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Mafwek: Before I go in further detail why I consider your position to be nihilistic and "cop out" as you called it, let it be clear that I more or less agree with Nietzsche when he said:
Timboli: That doesn't change a thing if you read deeply enough into what I said, and you can quote anybody you like, and I know he has the respect of many, but is just a person with a view, and often a rebel.

Like most involved in psychology, they are way too happy to assign boxes and labels and simplify.

The universe of course doesn't really care about anything, and in it's subjective eye, nothing is good or bad.

We on the other hand are human, and do care, though we do so under the hood of many veneers, some of which assign good or bad due to loosely conceived morals etc. So there will be differences between societies. That still doesn't change what is right and wrong, and we aren't the universe.

Killing people is wrong, and anyone with a shred of empathy knows that. Abusing people is wrong and same deal.

Sure many dress someone up as bad and say they need killing, whole societies even, but they are all based on a bias that creates a veneer, usually based on a variety of things, and often because some are just others. Some do things to appease imaginary Gods or some kind of stupid concept.
And imagine what, not everyone has empathy or to be more precise compassion, so killing people isn't wrong to them. And to many others that compassion extends only on their close ones. Yes, you are human, and humans are also needlessly selfish and cruel, among the other things.

Killing or abusing people isn't wrong, it's cruel. And to recognize that those humans don't want to be subjected to cruelty is empathic; to avoid doing cruelty because of empathy is compassionate; and to fight against cruelty when it's hard and dangerous isn't right, but it's straight up heroic.
Mafwek: ...
Please read my message above yours :)
* Forum Mascot Geraldo: starts another weird af post
* Comments: intense philosophical debate

What the......
Post edited December 09, 2020 by MatchaKitsunebi
On the actual topic:
Gaming is far from doomed, its just changed.
However the types of games we loved in the 90s are currently having a popularity surge and the indie market is flooded with stuff inspired by our childhoods.
Keep in mind that the bigger devs back then had the budget of what today is an indie studio, so that is where you should look for your games if you want substance over style. The gaming market, just as the film and music markets, have more choices than ever and everyone can find their niche.
What has changed more importantly tho is that we are old fucks now and nothing has the magic it had when we were 13 years old, there is no way to get that back other than to stop complaining and try to focus on the positive aspects of your life.
Now if you expect Ubisoft and EA to start making niche, nerdy D&D games with hand drawn graphics thats a bit like getting angry at mcdonalds because they dont know your mom's pierogi recipe.
Post edited December 09, 2020 by RagingRascal
Mafwek: ...
ponczo_: Please read my message above yours :)
Message read.
Slow internet connection, so the message wasn't there for me while I was writing a response to Timboli.
MatchaKitsunebi: * Forum Mascot Geraldo: starts another weird af post
* Comments: intense philosophical debate

What the......
well that just shows how people can both own and totally subvert a topic made by the forum jester
low rated
RagingRascal: On the actual topic:
Gaming is far from doomed, its just changed.
However the types of games we loved in the 90s are currently having a popularity surge and the indie market is flooded with stuff inspired by our childhoods.
Keep in mind that the bigger devs back then had the budget of what today is an indie studio, so that is where you should look for your games if you want substance over style. The gaming market, just as the film and music markets, have more choices than ever and everyone can find their niche.
What has changed more importantly tho is that we are old fucks now and nothing has the magic it had when we were 13 years old, there is no way to get that back other than to stop complaining and try to focus on the positive aspects of your life.
Now if you expect Ubisoft and EA to start making niche, nerdy D&D games with hand drawn graphics thats a bit like getting angry at mcdonalds because they dont know your mom's pierogi recipe.
So you consider the change to be inevitable?
GeraltOfRivia_PL: So you consider the change to be inevitable?
Of course its inevitable. It is what happens with everything due to the nature of the current version of capitalism that forces companies into never ending growth and expansion. The corporate structure of giant publishers and dev studios doesnt allow creative or niche ideas because they have stocks and stockholders and thus always have to target the largest possible audience, which means catering to casuals. However as is the case with music there will always be people who are willing to create something out of love for the art. In my opinion its better to just ignore the media we dont like instead of wasting time getting angry about them.
Now with crowdfunding getting more and more established as a financing tool there are many reasons to be optimistic about future releases since devs are no longer so dependent on corporate structures as they were 10 years ago.
GeraltOfRivia_PL: So you consider the change to be inevitable?
RagingRascal: Now with crowdfunding getting more and more established as a financing tool there are many reasons to be optimistic about future releases since devs are no longer so dependent on corporate structures as they were 10 years ago.
Except that successful crowdfunding turns corporate on its third title :))
I've been hearing and reading these types of argument since the BBS were a new thing. I've been playing computer game since the 80's and prior/during that time I was in the arcades on regular basis. Over the last 20 years, I've stuck to indie and small studios games and I've been having a blast with the games that I've found along the way.

It seems like every time someone jots down these ideas of how things are falling apart they are usually messing around with the mainstream portion of whatever it is from comics to vacations to shows & movies and now video games.

I know exactly what I want when it comes to games so I stay true to that. I'm not interested in many of the offering in the AAA gaming market so I have no complaints about what they doing. They was never going to get my money anyway.

Find the devs/publishers/game makers that create the projects you like and try their offerings.

You're on the computer with a VAST amount of choices to choose from.
Post edited December 09, 2020 by Arcadius-8606
RagingRascal: Now with crowdfunding getting more and more established as a financing tool there are many reasons to be optimistic about future releases since devs are no longer so dependent on corporate structures as they were 10 years ago.
midrand: Except that successful crowdfunding turns corporate on its third title :))
And then you move on to the next ambitious young studio that is creating something based on that first crowdfunded title and ignore the guys turning corporate. People get too hung up on stuff they dont like nowadays. Its just the internet shoving shit we dont want in our faces and then we cant see the good stuff because theres shit in our eyes. Not my classiest metaphore but im sticking with that one.

Also literally this just came out in Early Access so obv OP is not the only person in the world who wants baldurs gate back
Post edited December 09, 2020 by RagingRascal
Don't worry, OP. Some good games still get made
People are in two camps: either "I don't see what the problem is, hurr durr" or actually being accurate in noticing that gaming has seen a decline not just in last couple of years, but arguably in last 5-10 years. I agree. The reason kickstarter became a thing, is because games that appealed to big parts of gaming demographics were not being made, like they were being made from 1995-2010 ish. Kickstarter became a thing in 2010. This is literally a decade later. One interesting point that should be brought up is that some of the people who "don't see what the problem is" may have easily not been alive during the good old days when AAA releases like CyberPunk, of CyberPunk's magnitude were being released literally every 1-2 years...FROM EACH STUDIO. You were spoiled for choice. The only game I have been looking forward to since CP2077s announcement's...was CP2077. This was 7 years ago. There are no deep RPGs being made, and many good genres like city building games, and RTSes dissapeared.
Humanity have played games for millenia. I doubt that is about to end any time soon.
low rated
Themken: Humanity have played games for millenia. I doubt that is about to end any time soon.
In a way, you are right.

If you think about it, all our life is just one large game. The man needs to play games (pretend they are tougher than they are, dress nicely, use perfume) to attract the female and sire a son. It's similar to the way we play RPG's. You need to assemble good gear and level to kill a boss.

So yes, i agree, to an extent. However, i don't think it undermines the purspose of my question.
Post edited December 09, 2020 by GeraltOfRivia_PL