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Connect your Steam account and grow or jumpstart your library.

UPDATE: Last chance to grab your games from the original list! Make sure to get them until June 8, 12:59 PM UTC.

Want more games? We've got more games! Three new titles are now available through GOG Connect:

- Kona
- Defender's Quest
- Door Kickers

You can get them until June 13, 1:59 PM UTC.

Today, we're launching a new program called <span class="bold">GOG Connect</span>. The premise is simple: connect your Steam account and add your eligible games to your library.

Whether you're checking us out for the first time or have been with us for a while, <span class="bold">GOG Connect</span> gets you DRM-free versions of your games, digital extras, and a whole lot of freedom of choice (like whether you go with the GOG Galaxy client or not). It gets you our take on game ownership, and we say: why buy the games more than once?

Thanks to our awesome partners including Deep Silver, Harebrained Schemes, Jonathan Blow's Number None, TaleWorlds and more, you can now add more than 20 games to your library if you previously purchased them on Steam.

The full list of games will always be available on, starting with these and more:

- The Witness
- FTL: Faster Than Light
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
- Galactic Civilizations 3
- Trine Enchanted Edition
- Saints Row 2
- Shadowrun Returns
- The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

While <span class="bold">GOG Connect</span> will stick around, the available games will come and go. These are limited-time offers made possible by participating developers and publishers, so stay tuned as we bring new titles onboard in the future (and grab your copies before they go away)!

For a bit more library-building, a bunch of our favorite titles will also be discounted up to -85% all week long, including The Witness, Saints Row: The Third, System Shock 2 and more. You can check out all the deals here. The sale will last until June 6, 12:59 PM UTC.
First of, wow. Second of, seems to be having connection issues at the moment.
I wonder how many people are trying to connect right now .
I guess this is what I get for double-dipping :P However, it might be good down the line for those few games I haven't gotten around to rebuying here.

Edit: Okay, there's just one game I haven't rebought yet.

I'm expecting lots of complaints from people who didn't bother to read the FAQ...
Post edited June 01, 2016 by Ophelium
slowduck: . But they will automatically scan to detect Steam Refund fraude.
MarkoH01: I was wondering how often GOG will scan if some of the games may be refunded/deleted from your steam account. Hopefully not every time I start GOG.
Well, since you can only refund for 2 weeks after purchase, they only have to check once for your new titles. And if you're abusing the system, then I guess it will have some serious consequences for your GoG account.
Nirth: Can someone confirm if this is a one time thing? Some seem to say or imply that it's temporarily, meaning once they increase the amount of games they can add, you are not allowed to if you have already done it?
It's stated in the FAQ that the offer (depending on specific games) is valid for a limited time.
Awesome move GOG. Unfortunately I'm not going to use it for a while, because I only buy a game on Steam if it is not available here. And of those I bought following this principle none appeared on GOG so far. Still, great for those who have actual Steam libraries.

Cant wait for the day I'll use it for GTA and the Batman Arkham games, tho :-)
I've been trying for the last hour to get it to work. Used several browsers, incognito mode, ect, still nothing. I will wait and keep trying though because this is an awesome thing that you're doing GOG!
Nirth: Can someone confirm if this is a one time thing? Some seem to say or imply that it's temporarily, meaning once they increase the amount of games they can add, you are not allowed to if you have already done it?
I don't think this is a one time thing, as it states:

"The full list of games will always be available on, starting with these and more"

I'd say, from what I understand, that this is a new feature that from time to time will upload new games that can be retrieved from Steam library to GoG, meaning that (making up for the sake of an example) every month we get a list similar to this one with games that can be redeemed here.
What is the downside to connecting your accounts?
Breja: I have to say, I was hoping for something a lot less... steamy. Ah well, at least it's harmless.
Mr.Caine: lol how can there be any possible downside to this?
I just said there isn't- I said it's harmless, didn't I? All I meant was that since I have no Steam account, and no intention of ever having one, there is no upside for me either.
Nirth: Can someone confirm if this is a one time thing? Some seem to say or imply that it's temporarily, meaning once they increase the amount of games they can add, you are not allowed to if you have already done it?
Nagrarok: I don't think this is a one time thing, as it states:

"The full list of games will always be available on, starting with these and more"

I'd say, from what I understand, that this is a new feature that from time to time will upload new games that can be retrieved from Steam library to GoG, meaning that (making up for the sake of an example) every month we get a list similar to this one with games that can be redeemed here.
Current games are available for only five days after that you can't reedem them on gog anymore. This is a time limited system.
Post edited June 01, 2016 by Matruchus

I have a question that I couldn't find an answer to. So if I connect my account now and import games if at a later date new games (that I bought in Steam) appear in the list of GOG approved games will they be automatically imported through GOG Connect or I should manually import them?

I really do appreciate this, GOG. This shows that you're willing to take a small hit to keep your customers happy. It also speaks well of the developers and publishers that were willing to get in on this deal as well, so props to everyone involved in this!
Post edited June 01, 2016 by browndj3
Now it finally works after several tries. ;P
BananaJane: What is the downside to connecting your accounts?
None, you redeem on GOG DRM-Free copies of games they are currently on list when GOG Connect detect them as egligible (present in your Steam library)