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The patience of the titular necromancer has just been rewarded. As of now, Iratus: Lord of the Dead is a full-fledged DRM-free game available on GOG.COM with a special 34% discount lasting until 30th April, 5 PM UTC. Lead an army of undead to help the evil necromancer Iratus in his quest to reach the surface world and bring death to the mortal realms!

Also, you can now pre-order Iratus: Wrath of the Necromancer DLC on GOG.COM with a special 15% discount lasting until its premiere on 30th September 2020, 5 PM UTC.
avatar Also, you can now pre-order Iratus: Wrath of the Necromancer DLC on GOG.COM with a special 15% discount lasting until its premiere on 30th September 2020, 5 PM UTC.
The DLC have zero discount now.
Nice. Supporters pack and new dlc seem a bit pricey though.
Well, got this game when it was in development and really liked it. More than a Darkest Dungeon. Game mechanics are much better in my opinion. Will get DLC too, but right now going to see two new levels with new enemies. :)
kbnrylaec: The DLC have zero discount now.
Fixed, now DLC have discount in GOG. :)
Post edited April 23, 2020 by Andrey82
How is there already DLC for a game that is just released?

menh, game looks great, but that just speaks to a lack of balance and game design
yogsloth: How is there already DLC for a game that is just released?

menh, game looks great, but that just speaks to a lack of balance and game design
Releasing games as a functional whole is so 2004.
What is the difference to Darkest Dungeon? Is it a clone?
Good job :]
yogsloth: How is there already DLC for a game that is just released?

menh, game looks great, but that just speaks to a lack of balance and game design
emmmm. it's a preorder.
Oh, these senseless and merciless pricing policies...

'Iratus: Lord of the Dead" + "Supporter Pack" is cheaper than "Iratus: Lord of the Dead - Supporter Bundle" (not discounted at all).
Logic? Nah...
yogsloth: How is there already DLC for a game that is just released?

menh, game looks great, but that just speaks to a lack of balance and game design
There isn't, just an announcement, of future DLC.

No different than CDPR, announcing Witcher 3, and soon Cyberpunk 2077 Expansions, before game actually releases.

Basically the concept artists, and story creators finish therir work weeks, or even months before games release, and they move on to planning next content. or game, while devs are still polishing, and bug fixing this one.
Cheers to the devs!

Great fun game, I quite enjoyed it during the development.

All the best!
Andrey82: Well, got this game when it was in development and really liked it. More than a Darkest Dungeon. Game mechanics are much better in my opinion. Will get DLC too, but right now going to see two new levels with new enemies. :)
Could you please explain what the difference is to Darkest Dungeon? Is it as frustrating in the later levels as DD? Is it easier? Thanks for the answer in advance.
high rated
yogsloth: How is there already DLC for a game that is just released?
That DLC will be released only at the end of September, so right now it is only a preorder.

viperfdl: Could you please explain what the difference is to Darkest Dungeon? Is it as frustrating in the later levels as DD? Is it easier? Thanks for the answer in advance.
Well, this is "reversed" Darkest Dungeon where you play as an evil necromancer:

1. Your minions is just an undead without any emotions (well, if we don't count some funny comments in battle) so they don't get any random diseases or psychological disadvantages which makes game more easier and less random than DD, in my opinion. Also, you don't hire your units - you create them from available materials.

2. You are fighting "good" forces and this is where it gets interesting: almost all (expect construcls like golems or gargoyles) your enemies have two bars - for physical health and mental health. So, you can eaither kill them by physocal attacks or make them break mentally like heroes in DD. Your enemies can get psychosis and start attacking their friends, run from battle or even die from heart attack. Some enemies easier to kill, some die faster when their mantal health is targeted. Add that there is a some unit types (Banshee, for example) in your army which can't deal physical damage, but deal a lot of stress damage and you will get how complex and varied gameplay situations in this game. But some units can be very dangerous if their mental health is broken.

3. There is five levels of dungeon and on each of them is totally new set of enemies. First level - prisoners, second - dwarves, third - mercs and elves. There is 4th and 5th levels, but I don't get there yet (they was released only yesterday). This makes game quite interesting and fun because enemy abilities changes quite often and you will need to adapt.

4. There is four levels of difficulty, which is unlocked. You will be playing in easy until you, at least, complete tutorial. You will unlock hard mode only if you beat game on normal. And easy mode is quite simple in my opinion. Easier than DD because enemies is quite weak. Also, there is no random problems with your minions getting diseased or running away for a week or two. Or locking themselves up in brothel or church. You need only to heal them physically and that is all.

All this, in my opinion, makes game less random and difficult, but more tactical and diverse. Overall, I really liked this idea of "reversed" Darkest Dungeon where YOU break minds and bodies of your enemies.
Post edited April 24, 2020 by Andrey82
Many thanks for this summary @Andrey82!