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* Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora
* Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
This time I got The Blackwell Epiphany... I don't have The Blackwell Bundle. Is it any good? From what I get, I understand that Epiphany is the Final Chapter... Any good soul out there that would be willing of gifting me the other ones so that I can have the Full Experience? 0:) Thank You!

Post edited September 14, 2015 by REDVWIN
I always try to support GOG whenever they have the sales, but a pinata sale? New one on me, so I decided to do it anyway. I got Torchlight! THANKS GOG! Looks like a very good game, and for $3, beyond happy!!
* The Book of Unwritten Tales (already own it on steam, but don't mind at all owning it on GoG)
* Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora (I have been wanting to try this one, so that was good)
Back again with the refresh


- Sir, You Are Being Hunted
- Inquisitor

Much more useful this time :)
Stryder2931: I always try to support GOG whenever they have the sales, but a pinata sale? New one on me, so I decided to do it anyway. I got Torchlight! THANKS GOG! Looks like a very good game, and for $3, beyond happy!!
coffeecup: Currently there is a support ticket since Friday open for me, so I hope my reply to their answer is being processed soon (tm) ... well really, I don't think so that I'm not alone :)
Leroux: You can redeem each code individually though and the games will be added to your account only after you've confirmed the ones you want to redeem. Still a little inconvenient if you want to gift to (or trade codes with) more than one person, because you'll have to trust them not to redeem the games that weren't meant for them. But just in case this is what your support request was about, it should be no problem for you to redeem the games you don't own, and the other ones will remain on the code.
I just want to have my support ticket processed, the one game I don't own yet redeemed and the other ones converted into store credit :)

So far, I am happy with the pinata sale, though I got some games I was only mildly interested, but that was ok.
So that's how they get me to buy Quest for Infamy. Hmm. At least I only gave that dude a share of $3.
mrkgnao: Not bad at all, except that I am having trouble finding someone who doesn't have it yet and still wants it. It has been on many sales already (e.g. 80% off on GOG just three months ago) and appears to have been a popular pinata result. Do you want it?
real.geizterfahr: Ask support for a refund. Don't even try to give away Machinarium. It seems to be the game that everyone gets from the piñata xP
I still seem to miss an entry. Any idea what it might be? Or are there only 24 games this time?
budejovice: So that's how they get me to buy Quest for Infamy. Hmm. At least I only gave that dude a share of $3.
that was an infamous deal wasn't it?
Thanks to the tracking efforts everyone!

I know I'm not buying any Piñata's this time around. The only one I want is Hot Tin Roof, and it appears to be gone already.
mrkgnao: Not bad at all, except that I am having trouble finding someone who doesn't have it yet and still wants it. It has been on many sales already (e.g. 80% off on GOG just three months ago) and appears to have been a popular pinata result. Do you want it?
real.geizterfahr: *ahem*
real.geizterfahr: Ask support for a refund. Don't even try to give away Machinarium. It seems to be the game that everyone gets from the piñata xP
real.geizterfahr: ;P
Yes. I did reply to it here.

I find that every time I approach GOG support is painful. I will begrudgingly do it if there is no possible solution to some major future problem, but I prefer to avoid the pain if at all possible (and wasting $3 is better than approaching GOG support in my book).

Anyhow, I found someone who posted a pinata trade request and listed Machinarium as one of the "want" games, so sent her/him the code via chat (as a gift). Hope s/he accepts it.
I got: Eschalon book iii and Unrest: special edition.
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure

awesome roll for me =)