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Tracido: Great two people to report today, fun times for the department.

Wonder if stalking breaks terms here, hmm.
So using Google is stalking now. The picture and the Twitter account is one of the first search results when you look for Tracido.
Tecnniqe: I think the guy just need to Letitgo.gif

Seems to give a few hours of gameplay before it would get super boring/repetitive, but its priced at $20 so it seems fair.
Physics looks awesome so cant wait to see what mess i can make of them buildings.
tinyE: It's only $20? Shit, I'll get it for that price just to sate my curiosity.
That's what i heard.
"It's 16.66€ or about $20 for Hatred game and soundtrack or 36.66€/ $41 for Hatred game, t-shirt, and soundtrack." from steam FAQ so seems to be correct.
Post edited May 30, 2015 by Tecnniqe
tinyE: It's only $20? Shit, I'll get it for that price just to sate my curiosity.
Grab another game for that money .
tinyE: It's only $20? Shit, I'll get it for that price just to sate my curiosity.
ne_zavarj: Grab another game for that money .
Well I want to be fair here. If I'm going to fight over it I might as well have some experience with it, though I doubt my PC could handle the specs.
catpower1980: Ending Cinematic:
What a missed opportunity! I'd rather see something funny happening at the end ('I only wonder if...' - and then the punchline)... but it still has its cheesy charm of a B movie.
ne_zavarj: Grab another game for that money .
Steam *really* wants me to know that I can pick up some new waifu sim and all five DLCs for $20. I don't know one thing about this game but I'd still spend $20 on it before I reward the Hatred devs for being attention-mongers.
tinyE: Well I want to be fair here. If I'm going to fight over it I might as well have some experience with it, though I doubt my PC could handle the specs.
Well , it's your money .
tinyE: Well I want to be fair here. If I'm going to fight over it I might as well have some experience with it, though I doubt my PC could handle the specs.
ne_zavarj: Well , it's your money .
No it isn't, I have Dalswyn's Visa card.

Seriously it won't run on my pc and Steam is too big of a pain where I live so I'll pass.
Post edited May 30, 2015 by tinyE
low rated
Tracido: Great two people to report today, fun times for the department.

Wonder if stalking breaks terms here, hmm.
PaterAlf: So using Google is stalking now. The picture and the Twitter account is one of the first search results when you look for Tracido.
Right and I google others here, at all, now I got it.

First question I might be asked if I did is, why would I care?

Though, Twitter exploded, i never touched the thing before and the picture is old as fuck now account wasn't used until only recently from this mess. It's interesting, I only used it for the culture war research, mainly.
Tracido: Right and I google others here, at all, now I got it.

First question I might be asked if I did is, why would I care?
For example a user could act like a total asshole and you would be interested if he acts the same way on other places as well or if he is a nice guy otherwise.
low rated
Tracido: Right and I google others here, at all, now I got it.

First question I might be asked if I did is, why would I care?
PaterAlf: For example a user could act like a total asshole and you would be interested if he acts the same way on other places as well or if he is a nice guy otherwise.
Yeah. That's called asking, we have chat here for a reason, outside of threads. Hence I use it. I don't need to stalk others outside of here. Is it just broken or something?
Post edited May 30, 2015 by Tracido
We google one another? I wonder if people think I'm a deceased racer...
Gonchi: We google one another? I wonder if people think I'm a deceased racer...
Don't get me started on all the people that think Elvis is still alive!
Dalswyn: Whoa... bad beyond bad...In a way, this is the gist of the game: terrible VO with teeanage angst.
"I will do this! I will do this!"

No one speaks like that.
PaterAlf: For example a user could act like a total asshole and you would be interested if he acts the same way on other places as well or if he is a nice guy otherwise.
Tracido: Yeah. That's called asking, we have chat here for a reason, outside of threads. Hence I use it. I don't need to stalk others outside of here.
PaterAlf: For example a user could act like a total asshole and you would be interested if he acts the same way on other places as well or if he is a nice guy otherwise.
Tracido: Yeah. We have chat here for a reason, that's why I use it. Is it just broken or something?
Two answers? Is that stalking as well? ;)