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Activity Feed • Gameplay Stats • Personalization

UPDATE: We've added a new option to the Privacy settings in GOG Profiles - from now on you can turn off your profile on GOG entirely, so no one can see any kind of information that is shown on the profile page. This also means that when you turn off your profile, you won’t be visible on your friends’ friends lists, even if they decide to keep their profiles visible.
The option to enable/disable your GOG Profile can be found in your account „Privacy & Settings” options, under „Privacy” tab.

We just introduced a new feature on GOG.COM: User Profiles – a social way to share what you and your friends are up to. See what your friends on GOG are playing, achieving, and sharing across four sections – Feed, Profile, Games and Friends.

Your Feed is the centerpiece of your Profile. Here, you’ll see which games your friends have been playing, all sorts of achievements and milestones, as well as general thoughts, screenshots, and forum activity. You can dispense your approval at whim and share your own stuff as well!

Your Profile is all about you and your gaming accomplishments. It's a summary of your activity, like the time you've spent in your games , your latest achievements (and just how rare they are among other users), as well as a glimpse at what your most active friends have been up to.

If you want to know more about your Games, you need to hit the the third tab. It contains a list of all the games you own on GOG, together with stats like time spent in-game and your progress towards unlocking the achievements. Sort the list, compare stats with your friends, and get some healthy competition going.

Finally – your Friends: get a general summary of their achievements and hours played. Here you'll also see which games are the most popular among your friends right now, so you can join them in multiplayer or find something you might enjoy yourself.

Of course, your profile comes with some sweet personalization options, choose a wallpaper from your game collection and share a few words with the world.

User Profiles are available for all GOG.COM users. Your personal gameplay stats like achievements, time played and milestones depend on GOG Galaxy, but if you’re not using the optional client you can still use the feed, post in it and interact with your friends.

Launching profiles also means adding new privacy settings on our end. You'll find three new Privacy options in your account's „Privacy & settings” area. These settings allow you to set the visibility for your profile summary, your games, your friends, etc.
So what are you waiting for? There's so much room for activities!
high rated
MIK0: I usually thought that most of the issues were due to them being clumsy, amauterish or negligent in their work, but
Telika: Yes. Not only the privacy feature would have been very easy to design as complete, and not only the idea of making it optional could have been obvious, but also fixing it after the "blunder" (if it had been one) would have been very easy aswell and, even more, announcing fast the intent to fix it would have been even easier, would have meant a lot (sending the opposite message), and would have quickly changed a lot of things. At this point, sustained silence and inaction are telling of a deliberate intent.

GOG is not sympathic. It used to be.
I would be more lenient if it was a lack of skills, but caring and being thoughtful is a thing you could do even with average skills. So the lack of that and the clear intent of inconvenience their users is hard to condone.
I don't know if GOG was ever sympathetic, I mostly think that drm-free and all the talks about the importante of the community was all a gimmick. Their pr talk is all on that line.
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xyem: It might be worth trying to get this discussion out there on other platforms.

For example, maybe ask some people on youtube to comment (disclaimer, tweet is from a friend of mine).
lostwolfe: ok, gog.

here's the onramp to some publicity.

just potentially not...the good kind:
Jim Sterling, hmm, yes, he might create some traction. How about contacting Angry Joe as well and, let me think...: Ah, yes. The Register!
high rated
MIK0: I don't know if GOG was ever sympathetic, I mostly think that drm-free and all the talks about the importante of the community was all a gimmick. Their pr talk is all on that line.
I've seen, first hand as well as through historical documents, a lot of daring NGOs start with passion and ideals, and, as they grow, as the original founders die or are replaced by ordinary careerists, as professionalization creeps in, lose their soul and become a bland machinery, providing a technocratic version of their services without the extra mile of humanity, flexibility, originality. The same empty recipies are applied, in reference to the same fashionable experts, seen as the rational safe bet by people who would have been incapable of launching the movement in the first place, yet see and present themselves as their glorious heir, paradoxically proud of also being more conventional.

I can easily imagine the same evolution to be commonplace in other collective projects, even commercial-with-a-soul ones, such as GOG liked to present itself. Which is why I wonder how much of the original staff is still there, how much is gone or sidelined by proponents of "rational strategies" and outside expertises, how much of the original sensitivity, point and spirit, is still present under this label.

Could actually deserve a study.
Honestly I am pretty sure that Gog are currently working on adding new privacy options and are just waiting for them to be ready to announce them. (Maybe that's wishful thinking on my part but I don't think they are just "ignoring" complaints and hopping for thing to cool down on their own)

I just really hope they will manage to post something on the subject before the weekend...
high rated
boztix: No, to the majority of gog galaxy users we love it, it seems great that there are achievements, profiles, cloud save or friends list. The problem is that there is a minority of users who do not want those options and despite being able to do without them playing without gog galaxy prefer that others can not choose to have these options.

Because of those users, this forum is reduced to a few hundred users instead of the thousands that every day use gog galaxy and who speak in other forums dedicated to gog.
ariaspi: Mr. Boztix, the majority, if you're so keen on achievements, profiles and friends list, why are you using an alternate account here? You own zero games on an account made in May 2015. Are you the same Galaxy lover on this very account?
I have to start clicking on profiles. Not only does Monsieur Boztix have 0 games, I fail to find the long list of thousands of friends who want all those shiny achievements thingies. In fact, it seems to be closer to 0.

Yes, now THERE's a customer you want to listen to, GOG. :)
high rated
Gersen: Honestly I am pretty sure that Gog are currently working on adding new privacy options and are just waiting for them to be ready to announce them. (Maybe that's wishful thinking on my part but I don't think they are just "ignoring" complaints and hopping for thing to cool down on their own)

I just really hope they will manage to post something on the subject before the weekend...
One of the biggest problems with GOG is, that they always(!) follow the same scheme :
1) screw things up, royally
2) hide in the bushes
3) wait until the spreading wildfire sets the whole place ablaze
4) crawl out of hiding, apologize for the screw up
5) and then repair the things, that wouldn't need to be repaired, if they hadn't screwed them up in the first place.
Oof, there is a good bit of lag when trying to personalize things. It also seems like there are quite a few backgrounds missing, off the top of my head I'd imagine I should have backgrounds for both The Cat Lady and both Downfall games, but that might be publisher based? Otherwise, seems like a 2018 take on a profile page from a phpBB or SimpleMachines based forum from the mid 2000s, not that that's a bad thing.
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Gersen: adding new privacy options and are just waiting for them to be ready to announce them.
I used to assume that, and I kinda believe they have little choice but doing this (whether they realise it or not), but it's, in itself, a very dumb idea, as the bitterness and the damage grows. Images are not easy to repair (imagine, indeed, if a viral Jim Sterling video chastizes them throughout gamers subculture), nor are emotional gaps (you know how relationships can be irreparably damaged, at a level that no factual correction can reach). And what wll remain of it is the image of bad will, of reluctant fix. The more time passes before an announcement, the more the decision will seem to have been taken late, after the required pressure of lasting public outrage.

The time taken to acknowledge the issue is part of the issue. It makes no sense to not fix the sympathy leak early, and to let the breach widen beyond repair, if they were in position to at least announce a good intent already. As ther public identity is progressively falling apart.
RainbowDragon: @SpiderFighter, @HeartsAndRainbows and @all
I do get your points and agree with you that the list of non-buyers might take us nowhere. About the long list of gog's past failures and broken promises ... I guess I better do not comment anymore on that today... [...]
I think your undertaking is honorable, but whether you present a signed list or users simply not buying without any sort of public statement*: At the end of the month it will show on GOG's bank account. I think having your list in addition will present GOG's staff with some context but given how sloppy the site was managed in the past, I'm having a hard time imagining them suddenly going over each individual username listed and projecting expected sales for those customers.

RainbowDragon: [...] Almost 400 votes already by now - within 3 days! [...]
As someone who's spend more time with the wishlist than in the forums I can attest that that's more extreme than it might sound to some. The fastest climb I've even seen was for (Captain) Claw and the Jack Jazzrabbit games after LRG made his videos about those - and even then it was between 40 and 90 additional votes over the course of a week.

And in case you're wondering what I'm still doing in these forums:
1) I still feel for the GOG users that chose to stay behind, even if they are not okay with a violation of their privacy.
2) It took me some days to get new harddrive to store all of my remaining installers (Mac installers as well as some Linux installers and in some cases the native language of the developers.)

* Again: The majority of GOG’s customers doesn't post in the forums - at all. (Some of which probably because they thought even the public Online/Offline marker was too much. - I've seen regular forums which let you hide such things.)
high rated
lostwolfe: ok, gog.

here's the onramp to some publicity.

just potentially not...the good kind:
jorlin: Jim Sterling, hmm, yes, he might create some traction. How about contacting Angry Joe as well and, let me think...: Ah, yes. The Register!
Jim Sterling and Total Bisquit are my safer bet, but they are noone's dog. I think in general that press or other venue shouldn't be weponized. All we could do is inform them in they didn't already know, it will up to them if they want to tackle the issue or not.

Personally I would like someone with enough visibility to pick up the story and maybe sum up all GOG screw ups, just to debunk the fake image they try to keep regardless their real way of dealing with the community.
Gersen: Honestly I am pretty sure that Gog are currently working on adding new privacy options and are just waiting for them to be ready to announce them. (Maybe that's wishful thinking on my part but I don't think they are just "ignoring" complaints and hopping for thing to cool down on their own)

I just really hope they will manage to post something on the subject before the weekend...
I too think so. I believe they'll make some changes and then announce them in the usual pr fashion, something on the line of how they treat privacy seriously and care for users feedback. Expect it's a fact that it is not true. If they cared about privacy they would have disabled profile temporarly and answered users questions. Something simple and not that time consuming.
HeartsAndRainbows: * Again: The majority of GOG’s customers doesn't post in the forums - at all. (Some of which probably because they thought even the public Online/Offline marker was too much. - I've seen regular forums which let you hide such things.)
I use the forum less that I would because of it's abysmal quality and lack of features and usability.
Post edited April 27, 2018 by MIK0
G***** (

Apr 26, 11:31 CEST


Thank you for sharing your concerns. We have nothing to communicate at this point, but we have forwarded your feedback to the appropriate department.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
G***** Support
high rated
HeartsAndRainbows: And in case you're wondering what I'm still doing in these forums:
1) I still feel for the GOG users that chose to stay behind, even if they are not okay with a violation of their privacy.
2) It took me some days to get new harddrive to store all of my remaining installers (Mac installers as well as some Linux installers and in some cases the native language of the developers.)

* Again: The majority of GOG’s customers doesn't post in the forums - at all. (Some of which probably because they thought even the public Online/Offline marker was too much. - I've seen regular forums which let you hide such things.)
Well, while I'm not going to leave GoG completely, I'm for sure changing my buying/logging routines. Galaxy an all galaxy-related apps and processes on my comp and home router wil be permanently blocked from accessing the network and the GoG will be no longer the first place to look for games I want to buy. In fact, it will be a very last one. Which - given my current backlog and the current pool of possibilities to get the games - most probably mean that they will have to wait a rather long time to see my money again.

And as a lot of people already pointed out - this is a perfect opportunity to finally make a backup of my purchases here, which is a long overdue anyway.
Post edited April 27, 2018 by Mr_GeO
Mr_GeO: this is a perfect opportunity to finally make a backup of my purchases here, which is a long overdue anyway.
Shouldn't take too long with your account ;)

A few weeks ago, I spent several days with re-downloading my entire backlog (but I own a lot more games here).
gamefood: [...] PPS: When will we get overhauled GOG-mixes? For now they're still not yet usable to their full potential. I guess they're are more useful - and social - to people than this so-called "social"-crap. ;)
The GOGmix feature is no "longer officially supported". I agree that they are one of the more interesting and useful features of the site, but they didn't increase sales and are mostly used by users who are into creating and maintaining GOGmixes themselves. I think GOG's leadership envisioned them more as a sort of advertising tool, rather than something users could use to share information or tag games with telemetry and such.

That being said: At the end of the day GOG's support staff has been rather helpful and generally forthcoming when it came to helping out with GOGmix related issues. Alenko (LtAlenko) even went out of their way to fix something for me.
high rated
Trilarion: What strikes me as particularly unimpressive is how the whole GOG managements takes a dive after introducing this new "feature". [...]
Isn't that their M.O. in such cases. Have you forgotten how the Good news™ announcement went down?

Telika: Yes. Not only the privacy feature would have been very easy to design as complete, and not only the idea of making it optional could have been obvious, but also fixing it after the "blunder" (if it had been one) would have been very easy aswell and, even more, announcing fast the intent to fix it would have been even easier, would have meant a lot (sending the opposite message), and would have quickly changed a lot of things. At this point, sustained silence and inaction are telling of a deliberate intent.

GOG is not sympathic. It used to be.
Telika: I used to assume that, and I kinda believe they have little choice but doing this (whether they realise it or not), but it's, in itself, a very dumb idea, as the bitterness and the damage grows. Images are not easy to repair (imagine, indeed, if a viral Jim Sterling video chastizes them throughout gamers subculture), nor are emotional gaps (you know how relationships can be irreparably damaged, at a level that no factual correction can reach). And what wll remain of it is the image of bad will, of reluctant fix. The more time passes before an announcement, the more the decision will seem to have been taken late, after the required pressure of lasting public outrage.

The time taken to acknowledge the issue is part of the issue. It makes no sense to not fix the sympathy leak early, and to let the breach widen beyond repair, if they were in position to at least announce a good intent already. As ther public identity is progressively falling apart.
That's how I also see it, +1.

Gersen: Honestly I am pretty sure that Gog are currently working on adding new privacy options and are just waiting for them to be ready to announce them. [...]
So, some sort of Getting_Back_To_Our_Roots_Open_Letter incoming?