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Three pillars of Electronic Arts now DRM-free

No matter your personal take on the gaming giant – the many people, teams, and studios behind Electronic Arts brought us some of the most unforgettable experiences, marvelous worlds, and exceptional titles in gaming.
Each of today's three classic releases from Electronic Arts represents a pillar of game design: exceptional world building, mastery in storytelling, an admirable understanding of the balance between scope and focus. Straight from the EA Games vault, making their DRM-free debut on, are:

Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition — the birth of a universe. A complex, extensive universe of raw fantasy and imperfection which spawned countless works reaching far beyond gaming - from graphic novels and novelizations through tabletop games and more. The Dragon Age universe is among the most ambitious fantasy settings ever created, and if you'd like to get more acquainted with the universe, turn up the fantastic soundtrack and take a look at the comprehensive guide to Dragon Age by Kotaku.

Dead Space is a glance at a gritty, hard sci-fi world in a state of irreversible disrepair. This is a game where the horrors lurking around the corner are just as disturbing as ghosts of the past. The glimpses are few, but they meticulously paint a vivid world of dark, scientific wonders and despair – a world you barely know, but a world nonetheless worth saving. A world you will remember. Check out the animated comic prologue available here, as well as the OST on Spotify.

SimCity 3000™ Unlimited is more than the sum of its parts. It's neither the biggest nor the most elaborate in the series, but it's success lies in balancing complexity and accessibility to deliver truly exceptional and welcoming gameplay. It doesn't hurt that you'll spend countless hours listening to a wonderfully jazzy soundtrack (also on Spotify!). Whether you succeed or stumble, one thing is certain: your stay in SimCity 3000 will be… nice.

Experience three pillars of game design by Electronic Arts – the marvelous worlds, unforgettable storytelling, exceptional gameplay – <span class="bold">Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition</span>, <span class="bold">Dead Space</span>, and <span class="bold">SimCity 3000&trade; Unlimited</span> are now available, DRM-free on!
Post edited July 14, 2016 by Konrad

1) I am really sorry to the forum for my tantrum. I turned into every asshole I give shit to. That was way inexcusable by me.

2) It's working now Thiev, thanks, and I'm going to check out DonwloadThemAll just to be safe.

3) Finally. Everyone says SimCity3000 is the best in the series. Why?
My input on 3.) I think that overall 4 is the best. 3000 does have neighbouring cities right from the start though, with funny looking mayors that periodically contact you. That's the one thing I missed going from 3000 to 4. Other than that, 3000 has a more cartoony and fun art style, if you like that sort of thing, compared to 4 that went for a photo realism look.

I can't wait to give 3000 another go! I just hope there's enough how-to's out there to get the thing to run widescreen if at all possible.
kokosabre: I doubt that we gonna see Mass Effect 2 or 3 with the whole Bioware Points .
Pangaea666: I hope you are right. Enough shovelware here so no need to further degrade the quality on the site with adding ME 2 and ME 3 on top.
Well I'd buy those two shovelware games. Must have been some expensive shovels considering they are AAA titles in terms of production costs.

I must say this was quite unexpected! In a positive way!
tinyE: 3) Finally. Everyone says SimCity3000 is the best in the series. Why?
Probably the number, 3000 is higher than 2000 so must be better right ;P
Congrats to GOG. Maybe Mirror's Edge next?
Nice to see some more EA games finally come to GOG! :D

Maybe we will see Command & Conquer: Ultimate Collection in the future.... and Syndicate (2012)
Great stuff. Instabought all three.

It's true that Dead Space is a genuine ODRM-free premiere, given that even the retail disc versions required online activation. Dragon Age: Origins is a bit less clear-cut: the original game and the Awakening expansion were both ODRM-free. The DLCs, however, were not, making it an ODRM-free premiere for these.

Sim City 3000 has always been ODRM-free, but given that it's a fucker to get running properly on modern PCs from disc, it's a welcome release here.

The true litmus test will be whether GOG can get Origin-exclusives on-board: Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dead Space 2, Dead Space 3 among others - games whose physical releases were tried to an Origin account.
tinyE: 3) Finally. Everyone says SimCity3000 is the best in the series. Why?
deonast: Probably the number, 3000 is higher than 2000 so must be better right ;P
Works for me!

I loved #4 because it was so much easier. You could put power plants way the hell out in the middle of nowhere, totally inaccessible, but they still did their job. :P
Wow! So excited to see these great games DRM-free! Also, I thought it would be too expensive to get them all, but then I saw the awesome launch discount! Thanks GOG and EA
Huzza, Dragon Age on GOG! Hopefully there's more to come.

... although only half the official soundtrack comes with this purchase (18 of 35 songs) :(
Very nice, very nice indeed! Bought the lot as soon as I saw them.

Thank you GOG, and thanks to EA as well.
Very good releases ! :D
Downloading Dead Space and Dragon Age origins right now. :D
Nice. Not interested in Simcity games. Dead Space is a great game, but I'm perfectly happy with how it looks and plays on console.
But Dragon Age Origins is a must buy for PC, despite having put over 100 hours into the game on Xbox 360, it's always been a game I want on PC because the combat is so much better. And my PC can even play it too.