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I'd prefer Witcher 3, but would also be interested in Arkham Knight as a second choice.
I'd love to see GoG eventually get the Batman games, but aren't holding my breath. Played Arkham Asylum and was very pleased with the game.
I'm in for Batman Arkham Knight. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm in for Batman. Thnaks for this giveaway,
Thanks for the great giveaway!!

I'd like to be in for TW3.
Thank you for your generosity. I am in for Witcher III!!
I'm in for the Witcher 3. I've been watching the trailer with the Oats in the Water soundtrack everyday lol.

Thanks for the chance!
I doubt I'll win, but I enter for Batman.
Wow, thank you for your generosity. I'm in for Batman.

In for Batman, good luck to everyone ;)
That's really cool of you.

Would love to throw my name in for a shot at the Witcher 3, thanks.
Damn, this is a great giveaway. +1

In for Arkham Knight.
That Witcher 3 code is very tempting, so if I may please count me in.

As far as codes goes, you can do whatever you want with them (just don't post plain codes on forums, they usually get snatched up with ungrateful users or bots).
Not in, but +1 and thanks :-)
I am in for Witcher3! thanks!
That's a very generous giveaway! Thank you and +1.

I'd like to be in for the Witcher 3.