It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Mine too, I think we are about to be dropped or we are "Known" as bad members so someone at GOG is doing this and making our avatars upside down on purpose
Post edited November 08, 2020 by fr33kSh0w2012
Mine seems to have flipped also sometime yesterday. Dribbling on the ceiling! Oh yeah!
toxicTom: I want to be upside down too!
Sachys: thats easily done.
*install stripper pole* ;)
Post edited November 09, 2020 by Mr.Mumbles
Mr.Mumbles: Dribbling on the ceiling! Oh yeah!
Better than dribbling into your soup!

Well, it looks like this is turning into a forumwide issue.
Someone get the wooden stakes and garlic before this demonic disease spreads any further! ♰
My avatar is upside down too, the funny thing is that when you zoom the web pages, it returns to the right position!
This is cool ^_^
Leroux: Someone get the wooden stakes and garlic before this demonic disease spreads any further! ♰
I'd rather a wood-fired garlic steak. I'm hungry! ;D
What browser are you all using? I don't notice a problem at all. Firefox 82.0.2
Strange.... It also differs based on device.

On my phone, JakobFel is the only one I see upside down.
On my PC, Sachys, Fonzer, JakobFel, Stooner and ChrisGamer300 are upside down.

All look fine when hovering over them though.
For me its the same both on mobile and laptop.
Sachys: For me its the same both on mobile and laptop.
But again, what browser? Tried it again in Vivaldi and Internet Explorer... am I the only one not seeing a bug?
Sachys: For me its the same both on mobile and laptop.
Merranvo: But again, what browser? Tried it again in Vivaldi and Internet Explorer... am I the only one not seeing a bug?
No, you are not (at least by prior comments in the thread).

Doesn't seem to be browser specific either (again, by prior comments in the thread).

Edit: its spreading. mouse over now has jacobfel, phaolo and chrisgamer as upside down. no change on the rest of us.
Post edited November 09, 2020 by Sachys
While not decisive at all, I have noticed that a significant number of those with upside-down avatars have an exclamation mark at the end of their byline, e.g. Guitar! for Sachys, unbirthday! for mumbles, again! for phaolo, etc. There are exceptions in both directions, but perhaps you might want to try to remove the exclamation mark and see what happens.
JakobFel: Mine has been like that too, it's kinda strange lol
Now your avatar looks like a bat with a lightsaber, lol

BY THE POWER OF THE ANCIENT GRIMWAH, my avatar is still intact!

Kneel before me, you upside-down commoners!
Post edited November 09, 2020 by fronzelneekburm
Merranvo: But again, what browser? Tried it again in Vivaldi and Internet Explorer... am I the only one not seeing a bug?
Sachys: No, you are not (at least by prior comments in the thread).

Doesn't seem to be browser specific either (again, by prior comments in the thread).

Edit: its spreading. mouse over now has jacobfel, phaolo and chrisgamer as upside down. no change on the rest of us.
VanishedOne was the only person to actually mention browsers, but went ahead and boot my system across Windows 7, 8.1, 10, MacOS, Manjaro just to confirm a few things to me. (That being no matter what I did, I always got right side up icons)

Using TorBrowser (10.0.2) I was consistent in getting upsidedown icons...

Buddinge, 84 DK
Amsterdam, NH NL
Europe/Vienna – Local time is 05:11 am
Europe/Bucharest – Local time is 06:12 am
Europe/Berlin – Local time is 05:13 am
America/Los_Angeles – Local time is 08:14 pm

All have upside down icons, have not managed to make a tor connection without there being upside down icons.

East Coast USA here, no upside down icons.
Post edited November 09, 2020 by Merranvo