Posted March 09, 2017

Crazy Penguin
Registered: Dec 2012
From Canada

gog n' cogs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted March 09, 2017
Do we have a reason the removal was so quick?
Did the IP owner just realise GoG were still selling their game (Hey Bob! Where's this money coming from?)
Or has the IP changed hands suddenly?
Did the IP owner just realise GoG were still selling their game (Hey Bob! Where's this money coming from?)
Or has the IP changed hands suddenly?

Registered: Dec 2009
From Switzerland
Posted March 09, 2017

Original Grey
Registered: Sep 2013
From Germany
Posted March 09, 2017

I hope they're just hiding those game pages and not removing them permanently. If only because it would be a waste to lose all those game reviews, especially if the game comes back at a later date.
So, does this affect customers who already bought the game on GOG? Is anything being removed from their libraries?

custard tart
Registered: Jun 2013
From Portugal
Posted March 09, 2017

I hope they're just hiding those game pages and not removing them permanently. If only because it would be a waste to lose all those game reviews, especially if the game comes back at a later date.
So, does this affect customers who already bought the game on GOG? Is anything being removed from their libraries?

Laika's man
Registered: May 2011
From Congo, Republic of

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted March 09, 2017
Thank you DoctorGOGgles and CharlesGrey.
Games are never removed from the library when they disappear from the store, AFAIK. That's why I still have the old versions of Fallout 1, 2 and tactics (with all the bonusses), the original Baldur's Gate games, the Duke Nukem games and maybe some others I forgot about that are not in the store any more.
Games are never removed from the library when they disappear from the store, AFAIK. That's why I still have the old versions of Fallout 1, 2 and tactics (with all the bonusses), the original Baldur's Gate games, the Duke Nukem games and maybe some others I forgot about that are not in the store any more.

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted March 09, 2017

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted March 09, 2017

I hope they're just hiding those game pages and not removing them permanently. If only because it would be a waste to lose all those game reviews, especially if the game comes back at a later date.
So, does this affect customers who already bought the game on GOG? Is anything being removed from their libraries?
Once you purchase a game on GOG it will always remain in your library and you can always download it and receive technical support whether or not the game is still sold at the store.

New User
Registered: Dec 2014
From United States
Posted March 09, 2017
Why wasn't a warning given so people could buy it?

is watching you
Registered: Aug 2012
From Germany
Posted March 09, 2017

Did the IP owner just realise GoG were still selling their game (Hey Bob! Where's this money coming from?)
Or has the IP changed hands suddenly?
xkcd - Meeting

Original Grey
Registered: Sep 2013
From Germany
Posted March 09, 2017

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada

Mercedes G <3
Registered: Mar 2012
From Serbia
Posted March 09, 2017
Very unlikely to happen any time soon.... The licence has probably expired or is set to expire soon,and if nobody makes a new deal which involves a truckload of money,this game will stay removed .Same case like XIII.If this game ever returns,then XIII will follow which i am waiting for ;).Cheers

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted March 09, 2017