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Freaky_Freddy: First off, in my post with the video, i didn't make any references to Islam.

Secondly, the story you linked has nothing to do with religion, its just an unfortunate case of women with serious mental problems that murdered her babies (although it should make you think were was god when that happened... maybe ploughing those 72 virgins everyone talks about...)

And thirdly, you can't blame my religion, because i don't have one. Religion is for simple minded people that can't think for themselves and need a stupid book to teach them how to live their lives.
If you didn't mentioned Islam in the first place then you answered your own question silently. Extreme ways/thinking of people is a different thing and religion is different thing.

The story I linked has nothing do with religion yes ! I know but do you think the same for Muslims ? I mean when Muslims do something (anything) then people like you don't take a second to blame Islam about it, in your opinion every evil string is attached to Islam right ? God has created different kind of people (with different thinking) in this world, the bigger the religion the more variety of people you will find in it.

As soon as you saw the story I linked the first thing you mentioned in your post was "The story you linked has nothing to do with religion, its just an unfortunate case of women with serious mental problems". It is almost funny to see how quickly you ran to save your religion or perhaps the religion of your country (if you don't have a religion yourself), and you quickly said that the woman in discussion had some serious mental problems, very nice !! you ditched the entire concept of extremism by saying she had mental problems.

Religion is for people who like to think and take responsibility, being atheist is the easiest job, you have no God to answer to, no laws to follow, nothing to pray for and hide your chaotic personality behind the word "free thinking".

@ BlazeKING

Glad you think that way, to be honest from years I am watching this "war on terror" propaganda. This need to stop now (peacefully is preferred). Who are they fighting against ? bunch of poor people who live in cottages and drink tons of water during meal time to fill their stomachs because they have nothing decent to eat. Every day or alternative day an American drone comes in Waziristan area of Pakistan and drop bombs on these cottages, if it hits perfectly around 40 - 50 people die. I say that if these people are terrorists and they have advanced equipment and training to hijack a plane of United States, how is it possible they haven't destroyed a single drone yet ? it is unfortunate that people of America thinks positively yet the leaders don't pay a shit to their thinking.

The next possible target is Iran yes ! because America and Israel considers her a threat because she is getting close to nuclear power or maybe she has achieved nuclear power. America claims that nuclear power in Islamic hands is a threat to world, but it is funny to see that the first user of nuclear bomb was America and her allies, now what kind of credibility is that ?

Pakistan is already under attack not directly but in way. We know that external forces are operating here. These forces are targeting three things with one arrow, destroying the resources of Pakistan, throwing dirt on Islam and giving America more chances to say that Pakistan cannot keep its nuclear assets safe.

I hope this will change someday but at what cost ? is the biggest concern.
Post edited June 07, 2011 by tahirahmed
@ Oddhermit

The more you post, the more you reveal your face and show how reluctant you are in accepting the truth. I am not asking for your respect cause you don't have any yourself. It is clear from your way of mentioning a Prophet that you have no values in life.

Maybe you won't ban Islam or kill its followers because you have a so called image to maintain in this world, but about your heart ? deep inside it there is intolerance and disrespect. It seems that your inner self try to come out when you write a post but then you quickly control and hide it. Your beliefs are contradictory to what you have written, a person with such mentality won't allow Muslims to practice their religion in their ways, or in worse case scenario a person like you won't allow Muslims to exist, when you cannot give due respect to a Prophet how it is possible that you will give proper respect/rights to his followers. You are just twisting words.

And what is your definition of good ? why don't elaborate it ? instead of manipulating and using things in wrong context you better talk about yourself. The concept of unbeliever or infidel is present in all major religions, the way you target Islam only indicates you have something personal against Islam.

And the fact that you mentioned yourself that you are not only nonbeliever, you are also against religions or perhaps Islam only makes you a "hater", and your disrespect (look at your own words) for religions and the ones who are appointed by God makes you unfriendly also (note that you are more inclined to prove yourself an enemy then we are inclined to declare you an enemy). Of course you don't have to believe all this as these things are beyond your average mind, the reason of mentioning all this is that no "GOOD" can be done by a person who's heart is filled with unnecessary hatred and disrespect.

You can go out naked in public and dance, people will look at you surprisingly and some might try to stop you, you can answer them by saying "this is free speech in action", after all you have no principles to follow or maybe principles that you designed for your own comfort, therefore you justify all your actions by saying "it is free speech", animals also live a similar life I don't mind.
Post edited June 07, 2011 by tahirahmed
I don't target Islam more than any other religion - in fact I'd generally target Christianity most probably since it's more relevant to, and prevalent in, my country - but this discussion happened to be about Islam in particular.

My definition of good is basically just having empathy for other people, not harming them and not encroaching on their rights and freedom as long as they're doing the same. That means premarital, gay, bi, etc. sex(between consensual adults) are all perfectly fine by me - I see nothing immoral about them. I think the sex laws of religion are beyond ridiculous. That also means I'm fine with responsible(IE not driving under influence) drug use. If it doesn't hurt anyone, other than themselves, it's not right to police it.

I am against religions because they tell people to get their definition of good from a self-proclaimed authority, whether it be the supposed word of God in the Quran or the Bible or whatever. But when you're just following the orders, of God or anyone, you're not really making moral decisions, you're simply abandoning all personal responsibility.

I am also against them because they teach people to accept things on faith, to ignore science and logic when it contradicts their beliefs. Imagine a world in which people didn't accept the fact that diseases were not in fact sent by God but curable and preventable things, physical in nature. I'll tell you what happens in that world - countless people die needlessly. It's why my state recently allowed believers in faith healing to be charged with child neglect when their children die of preventable things. Religion goes against all sorts of helpful sciences, psychology would be another major one as well, telling people to feel guilty about their sexuality and so on.

As for dancing naked in public, that would be free action not free speech. Obviously.
Post edited June 07, 2011 by Oddhermit
tahirahmed: And what is your definition of good ? why don't elaborate it ? instead of manipulating and using things in wrong context you better talk about yourself
Though history the term of good and ethical did differ, there were times where eating a HUMAN being in some places was considered ETHICAL as long as he is not from your own Tribe etc, slaving a man was considered fine in America few decades ago as long as he was is black etc the term ethical have no meaning in reality it depends on who you are asking what is ethical, Oddhermit fails to realize this so no matter what you say to him he refuse to understand it, he think clearly he is superior aka he is being good and ethical because he is a good human not because he is greedy selfish who do good things to receive a reward from god , he is nothing but a person with twisted biased views that no one can take seriously unless he is another ignorant filled with hate looking for more hatred to fed his hate issues and insecurity

Muslims Don't do things just to receive good rewards this is just 1 side of the story but reality religion is PART of humans through all history and PSYCHOLOGY WISE, the wonder of creation/god/etc is part of every human it's just humans label themselves whatever they want, the desire to discover god/how the world and us were created is a part of every human being on the face of earth and anyone says he doesn't he is just lying, Muslims are trying to be as good as a human beings can because they went through that phase and found Islam and realizing it's the truth, the desire to meet god/the prophets in the afterlife is more than just "greed" it's something just many people don't understand

You are not good to your mother because you are greedy selfish person and your mommy give you money when you were a kid but because it's in YOUR NATURE you love your mother not due greed but love, Even ANIMALS share those feelings if anyone sees documentaries about animals, Many Muslims cry when they read the Quran or read something about the prophet, it's love based not greed and wishing to be with the side of god in the afterlife instead of those who basically didn't give a crap to face the truth, they think islam is "believe that and it's done" hello 5 prayers a day? most muslims work their butt off, there is no free ticket to heaven in Islam

Problem is you will NEVER feel such things unless you are GUARANTEED that the entire story of god and etc is FACT not fiction or else you wont invest your emotions or life toward things you are not sure off and even if you did once in your life you will get angry due the lack of proof or the doubts in your heart, They think Muslims believe for the sake of BLIND believe and fail to realize that ISLAM have a LIVING MIRACLE today which is the Quran, a Book filled with proves SCIENTIFICALLY/HISTORICALLY/MATHEMATICALLY/ETC and touches the soul of the human being like nothing else etc

But all of that will fall on deaf earth, they think if they knew the bible they knew all religions now including the Quran, how many false ideas and made up stuff just did we see in this thread this alone speak volume at the level of education about islam these people have, hell i might even know about Christianty and other religions more than them yet i don't make false claims against them, because part of being a man is speaking things you know are true and confirmed or shut up and stop making a fool of yourself, clearly plenty here love to make a fool of themselves, plenty of points mentioned can be confirmed a lie here within 5seconds from Google search.

Shortcut : Oddhermit have issues within himself not us so don't bother just ignore him really, it's clear from his reply that he is Gay and his main issue is about religion being anti-gay, so his hatred is finally explained at least, i mean just look at his reply? he think he knows how all muslim thinks/act/why they are doing such things when is completely WRONG and i have explained why already

Post edited June 07, 2011 by Seph22

Effects of your laws on human society.

1. Premarital sex: Imagine hundreds of babies without parents because their so called parents satisfied their hunger of sex and ran away or babies cease to born because nobody wants to setup a family everyone is running behind sex using great invention of science (condoms). What a miserable society it will be. Marriage bounds you in a good responsibility thus a strong foundation of family.

2. Gay sex: In this case a man will satisfy his urge of sex with any other random man and when he finally feels a need of family or a child perhaps then he will seek a female for her help. A total selfish act and yet a selfish society.

3. Bi sexual: A concept that animals follow, in such a society you cannot tell that a person looking at you is either sexually interested in you or is just willing to talk or willing for a clean friendship. Humans are above animals thats all I can say.

Sex has no limits, someday people like you will say that bi-sexual is simply not enough for them and they want something more then that, a concept of tri-sexual perhaps where people are allowed to be attracted towards animals as well right ? the choices are limitless in such a society - Sarcastic.

Drugs: When you were a kid how many times your father stopped you from putting your hand into fire because you didn't know that its actually harmful to you ? You should call your father restrictive for that shouldn't you ? Drugs are addictive and the person using it does not know that it is actually harming himself or herself. If they stop you from taking drugs its for your own good. It does not mean that they are your parents but at least well wishers.

Even science is close to religious points, for example according to science it is good for human body to do regular exercise but in a recent research scientists said that Muslims do proper exercise by offering five prayers a day. It is said in Islam to drink a glass of water in three breaths and now science is saying that doing it is actually good because it allows oxygen to go with water yet more beneficial for your body. Concept of fasting is present in many religions and now science is saying that it fixes the problems inside your body. These are small things of course and we can talk about much bigger things but to be honest I don't have much time for that, as I learned these things properly from my religion already.

We can debate all day long about what came first, a man who invented science or science who invented man but then who invented science ? this goes into an infinite loop, thats where your concept of no God and no religion ends.

Of course I know that dancing naked is not free speech ROFL, you failed to get my point. I meant that you simply cannot justify everything you do by using concepts such as "free speech".


Thanks Seph22 for your post, I think you're absolutely right. We're wasting time here, I don't have time to teach oddhermit otherwise he will call me oppressor or enforcer and blame Islam for it.
Post edited June 07, 2011 by tahirahmed
Seph22: Shortcut : Oddhermit have issues within himself not us so don't bother just ignore him really, it's clear from his reply that he is Gay and his main issue is about religion being anti-gay, so his hatred is finally explained at least, i mean just look at his reply? he think he knows how all muslim thinks/act/why they are doing such things when is completely WRONG and i have explained why already

so, from that statement, being gay equates to having issues with one's self, is that correct? sorry mate, i really did respect and support your initial position, but you are proving yourself to be just another kind of bigot.

soliciting your religion on a gaming forum is way too classy by the way, kudos. is there a version of godwin's law about religious discussions, because i swear every time the topic comes up, religious nutcases of all kinds comes around and "proves" how their beliefs are facts?

oh, and nazi's were soo devilishly demonic was because they were godless. just sayin'
xsamhainx: Well, kinda.

Agnosticism is neither belief nor non-belief.
That's pretty much what I said.

Oddhermit: Explained in a chart form -
Although the bottom part of the chart is coherent, the top part isn't. It's like "I know that I don't know but I'll still pretend I know"... How about that instead:

eCos: oh, and nazi's were soo devilishly demonic was because they were godless. just sayin'
I believe Adolf was a Catholic ;)
Post edited June 07, 2011 by redfo1
redfo1: I believe Adolf was a Catholic ;)
You belive wrong then.
tahirahmed: Even science is close to religious points, for example according to science it is good for human body to do regular exercise but in a recent research scientists said that Muslims do proper exercise by offering five prayers a day. It is said in Islam to drink a glass of water in three breaths and now science is saying that doing it is actually good because it allows oxygen to go with water yet more beneficial for your body. Concept of fasting is present in many religions and now science is saying that it fixes the problems inside your body. These are small things of course and we can talk about much bigger things but to be honest I don't have much time for that, as I learned these things properly from my religion already.
You are clearly some religious fanatic nutjob. Thing is keep your religion to yourself. It has casued pain and suffering to millions of people. You want to keep the gays in the closet and I think muslims need to stay in the closet with them.
Post edited June 07, 2011 by Goodmongo
tahirahmed: @ Freaky_Freddy,

lol at your accusation, and what proof do you have ? America's propaganda ? If this is all you have than I can also present you several theories that they killed some random guy here and proved it Osama with the help of technology and media, I can link several pictures and videos as well. I can also tell you that the entire incident of World Trade Center and Pentagon was an inside job to trigger a war for oil. You seriously think that the people of Afghanistan (people who ride donkeys and struggling with their poor lives can hijack an aircraft and reach world trade center and pentagon ? you need to get your theories straight dude.

.. I'd like to suggest, you may want to follow your own advice:
1.- none of the hijackers were Afghani nationals.
2.- It's not like the hijackers bankrolled the attack out of their own pockets.
Post edited June 07, 2011 by SystemShock7
redfo1: I believe Adolf was a Catholic ;)
Goodmongo: You belive wrong then.
Apparently it's just not too clear:
redfo1: I believe Adolf was a Catholic ;)
Goodmongo: You belive wrong then.
tahirahmed: Even science is close to religious points, for example according to science it is good for human body to do regular exercise but in a recent research scientists said that Muslims do proper exercise by offering five prayers a day. It is said in Islam to drink a glass of water in three breaths and now science is saying that doing it is actually good because it allows oxygen to go with water yet more beneficial for your body. Concept of fasting is present in many religions and now science is saying that it fixes the problems inside your body. These are small things of course and we can talk about much bigger things but to be honest I don't have much time for that, as I learned these things properly from my religion already.
Goodmongo: You are clearly some religious fanatic nutjob. Thing is keep your religion to yourself. It has casued pain and suffering to millions of people. You want to keep the gays in the closet and I think muslims need to stay in the closet with them.
Lol whatever you say, I really laugh when people start screaming like kids just because they cannot accept truth.

As I said before and will say again that I have more reasons to look for truth, study science, religion etc then guys like you because it is me and my religion that is getting accused of every bad act so whenever I see any accusation I start looking for truth while guys like you choose the path of being atheist for your luxury and convenience, I call it running away from responsibilities and facts.

Good luck.
tahirahmed: @ Freaky_Freddy,

lol at your accusation, and what proof do you have ? America's propaganda ? If this is all you have than I can also present you several theories that they killed some random guy here and proved it Osama with the help of technology and media, I can link several pictures and videos as well. I can also tell you that the entire incident of World Trade Center and Pentagon was an inside job to trigger a war for oil. You seriously think that the people of Afghanistan (people who ride donkeys and struggling with their poor lives can hijack an aircraft and reach world trade center and pentagon ? you need to get your theories straight dude.
SystemShock7: .

.. I'd like to suggest, you may want to follow your own advice:
1.- none of the hijackers were Afghani nationals.
2.- It's not like the hijackers bankrolled the attack out of their own pockets.
You mean to say that the entire attack on Afghanistan was pointless, good. And then whole drama of Al-Qaida started, initially it was said that it is a threat to America and her allies but what I see now is that it is more threat to Muslims than America so we know where all strings are going.
Post edited June 07, 2011 by tahirahmed
tahirahmed: 2. Gay sex: In this case a man will satisfy his urge of sex with any other random man and when he finally feels a need of family or a child perhaps then he will seek a female for her help. A total selfish act and yet a selfish society.
Random man? You might not be aware of this, but there are a lot of gay couples out there.

Your posts really show that your a closed minded and not very informed person. Probably because of all the bullshit your country and your religion tells you like "being gay is bad" and "pigs are filthy and unholy".

No one owns your body, if you want to have consensual sex with another man its your choice!

tahirahmed: Even science is close to religious points, for example according to science it is good for human body to do regular exercise but in a recent research scientists said that Muslims do proper exercise by offering five prayers a day.
I couldn't keep a straight face while reading that.
tahirahmed: ...guys like you choose the path of being atheist for your luxury and convenience, I call it running away from responsibilities and facts.
...and I call that disgraceful, dishonest arrogance on your part. Atheism is a lack of belief that any god exists. This means we don't need a crutch to lean on, a book to teach us how to behave, or an excuse for any hideous act meted out on behalf of our religion, were we in fact religious. How does this make atheists cowards?

...don't bother even trying to answer, I know exactly the kind of dogma-riddled, contradictory rubbish you'll belch. It's always the same, whether it's Christian, Islamic or whatever, you fundies are incorrigible.
Post edited June 07, 2011 by Kurgen
tahirahmed: 2. Gay sex: In this case a man will satisfy his urge of sex with any other random man and when he finally feels a need of family or a child perhaps then he will seek a female for her help. A total selfish act and yet a selfish society.
Freaky_Freddy: Random man? You might not be aware of this, but there are a lot of gay couples out there.

Your posts really show that your a closed minded and not very informed person. Probably because of all the bullshit your country and your religion tells you like "being gay is bad" and "pigs are filthy and unholy".

No one owns your body, if you want to have consensual sex with another man its your choice!

tahirahmed: Even science is close to religious points, for example according to science it is good for human body to do regular exercise but in a recent research scientists said that Muslims do proper exercise by offering five prayers a day.
Freaky_Freddy: I couldn't keep a straight face while reading that.
Just so you know, I am not Muslim, but my Doctor recommend doing this as part of my exercise routine, and my doctor isn't Muslim either. Obviously I am not praying, but I am doing the movements.

You probably never seen a Muslim pray before, so you should educate yourself first before laughing at the notion that the prayer activity is actually an exercise and good for ones health.

The Islamic prayer consists of the following steps:

standing with hands on top of each other at chest level
bowing down with hands resting on knees
standing up from bowing with hands by the side
going in prostration (sajjda) once
lifting face up from prostration but sitting on the ground
doing a second prostration (Sajjda) and then getting up

These psysical movements that a Muslim does during prayer strenghten the joints and muscles and stimulate blood circulation. Consequently, they also prevent the stagnation of bloog in the veins of the legs (which may lead to coagulation and other problems).