seriously answer your question, it's scary how many hours I have in that game but I don't recall seeing that.

ADDED: DAMMIT... now you went and did it. Now I'm firing up Morrowind again. shit. There goes my next six months...
I think I got to level 15 before I delivered that package you are given at the start of the game.

Somewhere around level 40-50, and after months of consistent play time, I finally decided to just make a hard push to finish the main quest and start playing other things again. I two shotted the "final boss".

I had the GOTY edition, and I never even got to the two expansions. So. Much. Content. I had to make the decision to stop letting it consume all my game time, and more than half the continent showed that I hadn't so much as stepped into the area.

One of my early deaths was delivered by the person in the Seyda Need lighthouse using just their fists. Kind of embarrassing. Other early deaths generally revolved around the "eaten by wildlife" theme.
OneFiercePuppy: Without knowing what area you were in (sounds like you were just a bit north, and east from Vivec City in the badlands there but not certain) I can't say for certain, but there are a few places in Morrowind where there are items left in a haphazard line, and if you follow them they take you to a quest item, NPC, or location.

Morrowind isn't terribly hand-holdy, so you sort of need to jump on those clues when they come up. If you're where I think you are, those pieces of paper would have led you to a scholar who got himself in over his head with some local wildlife.
Huh. It has been years since I finally put it down, and I didn't think to mark the location on the map. I seem to recall terrain that made me think of volcanic rock, with maybe some streams of water in the area. It was also hilly. Sadly, that's all I really remember of the area, except for those piece of paper.

I think I might have been looking for someone? Or maybe I'm mixing that with memories of the orc from whom I took the Umbra sword.
MightyPinecone: Edit: added a picture of where I believe the trail is. BTW, I found it playing with only official content + unofficial patch, so I'm pretty sure it's not mod related.
It wasn't mod related. I had the boxed GOTY, but I never installed any mods.
SkelettalAngel: i pick up everything in rpg games THOU SHALL NOT LEAVE ANYTHING BEHIND..MUST PICK UP ALL

*inventory filled* too collectivee to drop items so i go to the nearest shop too sell em if no shop i fast travel xD LEAVE NOTHING BEHIND
The first dwemer dungeon, with its 50+ pound gears all over the place, cured me of that habit pretty quickly in this game. XD

I still looted like a maniac, but I also started using a bit more choosiness in my choice of loot.
OldFatGuy: My bad. I'm one of those gamers that when playing an rpg I PICK. UP. EVERYTHING. I ended up with a bunch of blank pieces of paper and didn't know good they were so I just dropped them on the ground out in the middle of nowhere. I figured no one would ever know about my littering but it seems I've been busted.
Bookwyrm627: XD

I considered marking this thread as a question. If I had, this post would have been the answer.
OldFatGuy: To seriously answer your question, it's scary how many hours I have in that game but I don't recall seeing that.

ADDED: DAMMIT... now you went and did it. Now I'm firing up Morrowind again. shit. There goes my next six months...
Bookwyrm627: I think I got to level 15 before I delivered that package you are given at the start of the game.

Somewhere around level 40-50, and after months of consistent play time, I finally decided to just make a hard push to finish the main quest and start playing other things again. I two shotted the "final boss".

I had the GOTY edition, and I never even got to the two expansions. So. Much. Content. I had to make the decision to stop letting it consume all my game time, and more than half the continent showed that I hadn't so much as stepped into the area.

One of my early deaths was delivered by the person in the Seyda Need lighthouse using just their fists. Kind of embarrassing. Other early deaths generally revolved around the "eaten by wildlife" theme.
OneFiercePuppy: Without knowing what area you were in (sounds like you were just a bit north, and east from Vivec City in the badlands there but not certain) I can't say for certain, but there are a few places in Morrowind where there are items left in a haphazard line, and if you follow them they take you to a quest item, NPC, or location.

Morrowind isn't terribly hand-holdy, so you sort of need to jump on those clues when they come up. If you're where I think you are, those pieces of paper would have led you to a scholar who got himself in over his head with some local wildlife.
Bookwyrm627: Huh. It has been years since I finally put it down, and I didn't think to mark the location on the map. I seem to recall terrain that made me think of volcanic rock, with maybe some streams of water in the area. It was also hilly. Sadly, that's all I really remember of the area, except for those piece of paper.

I think I might have been looking for someone? Or maybe I'm mixing that with memories of the orc from whom I took the Umbra sword.
MightyPinecone: Edit: added a picture of where I believe the trail is. BTW, I found it playing with only official content + unofficial patch, so I'm pretty sure it's not mod related.
Bookwyrm627: It wasn't mod related. I had the boxed GOTY, but I never installed any mods.
SkelettalAngel: i pick up everything in rpg games THOU SHALL NOT LEAVE ANYTHING BEHIND..MUST PICK UP ALL

*inventory filled* too collectivee to drop items so i go to the nearest shop too sell em if no shop i fast travel xD LEAVE NOTHING BEHIND
Bookwyrm627: The first dwemer dungeon, with its 50+ pound gears all over the place, cured me of that habit pretty quickly in this game. XD

I still looted like a maniac, but I also started using a bit more choosiness in my choice of loot.
SkelettalAngel: i pick up everything in rpg games THOU SHALL NOT LEAVE ANYTHING BEHIND..MUST PICK UP ALL
That's why I wish there was no inventory limit. I mean, even with the limit I'm already carrying a totally unrealistic amount of stuff, so why bother with the limit at all? Just let me have my fun and carry all that shit in one go!
SkelettalAngel: i pick up everything in rpg games THOU SHALL NOT LEAVE ANYTHING BEHIND..MUST PICK UP ALL
Breja: That's why I wish there was no inventory limit. I mean, even with the limit I'm already carrying a totally unrealistic amount of stuff, so why bother with the limit at all? Just let me have my fun and carry all that shit in one go!
i remove the limit on my elder scroll games xD

but i only ever did that once never again cuz i had waay too much stuff
scrolle through loot for 30 mins just to find one thing
Post edited December 06, 2017 by SkelettalAngel
Breja: That's why I wish there was no inventory limit. I mean, even with the limit I'm already carrying a totally unrealistic amount of stuff, so why bother with the limit at all? Just let me have my fun and carry all that shit in one go!
Another area Gothic gets right!!!

Yes, wholeheartedly agree. Instead of it being fun, it just adds a billion back and forth trips to sell stuff. The game(s) would be so much more fun without it.

And when someone claims "but but but REALISM" then ahm, no, bullshit. I can't recall a single game where what you were allowed to carry before becoming overencumbered was anything remotely close to 'reality'.
Post edited December 06, 2017 by OldFatGuy
Breja: My experience is that if you don't at least sometimes consult an online map or walkthrough of some kind Morrowind will fuck you over hard and often. It's probably the only game where I've actaully had the quest giving NPCs give me wrong directions:D And even if you're going in the right direction, whatever you're looking for may easily be obscured from view, and you'll just walk by, without knowing. You may very well walk a quarter of the map before you realise something's wrong.
I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I like having unreliable narrators in fiction, be it literature, film, or games. Not all the time, of course, that cheapens the whole experience but I like the way it gives a sense of personality to someone when what they're telling you is wrong by intent or accident.

And yeah, if Elder Scrolls games are quintessential Walking Simulators, Morrowind is a Lost In The Wilderness Simulator.

Breja: That's why I wish there was no inventory limit
Honestly, of the ES games, Morrowind's inventory limit bothered me the least, thanks to Mark, Recall, and Divine/Almsivi Intervention. You don't even need to be much good at magic to be able to learn those, making it super easy to mark your spot in the world, Intervention back to the nearest merchant area, sell stuff off, and Recall back. Often it was matter of like 45 seconds to dump inventory and get back into things. I understand the newer ES fast travel system, but I still prefer Morrowind's. Admittedly, I am a little bit of a Morrowind fanboy though ;)