Oh, hello, I followed the first post in this guide though only the BG1/EasyTutu bits as it'll be a while before I'll play BG2 and who knows what I'll want then...My thanks for this, very helpful.
FYI there is now a fix for the Beregost issue on the EasyTutu download page (
http://www.usoutpost31.com/easytutu/), the downloadlink to the fix is just below the EasyTutu_ToB dl link (it's called EasyTutuHotfixes-20110604.exe).
@MichaelPalin: If you follow this guide you shouldn't be using the GUI mod, but the FontMod_v2.1.zip which is linked near the end of the first post in this topic. I run @ 1280x1024 on Windows XP and these bigger fonts are fine for me (though a bit on the large side). Hope this helps.