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tinyE: Strangely enough, you don't have the right to film porn at a public library. I learned that one the hard way.
EBToriginal: But the courtroom has a flag with gold trim so he gets to go free and you owe him all your bitcoins and liberty dollars.
Okay your last two posts have made no sense to me, but then I'm half asleep.
EBToriginal: But the courtroom has a flag with gold trim so he gets to go free and you owe him all your bitcoins and liberty dollars.
tinyE: Okay your last two posts have made no sense to me, but then I'm half asleep.
I was comparing supremtin to these crazy fucks.
My evening pain meds may have kicked in as well.
Post edited May 30, 2015 by EBToriginal
tinyE: Okay your last two posts have made no sense to me, but then I'm half asleep.
EBToriginal: I was comparing supremtin to these crazy fucks.
Oh hell, I feel stupid. I actually know about these guys and the stupid flag thing...

Have a couple of those guys on another forum I frequent. They are an interesting lot and a hoot at times.

"I'm not driving, I'm traveling..."
Post edited May 30, 2015 by lepke1979
Well, that was disappointing.

The first level seemed so full of promise, the second made me yawn just watching it. That sewer level is repetitive on The Tick levels. So unless there is some significant improvement to the game over the weekend, it seems my interest in this game is gone.

Edit: Better explanation of The Tick's repetitiveness :P
Post edited May 30, 2015 by Ophelium
Hatred has ever right to be a game as depression quest

Plz reconsider this GOG I love this site I don't want it to be a wall for games I want it to welcome games but this and Wolf Games and hand full of other games your looking more and more like asses then a welcoming place for games :(
EBToriginal: I was comparing supremtin to these crazy fucks.
lepke1979: Oh hell, I feel stupid. I actually know about these guys and the stupid flag thing...

Have a couple of those guys on another forum I frequent. They are an interesting lot and a hoot at times.

"I'm not driving, I'm traveling..."
Sounds like you know some future federal penitentiary inmates.
lepke1979: I wish they taught they did a better job at teaching Civics in high school.

In regards to #2, it's not censorship. GOG is a private company. They can decide what they do and don't sell on the site. You can not like it all you want, but please people, stop calling it censorship or banning since this is not a free speech issue.

I'm sure there are better examples, but this is the best I can come up with at the moment. I have the right to watch porn at a public library. There have been a few court cases about this. And if I recall correctly, because a library is a public place, porn is protected. Whereas, if I were to go to Starbucks and watch porn on my laptop. They are allowed to tell me to stop or leave.

One is censorship. The other is a business deciding what they want their customers to do on the premises.
Supremtin: it doesn't matter what it is steam got burnt for that and now gog will too
Burnt how?

I don't care if GOG sells this game. I also don't care if they don't, admittedly because I'm not that interested in it. But you either have a distributor who is picky about games they sell or you have one that allows any crap on as long as you have $100 and enough friends to vote for it.

Sometimes this will mean the game you want isn't available. It sucks. But not enough to go apeshit over. Especially since this isn't the first game to not come on here even though the developers might have liked to be. And it won't be the last. But if it bothers you enough, take your chips to another table and hope to have better luck with the new dealer.

In the end, we will probably never know why it isn't here. As annoying as it is, GOG is right to not tell us. I doubt it's because it's too violent because in the end, it doesn't look any worse than a lot of games that are sold here. But honestly, beyond the sparkle, it doesn't look all that great either. But again, it's not something I'm interested in so my opinion is biased in that regard.

lepke1979: Oh hell, I feel stupid. I actually know about these guys and the stupid flag thing...

Have a couple of those guys on another forum I frequent. They are an interesting lot and a hoot at times.

"I'm not driving, I'm traveling..."
EBToriginal: Sounds like you know some future federal penitentiary inmates.
Possibly. Granted, sometimes they really make you want to pull your hair out because it gets to the point where you're trying to explain to them with a drawing in crayon. Plus it can get heated at times too. One of them is a Truther and there is at least one fireman on the forum who was at the towers.
Post edited May 30, 2015 by lepke1979
Supremtin: it doesn't matter what it is steam got burnt for that and now gog will too
lepke1979: Burnt how?

I don't care if GOG sells this game. I also don't care if they don't, admittedly because I'm not that interested in it. But you either have a distributor who is picky about games they sell or you have one that allows any crap on as long as you have $100 and enough friends to vote for it.

Sometimes this will mean the game you want isn't available. It sucks. But not enough to go apeshit over. Especially since this isn't the first game to not come on here even though the developers might have liked to be. And it won't be the last. But if it bothers you enough, take your chips to another table and hope to have better luck with the new dealer.

In the end, we will probably never know why it isn't here. As annoying as it is, GOG is right to not tell us. I doubt it's because it's too violent because in the end, it doesn't look any worse than a lot of games that are sold here. But honestly, beyond the sparkle, it doesn't look all that great either. But again, it's not something I'm interested in so my opinion is biased in that regard.

EBToriginal: Sounds like you know some future federal penitentiary inmates.
lepke1979: Possibly. Granted, sometimes they really make you want to pull your hair out because it gets to the point where you're trying to explain to them with a drawing in crayon. Plus it can get heated at times too. One of them is a Truther and there is at least one fireman on the forum who was at the towers.
You can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves in to.
tinyE: I was having fun in here. :P
Aha, you are a 'funboy'!
After seeing Totalbiscuit's video and other reviews, I can only be more disappointed in GoG.
The game is how every sane person who didn't act like a moral jerk thought it would be, a mediocre topdown shooter. There are many mediocre games on GoG... only this one got rejected and 3500 people voted to buy it here like me.
Ten minutes of TotalBiscuit. Been a while since I did that.

"execution cinematics are a little bit annoying"
"you're probaby gonna get sick of them pretty damn quickly"
"cars are usually a complete waste of your time because they're just far too risky to stay in"
"once you run out of respawn tokens, you have to restart the entire bloody level. Which is annoying, frankly"
"It just became a chore to constantly have to execute in order to get my health back"
"This is all you're going to experience in this game... to start with my list of grievances..."
"The respawn system is annoying and unneccessarily punishing..."
"I wouldn't mind it being so hard if you didn't have to restart the level every bloody time you die"
"The AI is somewhat questionable to say the least..."
"The gunplay is standard. What else is there to say about it? There's really nothing that stands about the gunplay that I haven't seen already in a hundred different twin stick top down shooters"

It goes on like that.

So the central thing that supposedly makes Hatred edgy are the annoying, non interactive execution cutscenes, anything that beefs up the gameplay doesn't work particularly well, it's difficult in the 'unfair' and 'demotivating' definition of the term, it's incessantly repetitive and the AI makes it involuntarily comical...

I guess that's what happens when you strive to make a game that's advertised as definitely not being art: You end up with something deeply conventional. Which can be seen as the opposite of controversial, I guess.

Nothing against GOG having this game in their store! Not that I'd be interested. ;)
StorkV88: After seeing Totalbiscuit's video and other reviews, I can only be more disappointed in GoG.
In other words, you've just seen the proof that the game indeed is not very good, yet still blame GOG for not releasing it? :-P Yes, the funny thing about curation is that bad stuff occasionally gets trough, not very often tho - most indies GOG releases are pretty good. Old games are different matter entirely, but also not very comparable.
Seing the gameplay videos on youtube this is just a zombie shooter clone with a couple of execution videos mechanic added and flashy graphics. That's about it.
StorkV88: After seeing Totalbiscuit's video and other reviews, I can only be more disappointed in GoG.
Fenixp: In other words, you've just seen the proof that the game indeed is not very good, yet still blame GOG for not releasing it? :-P Yes, the funny thing about curation is that bad stuff occasionally gets trough, not very often tho - most indies GOG releases are pretty good. Old games are different matter entirely, but also not very comparable.
Not a very good game and a bad game are two different things. The number of bad games and mediocre games on GoG is not low, but this is a subjective thing isn't it?

The demand for the product was here.. and still, they decided to ignore it...

They have the right, it's their service, I have the right to decide what service to use and I do have the option to write and express my opinion on their decision.
StorkV88: Not a very good game and a bad game are two different things. The number of bad games and mediocre games on GoG is not low, but this is a subjective thing isn't it?

The demand for the product was here.. and still, they decided to ignore it...
I look at it like every game on GoG has value to someone, which would include Hatred if it hit the digital shelves. That’s not a terribly high bar, but its high enough so you won’t see something like The Slaughtering Grounds here.

And yet, Steam seems to be the only ones with any real kind of power to stand up for Hatred. GoG won’t sell it, Twitch implemented a ban on AO rated games a couple of days before the game’s release, and the gaming press has covered it with articles like ‘This game about mass murder of innocents is not okay’.