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misteryo: There is no demand for drm-free movies, that's why.
RawSteelUT: There's a demand, sure. DRM-free movies are easier to use in personal media servers and the like.

A SUPPLY, now there's the issue.

The most likely answer to "what happened to movies" is a lack of supply. GOG should have thought about where to get the movies before announcing the initiative to begin with, and the disappointing initial slate probably stifled sales and made the pitch much harder. Honestly, if they'd focused on indie film and not "gamer-focused" stuff exclusively, it might have stood a chance, but for your typical Hollywood studio, it makes more sense to just put out movies in the traditional way (theater, then streaming, then home video, and finally basic cable/free streaming). The system set up never really loses money, so why change it? People continue to rip movies from physical media, and even Blu-Ray DRM is easily cracked when updated, so there's no real need for a shake-up.
I guess even keeping up with Indies is difficult when it comes to movies. I remember there was the AVGN movie and now it's gone
low rated
TheScorpion: It's really a shame, because there is currently only 15 movies there. I own 5, 3 of which are not listed anymore... and the only one I've actually watched more than once is Indie Game The Movie which by the way is not a movie, is a documentary.

I whish there was at MK legacy series for example, and a King of fighters show as well, since Steam has them. Not saying that's mind-blowing or anything, but it is something
Agree. Video-game themed action series/movies would be great here
zeogold: Let's see...

What happened to the "Movies" section?
What happened to GOG Connect?
What happened to Reclaim Your Games?
Why is the Community Wishlist still in beta?
Why is Galaxy still in beta?
Why won't my forum avatar update?
Why does my account have a notification when there's nothing there?

...did I miss anything?
The question for Skyrim.

And yes, there might have been a lot of indie movies who would have happily used GoG as another distribution platform.
GoG decided to go for game thematic things.
There is not enough of that stuff.
There is not enough interest in that stuff.
And most of the movies were even below indie standards in my opinion.

I mean, why no Star Wreck, Turbo Kid, Kung Fury, Ijon Tichy series (might be only available in german), Dante 01 or Immortal.
Many of those would perfeclty fit the special interest group on GoG. Many are not big budged things and neither big sellers.

Don't expect anything from Japan here, they like DRM and usually charge a lot of money for their stuff.
Post edited March 04, 2022 by randomuser.833