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^ Can proudly show everyone that he completed Postal 2 without committing any (recorded) crimes.
^ He can be hyperbolic without a hint of exaggeration.
^ His reflexes, tactical thinking and quick fingers terrify Doom's monsters
Put all of his skill points into charisma and can defeat even the most ferocious hellspawn by just smiling at him and giving him an inviting look.
^ cause he knows IDDQD magic
^ secretly makes the REAL new Tribes game.
^ openly plays the REAL new Tribes game
^ can easily tell the REAL new Tribes game from the FAKE one.
^ they are true shooting connoisseurs
^ keeps the forum interesting
^ He knows who was good this year and who not deserved the presents
^ has been a good forum poster this year
^ Is really dedicated (as evidenced by their entries to one of the latest GoG user giveaway threads) :)
^ He dedicates songs to certain wonderful users here.