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Who cares? It'd be another DRM-heavy product in a grossly overrated franchise by an evil company.
Post edited March 02, 2015 by mqstout
mqstout: Who cars?
You apparently, since you bother posting :-P

Unless you actually cars, in which case.. I don't know who cars. I don't car.
Post edited March 02, 2015 by Fenixp
Khadgar42: They are probably just introduce some new form of DRM, cleverly disguised as something else.

Other than that, people expect HL3 to reinvent the wheel, it's probably even worst than the DukeNukem thing.
Do you really think they want to fail so spectacularly?
Dude nothing could be worse than Duke Forever. Though if HL3 ever gets released and does end up as much I promise you I will eat my own keyboard.
mqstout: Who cars?
Fenixp: You apparently, since you bother posting :-P

Unless you actually cars, in which case.. I don't know who cars. I don't car.
Ford cars.
Well this topic hasn't been done to death...
mistermumbles: Yet despite of all of the R&D self-funding they have practically nothing to show for it. It's like they're endlessly tinkering with this or that and deciding to move onto another project before the previous one is even finished. Sure, Valve deserves credit for some of the thing they've done but it really seems to me they're wasting an awful lot of money. Good thing for them they're a private company. Any other business I can think of would have either shuttered their doors or changed hands the way they are doing business. Frankly, I still think Steam taking off as it did was more a fluke than anything else. *shrug*

Anyway, wake me up when they actually do come up with something meaningful.
Like it or not, Steam pretty much single-handedly revived and therefore became the PC gaming market. People complain about their monopoly, but it was right there for the taking. So yeah, it's hardly surprising they've got money to burn, given that Steam's user base towers over that of all three current gen consoles.

Will they release something interesting? Will all these things come together? The headset working with the controller and all running off the Steambox? Who knows? So yeah, can someone set an alarm for me too? My clock doesn't do Valve Time.
lukaszthegreat: They said once I believe that they chose the episodes road because make hl3 would take 13 years.

That's what I barely remember so I can be mistaken (and quick google search did not result in any links to the quote)

but if it is true they were speaking the truth.
Well, it might tale them 13 years, sure. Pretty much just another DNF even if they do release it though, I bet.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by Navagon
DreamedArtist: I feel that at this point if they bring out half life 3 it wont live up to the hype that everyone made it to be.
IMHO that already happened in respect to half-life 2 in comparison to half-life one. :) First one was a unique game with solid gameplay and a well constructed scenario. Second one felt like a set of stages showcasing an engine, rather than a coherent game / a well connected set of scenarios. Portal to me is the best thing that came out of the Half-life 2 engine (from Valve, at least).

But alas.
all i have to say about this topic
I think it will be some hardware announcement. I'm almost sure there won't be any more Half Life games in the near future.
Valve are the ultimate corporate trolls.


Obviously it is Splatterhouse 9...

blotunga: I think it will be some hardware announcement. I'm almost sure there won't be any more Half Life games in the near future.
I agree about the hardware announcement, but I have to also think that it'd be very beneficial to Valve to say... sometime this year or early next year officially release Steam Machines finally and do so having them come WITH their VR headset, and also come with Halflife 3 to use it with. That would be an epic triple whammy to have all 3 cross-market each other. Doing that with such timing would have great effect for them I imagine. Such a silent waiting game though... :)
Physics for Game Programmers: Physics Optimization Strategies
Sergiy Migdalskiy | Programmer, Valve
Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm
So it was a Source 2 and some Steam hardware announcements, nothing about Half-Life 3:
SCPM: So it was a Source 2 and some Steam hardware announcements, nothing about Half-Life 3:
They really can't get past the number 2 in anything, can they?