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Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future!
teceem: If a show needs humanoid aliens; then that's all they could do within the budget and technological limitation. Even the aliens in Star Wars look like people in suits or just puppets.
Sure they could've gone with all mysterious looking blobs, but that would turn them into entirely different shows.
Breja: No special effects or "realistic" looking aliens are worth losing a performance like Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar.
That's so true. Incredible dignity sometimes collapsing into comedy.
Breja: No special effects or "realistic" looking aliens are worth losing a performance like Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar.
Oh, I agree! But in a show with bugs or blobs he could've also been great, without the rubber. ;-)

Check out the second paragraph I've added, with my view on why humanoid aliens are inherently less alien, steak or no steak.
Well, it doesn't take a degree to come to that conclusion - the word humanoid says it all.
Post edited March 17, 2019 by teceem
low rated
There is a new show, but I can't remember the name of it, about this super rich idiot who takes control of a country and uses all their money to build what he calls "Space Force"!

Oh wait, that's really happening.
Post edited March 17, 2019 by tinyE
Breja: No special effects or "realistic" looking aliens are worth losing a performance like Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar.
teceem: Oh, I agree! But in a show with bugs or blobs he could've also been great, without the rubber. ;-)

Check out the second paragraph I've added, with my view on why humanoid aliens are inherently less alien, steak or no steak.
Well, it doesn't take a degree to come to that conclusion - the word humanoid says it all.
Funny, it seems we wrote the psychology stuff at about the same time. (It took me about 10 min. to write.) Kind of cool.
tinyE: There is a new show, but I can't remember the name of it, about this super rich guy who takes control of a country and uses all their money to build what he calls "Space Force"!

Oh wait, that really happening.
Everybody loves Xi Jinping?
StarChan: If you enjoyed both those shows, you might like Stargate Universe, which is where they both meet, after a fashion. It is really well written and has a fascinating premise.
This one I haven't seen yet, unfortunately it's one of those shows that got canceled before they finished it. Will have to try.
Telika: And if you tolerate anime, there's Cowboy Bebop. The series and the film (which should be watched either after the series, or before the last couple of episodes). It's pretty wonderful, actually. And this comes from someone who dislikes animes in general.

Aaaaand of course of course...
I hear a lot of good stuff about Cowboy Bebop, so this is one that's on my list. As for the UFO one... THAT reminds of me of No One Lives Forever, haha. I've never heard of that show, but looks as though it would be entertaining like the original BSG.
StarChan: And then there is good old Babylon 5 from the 1990's. Production values are as you might expect for such an old show, but the scope and the storytelling are .. um .. out of this world.
Babylon 5 was awesome. I didn't care much for Sheridan when he first came on, but he grew on me. I couldn't watch it when the new commander after him took over. The show kind of lost its spark with me. Same with the Ranger spin off.
XYCat: You're looking for Lexx :D
That's the one with the insect looking starship in the first episode isn't it? The last person in that battle at the beginning, the shadowy bad guy recreates? I've been looking for the name of that show. I saw that episode years ago and wanted to continue it.

LootHunter: Since people here already suggested good space sci-fi (and yes, Babylon 5 has the best story and most well-crafterd lore), I would name a few good anime similar to Blue:

Neon Genesis Evangelion (I suggest TV-series, not OVA)
Tekkaman Blade (the one released in 92-93)
And Robotech/Macross - that's classics.
Grew up on Robotech, and I the first generation was always one of my favorite storylines.

Farscape, Firefly, even the campy Andromeda I enjoyed. So many options to pick from, thank you fellow GOGgers! I now have a new list to go thru with all the suggestions :)
ZyloxDragon: Farscape, Firefly, even the campy Andromeda I enjoyed.
In that case, since it was only recommended once (and buried deep in a poorly-formatted list at that) let me +1 the previous recommendation for Killjoys. It's got a humorous camp to it, doesn't take itself seriously. Worth at least checking out one episode to see if it catches your attention.
ZyloxDragon: Farscape, Firefly, even the campy Andromeda I enjoyed.
OneFiercePuppy: In that case, since it was only recommended once (and buried deep in a poorly-formatted list at that) let me +1 the previous recommendation for Killjoys. It's got a humorous camp to it, doesn't take itself seriously. Worth at least checking out one episode to see if it catches your attention.
I missed that one. The trailer for it looks pretty awesome though.
Definitely agree with Babylon 5 as a choice, also Firefly was relatively good (it's movie Serenity I felt was infinitely better), Star Trek The Original Series and The Next Generation for sure due to it's Shakespearean acting and tropes, and all of classic Doctor Who serials as well as the new ones all the way up to Matt Smith. Futurama as well if you like a little humor with your sci-fi. Battlestar Galactica 1978 is also pretty good, just the television movie is a bit long winded and boring.

Red Dwarf is one I haven't seen on here. I highly recommend it just due to it's fun sense of humor and how it's a slightly more refined version of Babylon 5.
Post edited March 17, 2019 by Meldaras
Blakes 7.
Meldaras: Red Dwarf is one I haven't seen on here. I highly recommend it just due to it's fun sense of humor and how it's a slightly more refined version of Babylon 5.
Post edited March 17, 2019 by Sachys
Sachys: Blakes 7.
Oh absolutely! I feel so silly now for forgetting about it. It looks super cheap, but the writing and acting are really good. Avon is one of the best sci-fi characters of all time.
Out of the Unknown.

The Last Train.
ZyloxDragon: As for the UFO one... THAT reminds of me of No One Lives Forever, haha. I've never heard of that show, but looks as though it would be entertaining like the original BSG.
Yeah, it's a very very odd series. It's oddly clever and dumb, it's set in the futuristic 80s imagined from the 70s, it's hilarious and fun from the designs standpoint, it's surprisingly dark and serious when it comes to the plots (sometimes downright depressing, not all episodes have happy endings), it's super progressive and super reactionary (it's set in an optimistic future where racism has been eradicated and where women's only function seems to be to fetch files and to carry cups of coffee around), and every frame should be a meme in itself. It's endearing, facepalm-worthy, admirable, advanced for its time, and ridiculously backwards at the same time. And the sets, costumes, vehicles and music are awesome.

So, it's really unlike any other series that I know of. I love it, but I admit a special fondness for outdated futurism.
Ufo trailer on yt

haha should've read previous posts :D
Post edited March 18, 2019 by superstande