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F1ach: Too Human, great game with odd controls, but when you get used to them, you wonder why more games don't use them, awesome combat rpg.

Alpha Protocol, just awesomeness on a stick, got a lot of unjustified hate at release, great game.
Yes, I love Too Human. It is a fun action RPG that I wish I had Xbox Live for when I had it so I could play with other people.
All the gundam games that came out on ps2 in the days had shit scores and reviews but I found myself playing them more then anything I owned for both my ps2 and pc.

Just goes to show don't listen to anyones review online follow how you feel about the game, Dont go to meta critic and other review sites to tell you how you should feel about a game! ;)
I'd have to say:

Alpha Protocol
Two Worlds
Neverwinter Nights 2
The Saboteur

I heard bad things about all of the above but enjoyed all of them.

One more I'll mention is Dragon Age 2. Not because I liked it - I was very disappointed in it - but because even though I thought it was a poor sequel, the game got a lot more hate than it probably deserves.
monkeydelarge: Aliens Colonial Marines. After they fixed all the huge problems, the game is decent.
Ditto. Out of morbid curiosity, I finally decided to pick it up during one of the end-of-year sales and I'm actually quite enjoying it. It's nothing I would highly recommend, but I've played worse. Lots worse. ;)
I remember The Godfather games getting pretty bad rep but I enjoyed the second one more then I thought I would actually.
F1ach: Too Human, great game with odd controls, but when you get used to them, you wonder why more games don't use them, awesome combat rpg.

Alpha Protocol, just awesomeness on a stick, got a lot of unjustified hate at release, great game.
Coelocanth: I'd have to say:

Alpha Protocol
Two Worlds
Came in here just like I do all "underrated gems" "great games no one played" etc etc to mention Alpha Protocol ;) I've probably said this to one or both of you before too, but I'm always happy to see it pop up on other peoples' minds as well.

Agree on Two Worlds and Too Human. Loved the huge amount of loot in both games. Love the world and lore of Too Human. I think the problem with that one was that it promised too much and felt a bit short and same-y. Needed a bit more to differentiate the classes and a few more abilities. If it were released today, it would have been a huge hit. Back then it just felt watered down.

Oh and I did like the "X-Com" shooter as well as the first Godfather game. The Godfather is one of my favorite open world sandbox games (I don't play that many).
You Are Empty. OK, so the enemy models are nothing to write home about and the voice acting is really fucking terrible. But it manages to be an enjoyable blast and has some impressive level design and cut scenes - this coming from someone who normally dislikes cut scenes.

Velvet Assassin. Pretty damn good WW2 Splinter Cell-esque game.

Saboteur. Rarely encountered a problem with it. Utter blast of a game. Its a shame the dev bit the dust after making it as I think that this game could / should have been able to keep them going if they were allowed to stick around long enough to reap the rewards.
Post edited January 09, 2015 by Navagon
monkeydelarge: Aliens Colonial Marines. After they fixed all the huge problems, the game is decent.
mistermumbles: Ditto. Out of morbid curiosity, I finally decided to pick it up during one of the end-of-year sales and I'm actually quite enjoying it. It's nothing I would highly recommend, but I've played worse. Lots worse. ;)
There are parts of the game, that truly give you an Aliens experience(obviously not the parts that have you fighting humans). For example, when you enter the colony on LV-426 and have to put up censors. Play that on the highest difficulty level and you will feel like one of the colonial marines from the movie, Aliens.
saith32: I thought fallout brotherhood of steel was going to suck based on what others said but I really enjoyed it!
You mean, that Fallout game for Playstation 2?
Post edited January 10, 2015 by monkeydelarge
tinyE: Nice thread.

Blood 2
Blood Omen 2
Blood 2 didn't get bad scores at release, actually I remember it getting better reviews than the original game. It has 72 points on Metacritic.
tinyE: Nice thread.

Blood 2
Blood Omen 2
uxtull: Blood 2 didn't get bad scores at release, actually I remember it getting better reviews than the original game. It has 72 points on Metacritic.
Really? Man everyone I know, including most of the people in here, despise it.

Who am I kidding, the people in here are everyone I know.
tinyE: Really? Man everyone I know, including most of the people in here, despise it.

Who am I kidding, the people in here are everyone I know.
Yeah, I can see why... I used to have a boxed version of Blood 2 around 2000 which I later swapped with my schoolmate for his copy of SiN. I have only beat Blood 2 like two years ago, man what a broken, unfun mess it was...
Blue Dragon
The Darkness 2. People seem to say it's average. I'd put it as GOTY over Far Cry 3 any day though. I don't understand why it wasn't a bigger hit. :/
I'll have to add another vote for Two Worlds. Love it. Even the laughably bad, board-stiff dialogue. "Hey, anyone seen the taint?"
Beyond the Beyond. Yes, it's difficult, the encounter rate is excessive and it's fairly generic in terms of plot and character, but I like it for its challenge.