LoboBlanco: Fighting passion?
I thought this thread was about gradually stop playing "Street Fighter".
Elmofongo: The thing is I don't know how to properly describe how I feel and what I think when regards to gaming. I just came up with "Fighting Passion" heck I was just going to say "Passion" only.
I'm quite a bit older than you, but I see what you mean, it's just that you started putting things in perspective, and let's face it most internet gaming-related dramas are not worth all the cyber rage they usually generate.
Don't worry, you're just getting wiser, shouldn't hurt too much ;-)
Anyway, as you become wiser you'll notice there are smarter ways of influencing the big publishers, the most important one being voting with your wallet.
As far as I'm concerned, I certainly haven't lost my passion for gaming but I did start having a weird relationship with video games.
I perhaps read even more about new games and gaming as a medium now thatn I used to, but of course with my work, family etc. I have much less time to actually play games.
What happens is that the little time that is left for gaming can sometimes become awkward as I'm spending way too much time wondering what I'll play next. I have a huge backlog, and I know all games in that backlog are games I'm very likely to enjoy because I've read a lot about all of them (plus I know my tastes quite well), but I just can't seem to decide what I'm going to start.
Kinda like a weird case of writer's block. Once I started I can't stop, I was amazed when I realized I had clocked 88 hours in Wasteland 2, I enjoyed it so much that time just flew so I know my enjoyment of gaming is still intact.