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Did we loose any blues who frequented the forums ?
honestly just re-branding and continuing as good old games seems better , it creates a unique identity and as each year passes by almost a ton of games become old classics anyways
RWarehall: I'd expect that at the very least, they might start charging VAT in Europe. They would almost have to if they felt forced to reduce their cut below 30%.
4-vektor: How do you come to the conclusion that GOG customers in Europe don’t pay VAT on GOG games?

Every GOG receipt says explicitely “Please also note that this email message serves as your receipt. All prices include VAT if applicable.

And I don’t know of any EU country where there’s no VAT on services or video games.
But all these years that message has been, as far as I'm aware of, against the law.

You need to state to customers how much VAT exactly is, both in percentage, and in plain numbers. Just saying "it was there, if it happens to exist in your country" isn't what the law requires.

So whether GOG actually has taken any VAT from my purchases, and how much that has been, I can't tell, because GOG doesn't tell me.

Now that's pretty much a trivial matter and certainly isn't the cause for any problems that GOG may or may not have, but it's still strange that they can't manage to state such a simple thing that is required by the law. On Steam, you can clearly see how much taxes were, even though they don't show the percentage, they show the amount.
goral: You reap what you sow. GOG has been in decline for some time now (removing GOGmixes, banning for non-politaclly correct views, even their own employess like Linko90, forbidding JudasIscariot to participate in RPG Codex discussions, retarded curation not allowing such retro games like Grimoire etc. etc.), maybe this will convince them that turning away from your core audience will hurt them in the end.

Just read how many people stop buying here because of one game not being released:

Add to this that GOG has problems with patching the games (or adding fixes/patches) where on Steam developers can add them instantly plus the fact that many new games are added later than on Steam.
Having a look at Cleveland’s style of “communication”, I can understand perfectly well why they don’t want to work with this mentally unstable troublemaker:
PixelBoy: So whether GOG actually has taken any VAT from my purchases, and how much that has been, I can't tell, because GOG doesn't tell me.

Now that's pretty much a trivial matter and certainly isn't the cause for any problems that GOG may or may not have, but it's still strange that they can't manage to state such a simple thing that is required by the law. On Steam, you can clearly see how much taxes were, even though they don't show the percentage, they show the amount.
I feel so stupid now. Of course! I see what you mean!
Post edited February 26, 2019 by 4-vektor
liquidsnakehpks: Did we loose any blues who frequented the forums ?
Maybe Konrad. Can't find his profile anymore and he also vanished from my friend list. :(
high rated
Storm in a teacup. For all we know those handful of job cuts were in-house chefs and social media moderators. The gaming world has created a huge wad of chaff, and thankfully these lean times are causing some of the fat to get trimmed.

As far as what they can do do improve, I'd still echo what I've been saying for a while. Early Access isn't popular on Steam, let alone on GOG. Too many half baked releases, or sometimes games that are outright abandoned by the dev teams. That makes ANY platform that distributes them look bad.

The other issue is the release window for older games. Since they curate, GOG has only so many days or weeks of the year for new or classic releases, and IMO they spend way too much energy on AA or indie titles. There's a crap ton of indie and AAA releases from 2000-2017 or so, and yet week in and week out we see small indie titles that no one seemed to ask for. Ppl want DRM archive versions of their favorite titles. Believe me, if GOG releases Skyrim, The Sims, Borderlands, or Mass Effect trilogy those financial problems will go away.

GOG has always been the underdog in gaming distribution. They should be swinging for the fences, not trying to play second fiddle to Steam. GOG can never be Steam, so it should try to be everything Steam isn't. Funneling tons of money and resources into Galaxy/Connect is a waste of time. Very few gamers come here for Steam-lite. Even fewer want a social hub for their games that have a fraction of what could be offered at Steam. That goes for Uplay and Origin as well, though those are intended as publisher-side clients, rather than a catch-all such as GOG. Gamers want DRM-free. GOG should maintain that as their foundation. Online clients, preorders, and achievements run opposed to that, as far as I'm concerned.

For the TLDR -

1. Trim the fat. Get rid of useless positions, the useless workers problem will solve itself.
2. Early Access. Get rid of it.
3. Bring the games gamers want to an open DRM-free world. Games that we've been asking for since forever.
4. Stop wasting time with Galaxy and Connect in order to lure ppl to GOG who are probably happy with Steam as it is. (The old saying goes, it's easier to keep old customers happy than it is to make new ones).
5. Sales. Running the soup too thin. Sales should be timely but appropriately spread out. The law of diminishing returns kicks in sooner or later, no matter how good the deals are.
All in all I hope (sorry for the others and I mean it) that our ol' chap Judas didn't get canned in this process. I really do.
We miss you already man!
TentacleMayor: All this talk of backing up your games... even if GOG were to close shop, they wouldn't come out one morning and say ''that's if folks, show's over, all downloads are down, your libraries are erased, if you haven't already backed it up then tough titties''.
Exactly! People are not treating this with a cool head and just panic like it's the end of the world tomorrow. Kinda like the idiotic "doom-preppers" and starts ransacking wall-mart and the like so they don't have enough food and utilities left to the rest of us. Or cleaning out their bank account so fast that the whole economy goes into yet another depression.

It's like Emob78 wrote: "Storm in a teacup".

And then we have users like goral who "abuses" the whole situation by spreading even more unsubstantiated rumours to create even more fear and panic. "GOG will burn in hell for what they've done, AND THEY DAMN WELL DESERVE IT". Quick, sell them something you can profit in another way too :P

See, this is exactly why governments and grumpy generals don't view most people on Tellus as mature and ready enough to announce that sentient aliens exists.

*sigh* Oh well, back to our mundane life again...
Post edited February 26, 2019 by sanscript
Mr.Mumbles: It's funny you saying that since they started shifting focus earlier in the year you joined, dropping the whole "Good Old Games" moniker shortly thereafter. Old games hasn't been GOG's main bread and butter for years now.
I joined because of the the Good Old Games.

I was reading somewhere that at the time GOG were giving away Duke Nukem 3D for free (it was part of a winter sale.) I joined to get that and ended up getting several older games, one of which I was looking for at the time Shadow Warrior (the original.)

Its a shame that GOG shifted focus. Now i'm not saying they shouldn't sell newer or indie titles as well, (as much as I would love them to just focus on older games) but due to developers being brought out, or merged or closed down it can be very tough to get older titles, as well as getting them running on newer systems.

I would prefer it if GOG went in its own direction though rather than trying to be more like Steam.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: This is dire news.

Ruining the site for the 10th Anniversary was a really, really, really terrible idea.

Yet a simple solution was and is still available: roll it back to it's pre-10th anniversary state.

I really hope GOG starts fixing its issues and and stops making & implementing horrible decisions like its site 'redesign.'

It would really suck if GOG goes away.
This has nothing to do with the new storefront. That was an attempt, in part at least, at fixing the situation.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: This is dire news.

Ruining the site for the 10th Anniversary was a really, really, really terrible idea.

Yet a simple solution was and is still available: roll it back to it's pre-10th anniversary state.

I really hope GOG starts fixing its issues and and stops making & implementing horrible decisions like its site 'redesign.'

It would really suck if GOG goes away.
tomimt: This has nothing to do with the new storefront. That was an attempt, in part at least, at fixing the situation.
You're probably right. And in true gogian fashion, they fucked that up as well and it seems likely that they're doing even worse now than before the changes. We'll have to wait for the next report until it is confirmed whether the 10th anniversary revamp hurt their bottom line.
Rule no. one.
Don't panic!
Can't say I'd be sorry for the people that were let go if those included some or all of curation staff. If there's one department within GoG that more often than not did a piss-poor job over the last months/years it'd be curation.
Good riddance.

Concerning the financial problems - nothing too out of the ordinary to see here. And nothing to worry about either.
If I remember correctly there were similar struggles leading up to the release of TW3: Wild Hunt back in 2015. Pre-orders helped to stabilize and once released it certainly did its part with selling more copies on GoG than on other platforms.
Don't see why it shouldn't be the same with Cyberpunk 2077.
Pond86: I've seen that thread. But you just have to take a look at recent releases to see that we get alot more newer/indie titles than older games now. Good Old Games isn't GOG's focus anymore.
MadalinStroe: I wonder what positions were laid off. Considering the recent drought of "old" games that require arcane sorcery to get working on modern systems, maybe some of the old hackers ended up getting the boot.
Not to mention a good deal of recent old games have come from publishers/developers that have done the work themselves. Nightdive is a good example and they don't really need GOG to do anything else but to sell the games. And I suppose they do get the main bulk of their sales through Steam.
truhlik: Rule no. one.
Don't panic!
No one don't panic = everybody panic
Post edited February 26, 2019 by Breja
Tauto: Gog under pressure,no longer with my solution.Charge $10 a year for membership to use the forum:)
Nah, needs to be scalable. Higher price for members that get banned. Grandfathered of course.
Post edited February 26, 2019 by Braggadar