dgnfly: If you so triggered by the topic you don't need to comment and can stay in your safespace.
You're probably very proud about all the censorship going on in the gaming industry cause it boost your white knight status.
MarkoH01: I am not triggered, I am bored of hearing one group calling the other group names - which you just proved perfectly in calling me "white knight".
Being German of course I dislike censorship especially in games and movies - we had and still have a lot of it. However I don't see any sense in blaming this on specific groups and calling them names.
Like I said, if you don't like it you can just move along!! But people like you never do you just cry and moan about it yourself because you don't wanna be confronted by the fact people are pushing their own Ideological believes on others through the gaming industry.
You don't like censorship, But you don't like people calling out the type of people calling out censorship, Sure sounds like the NPC normie who just wants to ignore it for the sake of wanting to be ignorant.
There is nothing wrong with calling our people who push their own Ideological agenda and making people aware of it is much better than what you are actually doing, which is absolutely nothing!!