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You've got a pickle, a snowglobe and a pool noodle. What will your legendary jailbreak be?

Many real-life prison escapes happened in ways one would not expect. Choi Gap-bok squeezed through a food slot to get out of his jail cell. Jack Sheppard was an 18th century prison break celebrity after pulling off the bedsheet rope trick a few times. Frank Abagnale actually convinced his guard that he was the prison inspector. Three Parkhurst Prison escapees actually created their own master key as part of their legendary breakout.

Compared with those, the task that lies ahead of you should seem like child's play.
You're in jail. Having managed to gather the three items crucial to your escape - those being a snowglobe, pool noodle, and a pickle - you must now conduct your escape plan. How will you do it?

The conditions are:
1. Your plan has to be possible to execute within 12 hours
2. You have to get out of jail in a condition allowing for further escape
3. You have to use all three items
4. You do not have help within the prison

Tell us in a comment how you're going to pull it off, but make sure to fit your plan in 100 words or less! Post your entry no later than Friday, February 20th at 4:59 PM GMT

- 1 post per person, any edits to be made within 3 hours of posting
- Winners will be announced no later than February 27th

We will choose 3 winners - each of them will get a swag bag from Team 17, publishers of The Escapists (incl. a towel, a hoodie and "prison soap") and 5 gift codes to aid them in their jailbreak ploy. We’ll also pick honorable mentions and reward them with a gift code each!
Post edited February 17, 2015 by
Aceso: be patient.
it takes some time to test all our escape plans.
RWarehall: How many snowglobes do you think they have?
The guard get smashed with a snowglobe, the guard gets beaten to unconsciousness with a snowglobe & the guard gets killed with with a shiv, which is made from the smashed snowglobe.
I think they need a whole supply of snowglobes.

But the real problem is food supply, you cant have enough pickles.
Bah! Gog, I am disappoint :P
Anyway, congrats to the lucky escapees lol
phaolo: Bah! Gog, I am disappoint :P
Anyway, congrats to the lucky escapees lol
Better luck next time dude! :D

* * * * *

This was the most entertaining contest so far, it was great to come back and read all these tales of prison breaks! Many thanks GOG & congrats to the winners!
Ciris: After many hours of testing and multiple gruesome accidents involving pool noodle poisoning, we’ve determined which escape plans are the most likely to succeed!
Wow. I read all the winner entries and am quite disappointed, because compared to my entry, most of them are not even remotely likely to succeed. I guess I missed some subliminal hint in the rules of the contest that this wasn’t about realism but about slapstick and lunatic escape plans. Oh well. I guess I better give any future contest a wide berth.
Well, if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing! Exactly 9.67 times!

Thank you for the inspiration! :D it was really fun!
Ciris: After many hours of testing and multiple gruesome accidents involving pool noodle poisoning, we’ve determined which escape plans are the most likely to succeed!
Falkenherz: Wow. I read all the winner entries and am quite disappointed, because compared to my entry, most of them are not even remotely likely to succeed. I guess I missed some subliminal hint in the rules of the contest that this wasn’t about realism but about slapstick and lunatic escape plans. Oh well. I guess I better give any future contest a wide berth.
I agree. I spent hours practicing spinning a noodle above my head to fly like a helicopter, but got passed over for completely unrealistic scenarios.
indeed, congrats all winners - and an interesting read to all participants. see you around.
That prison had serious security measures. After Butcher Bay, I thought this should have been a cakewalk!
Damn you, Government! If only you raised wages for jailers, I could have stolen a faster car and be finally free! XD

Congratulations to all the winners *and* to almost all the others, too! Plenty of epic entries here! :)
Congrats to the escape artists:)

Thanks GOG that was fun.
Grats chaps!

Prison soap sounds intriguing.
What? I thought my MacGyver blowgun plan was foolproof!! :P

Thank you for the honorable mention and the free game GOG, very appreciated! Also congratulations to everybody else that won a prize!

Definitely good thinking from Ikaris_unbound - I always assumed the liquid inside snowglobes was normal tap water. I'll definitively remember to not assume such things in the future for similar problems. :)
Thank you to Ciris and all the good folk at

That was a fun contest, you made us think, that's a special thing in the world today.

Looking forward to more contests.


Congratulations to the other winners and honourable mentions! It was fun to read the other escape plans. The prizes are excellent, but the best part is being free ; )