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If there are conflicts, GOG asks which version is correct. So far I had zero issues with GOG's cloud saves implementation
It's also very useful that cloud saves can be downloaded independently from the extras on your PC or on external storage. I don't think this feature is available on Steam.
low rated
AB2012: Games can only have cloud saves added if : 1. The developers still have the source code and are willing to go back and add the relevant "calls" to Galaxy*.dll's then recompile and update the game, or 2. If it's done externally on a source port level (eg, DOSBox). GOG can't force it into games they don't have the source code to, it's up to the developer to add it. 100% cloud saves isn't even true of older games on Steam and GOG really is no different.
That's incorrect: contrary to what that post says, yes, actually GOG is quite different in that it is missing Cloud Saves on plenty of GOG games, for which the Steam equivalent of those games do have Cloud Saves.

So, GOG customers are being treated like second-class citizens in this regard.

When I contacted GOG support and politely asked them to please add Cloud saves to the many Ys games on GOG which don't have Cloud Saves, they told me they won't do it because it's complicated and requires input from the devs. And that's just one example, but there many other games that have the same problem.

Yet, have the GOG employees even asked the devs to implement Cloud Saves for those games? My hypothesis is no, GOG has probably never bothered to ask.

And if GOG did ask every single dev who has implemented Cloud Saves for their Steam games to also implement Cloud Saves for their GOG versions of those same games, then chances are a large number of them would say yes and actually do it.

So why isn't GOG asking? Note: I'm not talking about newly-released games of which I'm sure GOG does ask about Cloud Saves for those; I'm talking about older games that GOG needs to inquire about, but seemingly never does.

IMO the fact that the post I'm replying to is "high rated" and the OP is "low rated" is highly absurd. That's indicative of many GOG customers co-signing with the idea that it's okay for GOG customers to be treated like second class citizens via not receiving Cloud Saves that they should be entitled to have.
Post edited February 22, 2020 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
Ancient-Red-Dragon: That's incorrect: contrary to what that post says, yes, actually GOG is quite different in that it is missing Cloud Saves on plenty of GOG games, for which the Steam equivalent of those games do have Cloud Saves. So, GOG customers are being treated like second-class citizens in this regard.

When I contacted GOG support and politely asked them to please add Cloud saves to the many Ys games on GOG which don't have Cloud Saves, they told me they won't do it because it's complicated and requires input from the devs.
At this point I really don't know what's correct or not. Some people here say little more is needed than Galaxy simply making a copy of local files to their cloud server's based on a database of known gave save locations (which should theoretically work without the games even needing to know about it, as GaveSave Manager already does). But if you're now saying that GOG told you "it needs input from the devs to work", then that openly contradicts that, not to mentions massively multiplies GOG's own workload (and makes it impossible for them to support games whose devs have gone out of business / withdrawn their games). There's no real reason why they can't just duplicate GSM style of operation without going out of their way to make things as complicated as possible. But that's the opposite of the advice you say GOG told you, so I honestly don't know what to think.

Ancient-Red-Dragon: IMO the fact that the post I'm replying to is "high rated" and the OP is "low rated" is highly absurd. That's indicative of many GOG customers co-signing with the idea that it's okay for GOG customers to be treated like second class citizens via not receiving Cloud Saves that they should be entitled to have.
Let's clear one thing up - I never said GOG shouldn't haven't feature parity with Steam for cloud saves / achievements for those who want it via Galaxy. What I said was - I don't want to see Galaxy forced into every offline installer until they've fixed the reported slowdown problems it seems to be causing with significant delays in startup time for some newer 2019+ game releases that use the larger 10MB sized Galaxy.dll's, due to it seemingly being the cause of constantly pinging a dozen network ports each time (in the offline installers - even with all network adaptors disabled in Windows). I'd rather see GOG nail down the basics first by making sure their Galaxy integrated offline installer versions of games aren't slower than pre-integrated ones, let alone 2.5x slower than the online-only DRM'd Steam, and only then add advanced online features after they've got the basics right. That is what I believe people were up-voting in my comment.

In short - you'd probably get a lot more support for wanting Galaxy integration into every game here if those newer "offline" galaxy.dll's didn't keep causing problems in other areas...
Post edited February 22, 2020 by AB2012
Alexim: I know that there are other programs to copy the saves, but honestly I would prefer it to be all automated within GOG Galaxy without having to learn how to use a thousand other applications.
That's one of the problems with society in general, though....everyone wants stuff simpler/quicker/easier, and as a result we(as a people) get dumbed down over time.

Heck, look at how stuff is made to be used with few steps, and is usually illustrated with colorful pictures and simple words(when installing things/building things/activating or setting up some devices/etc).

This is NOT a dig on you btw, but on the whole "simpler stuff is preferable because thinking hurts" trend I have noticed in society.
AB2012: Games can only have cloud saves added if : 1. The developers still have the source code and are willing to go back and add the relevant "calls" to Galaxy*.dll's then recompile and update the game, or 2. If it's done externally on a source port level (eg, DOSBox). GOG can't force it into games they don't have the source code to, it's up to the developer to add it. 100% cloud saves isn't even true of older games on Steam and GOG really is no different.
I'm not sure why that would be the case. All that's really required for cloud saves is a database entry saying where a given game keeps its saves. Lots of old games saved in their own program folder which should make it fairly easy. Galaxy already keeps track of when a game is launched through it (for counting play time, even if nothing like achievements or cloud saves are supported).
On a cloud save enabled game, when the game is launched, Galaxy checks the cloud and downloads anything it needs to and when it notices the game's process has terminated it then backs up the saves. I don't know why any Galaxy API calls would be needed.

EDIT: I'm not even particularly bothered about whether GOG adds cloud saves for all games or not, I just don't see why API calls are actually needed. I would think the main barrier to adding cloud support is simply the large amount of work it would take to catalogue all the save locations and test that it's working.
Post edited February 22, 2020 by SirPrimalform
Ancient-Red-Dragon: IMO the fact that the post I'm replying to is "high rated" and the OP is "low rated" is highly absurd. That's indicative of many GOG customers co-signing with the idea that it's okay for GOG customers to be treated like second class citizens via not receiving Cloud Saves that they should be entitled to have.
They are not entitled to any such thing(though it would be nice for people to have such).....also the way you and others throw around the term second class citizens all willy nilly just ends up devaluing the term....IMO it should ONLY be used for the worst things, not because of "first world problems".
Post edited February 22, 2020 by GameRager