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Cause there's no business like show-business!

Our DRM-Free approach to digital distribution has been the foundation of since day one and we're convinced it is now firmly rooted in the gaming industry landscape. More and more users start to expect and demand the digital content they paid for to be free from any kind of restrictive mechanisms that limit access to their collections and get in the way of enjoyment. We think this is a good time to take the next step in our quest to make digital entertainment better for everyone. Today we set out to spread our DRM-Free ideas across the movie industry! That's right: now offers DRM-Free movies.

Our goal is to offer you cinema classics as well as some all-time favorite TV series with no DRM whatsoever, for you to download and keep on your hard drive or stream online whenever you feel like it. We talked to most of the big players in the movie industry and we often got a similar answer: "We love your ideas, but … we do not want to be the first ones. We will gladly follow, but until somebody else does it first, we do not want to take the risk". DRM-Free distribution is not a concept their lawyers would accept without hesitation. We kind of felt that would be the case and that it's gonna take patience and time to do it, to do it, to do it right. That's quite a journey ahead of us, but every gamer knows very well that great adventures start with one small step. So why not start with something that feels very familiar? We offer you a number of gaming and internet culture documentaries - all of them DRM-Free, very reasonably priced, and presenting some fascinating insight into topics close to a gamer's heart. Now, what do we have in store for you?

- There's a whole new Movie Catalog for you to browse!
- All the movies we sell are priced at $5.99 (that's a launch promo price for a few of them), and we aim to have that as the main price point for most of our future releases
- Two of the movies - The Art of Playing and TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard are available for FREE, so that you can test our new movie distribution features
- Most of our movies are in Full HD 1080p quality, some in 720p. With those of you with limited bandwidth or download quota in mind, we also supply much lighter 576p versions.
- Apart from downloading your movies you have the option to watch them streaming online, right here on
- is famous for its bonus goodies - each movie will come with as many of them as we can muster
- You can expect subsequent movie releases each week

That's it. Movies is a go, time to get some popcorn!
I think this is great, as long as they bring some real classic and new big budget titles. Even more than that, I would like to see some sci-fi series here.
As a guy really, really into the nerd areas of digital video I must commend you greatly for using x264 with sensible settings, and an extra thank you for using CRF. Movies deserve to look their best!
While I am less than happy about new regional prices, I really dig quality of movies GOG is selling.

1. Various resolutions / sizes
2. Both stream and download option
3. H264 video and AAC audio
4. Subtitles available in both .MP4 and stream

You pretty much sell exactly what I want from movie providers. Not that it is that hard competition here as almost everything is region-restricted (no Netflix, Lovefilm here) and the rest is just a streaming service using Silverlight.
It's still really unripe but I think it's a great start!
I'm hoping to see the catalog grow a lot, it could fill up quite the gap.
JudasIscariot: That depends on them, I guess. I really don't have the details as far as movie acquisition is concerned :)
Sabin_Stargem: I recommend looking into the AVGN in particular, as he also has a commercial videogame on Steam, and an upcoming movie based on his character. GOG can do a cross-promotion between the game and movie.

The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures

The Angry Videogame Nerd: The Movie
I agree it would be a fitting place to release his movie, but we should probably contact James himself about it.
I suddenly remembered another short film from a Channel Awesome producer

"But if that's already there, why sell it here?" The creator, Welshy, recently mentioned that Blip has plans to shut down several channels, including his, so he won't do new stuff in the future. It could be good to distribute it here once Welshy's channel is removed. The film is part of The Uncanny Valley compilation from Channel Awesome, so probably both parties have to be contacted.

edit: also Channel Awesome related (I'm a big fan of and [url=]Chez Apocalyse, in case you didn't notice :P), what about Tommy Wiseau's The Room? No kidding here, the movie ihas got cult-following, and Greg Sestero's book about its filmation is going to be adapted by James Franco.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by rodrolliv
I would like to see AVGN: The Movie and AVGN Adventures (the game) on GOG.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by JamesBond007
This is a good start. What a great idea!
A wishlist entry:
Of all the movies you guys have, the only one I know was Bronies, saw it months ago out of curiosity being a My Little Pony fan (I'm not crazy for the word brony personally, but I do refer to myself as a fan though). I really hope this takes off though. DRM is the main reason why I haven't even bothered with digital shows and movies. I remember getting a free episode of Phineas and Ferb and My Little Pony on iTunes, hated the authenticate option so much, I just went out and bought their DVDs, which have copy protection, but at least I don't have to ask mommy and daddy at Apple to watch it.

That said, I really hope to see some form of animation stuff on here, as you probably noticed reading this post, I like cartoons and animation. I doubt it would be more popular shows/movies, still would be nice to have some animation stuff.

Wish you luck on this endeavor GOG!
Not the strongest start, but I like the prospect of more DRM-Free content.

Getting some classics in here would be amazing. Nosferatu, Metropolis, original Godzilla movies, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Secondhand Lions, etc.
Umm, this is weak. GOG now has unwanted clutter. Why not just start up a sister site for this? Please add option to hide this.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by flashpulse
Is this a decent message?

I often watch your reviews, and bought your first DVD some time ago - but honestly, I prefer buying my media in digital format. Would it be possible for the content of the DVDs to be sold through a digital distributor, such as GOG?

My reason for promoting GOG? Well, it has to do with preventing companies from controlling a customer's content - such as Amazon removing books from a person's Kindle, for instance. I feel that the best way to oppose DRM is through businesses and customers proving that such methods are unnecessary. GOG is dedicated to selling DRM-free products, allowing the consumer to own what they buy.

Financially supporting both your work and DRM-free is important to me. It is my hope to someday be the proud owner of your works.

May you have a fine day. :)
ginsengsamurai: I never understand why people complain about options. The Movie section is optional. The Modern Indie Games are optional. Everything is optional.

Someone mentioned if anyone wants to open up a store for retro games. Why? GOG sells retro games.

If you're not interested in buying DRM-free movies, Indie movies, etc, then don't visit the Movies' section. Just like when I'm browsing Futureshop and Bestbuy web stores, I visit the audio equipment section and ignore everything else. Why would having other sections deter me from visiting the website for audio equipment? Those other sections don't affect me whatsoever.
Id say the segment of customers interested in those types of movies would be really quite small to be honest. Lot of us find it an odd option to sell these...