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I'm in for Witcher 3.

Thank you!
Might as well try my luck getting the Witcher 3.

As far as I'm concerned, you're free to do what ever you want with the codes. You paid for them when you purchased your card after all.
I find it really funny how so many people here are against steam but the second a giveaway pops up for triple A titles like Batman then that thread gets more than a 100 posts wanting the game.

I am in for Batman.

As for the negative rep, you can search my name and see that I get negative rep every time I support steam. I do participate in the forum.
In for both, thank you very much!
Thank you very generous!

In for the gog TW3 code... and if only to see my AMD 5770 crushed under the hairworks load... ;)

tort1234: As for the negative rep, you can search my name and see that I get negative rep every time I support steam. I do participate in the forum.
Interesting. You are in for the steam game and you defend steam. Why you are hanging around here? The steam forum is also big and a nice place for socializing? ;)
Post edited May 27, 2015 by shaddim
I'm in for TW3! :)
Hello there and thanks for the giveaway !

Count me in for The Witcher 3 ! ;)
This is very generous of you Orion!
I'd like to get a chance with the Witcher 3.

Thank you for the giveaway and I'm hoping you enjoying your brand new card. :)
+1 for the giveaway :)

And i'm in for The Witcher 3
Awesome, thank you +1

I would love to have The Witcher 3!
+1 for batman
shaddim: Thank you very generous!

In for the gog TW3 code... and if only to see my AMD 5770 crushed under the hairworks load... ;)

tort1234: As for the negative rep, you can search my name and see that I get negative rep every time I support steam. I do participate in the forum.
shaddim: Interesting. You are in for the steam game and you defend steam. Why you are hanging around here? The steam forum is also big and a nice place for socializing? ;)
Defending steam does not equate to attacking gog. Those are two different things.

I am hanging around here because I can. ;)
Thanks for the giveaway :D
I would like to try my hand at getting that there Witcher 3 code :3
ZOMG!! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

I'm in for Batman or The Witcher 3.
Thank you for the very generous giveaway!

I'm in for the Witcher 3.