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Great example of a strong religion discouraging loss or change of belief.

At least they had the decency to cover up her arse (before throwing more lumps of concrete at her) as she lay dying in a pool of blood.
@ Freaky_Freddy,

lol at your accusation, and what proof do you have ? America's propaganda ? If this is all you have than I can also present you several theories that they killed some random guy here and proved it Osama with the help of technology and media, I can link several pictures and videos as well. I can also tell you that the entire incident of World Trade Center and Pentagon was an inside job to trigger a war for oil. You seriously think that the people of Afghanistan (people who ride donkeys and struggling with their poor lives can hijack an aircraft and reach world trade center and pentagon ? you need to get your theories straight dude.

What of all advanced security you guys have ? a rogue aircraft with no contact with any air control tower went into a fully populated city of America and didn't got shot down ? and if these so called terrorists are so strong why didn't they attacked America again ? If they first attacked America (which means America is their main target) why now they are attacking a small country like Pakistan ?

Where are the chemical weapons of Iraq for which America turned the entire country upside down ? They destroyed the very culture, civilization, schools, hospitals, heritage and life of that country ? does any one questioned you guys where are those weapons ? give me a break please.

We can debate on politics all day long, since we Muslims are accused of being terrorist, extremist and all, we have a reason to explore and search for truth unlike you. I have several theories but as I mentioned before we are wasting our time here, the only reason I am returning to this thread is because I cannot see wrong information about my religion and my country, information that has no meaning and is utterly false.

I am a Muslim, I born in this religion therefore I have much more information about it then some random guy from some random country and I am not hiding that information because I fear God even if I lie here sooner or later I have to answer God.

About the video you posted ? Tell me where in Islam where ? in which book it is written to stone a woman who is accused of some crime, this is a doing of some extreme minded people, the RELIGION Islam has nothing to do with it. The concept of punishment is to make people learn from their mistakes not to take their lives.

For example I present you this:

What will you call it ? an act of extremism or a weakness of religion, shall I also blame your religion for it ?
Post edited June 06, 2011 by tahirahmed
tahirahmed: For example I present you this:

What will you call it ? an act of extremism or a weakness of religion, shall I also blame your religion for it ?
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." (Steven Weinberg, apparently)
tahirahmed: About the video you posted ? Tell me where in Islam where ? in which book it is written to stone a woman who is accused of some crime, this is a doing of some extreme minded people, the RELIGION Islam has nothing to do with it. The concept of punishment is to make people learn from their mistakes not to take their lives.

For example I present you this:

What will you call it ? an act of extremism or a weakness of religion, shall I also blame your religion for it ?
First off, in my post with the video, i didn't make any references to Islam.

Secondly, the story you linked has nothing to do with religion, its just an unfortunate case of women with serious mental problems that murdered her babies (although it should make you think were was god when that happened... maybe ploughing those 72 virgins everyone talks about...)

And thirdly, you can't blame my religion, because i don't have one. Religion is for simple minded people that can't think for themselves and need a stupid book to teach them how to live their lives.
tahirahmed: I can also tell you that the entire incident of World Trade Center and Pentagon was an inside job to trigger a war for oil. You seriously think that the people of Afghanistan (people who ride donkeys and struggling with their poor lives can hijack an aircraft and reach world trade center and pentagon ? you need to get your theories straight dude.
There are many Americans here who think the same. It was designed to incite the American people into anger and up rights and supporting anything the power elite wanted. And what do they want? Resources, geopolitical control and influence, protection of Israel, debt schemes etc all culminating into the "arab spring" now and later an attack on Iran (possibly after another false flag). You can see it on the map too, the new world order forces surrounding Iran. Obama tells us the troops will come home but it isn't true. We will always have a residual force there and bases there.

This is a smart group of folks..they've seen how conquests have failed in the past so they disguise it this time as a "war on terror" and pretend they aren't occupiers. They tell the people in the occupied countries that they have a choice but , oh , how interesting that the western backed candidates, people who will do the wests bidding..they seem to always win the elections. At least the Taliban got rid of the poppy crop and heroin trade. We have CIA drug runners all over that place now with troops protecting the crops.
Post edited June 06, 2011 by BlazeKING
tahirahmed: @Oddhermit

It is just your concept that Islam has no tolerance for you, and I am hearing this for the first time (from you) that Islam says a person who does not joins it deserves eternal suffering. Let me break your home of glass and tell you that Quran clearly define the best rights of neighbors, friends, relatives, poor and minorities, if some person or a group of persons does not follow those teachings of Quran, it is their problem and you cannot blame Islam for it.
It is not just my concept, I am not only a nonbeliever I am opposed to the religion. According to Islam, that quite clearly makes me an enemy of Allah, and an awful doom in an eternity of fire will be my fate. Luckily, I don't believe that.

tahirahmed: As for your way of talking, know this that you're mentioning a Prophet in your post, atleast have some grace in your words, a person who is filled with hatred will see hatred everywhere. I call it intolerance when some pope asks to burn Quran, I call it intolerance when people make cartoons of a Prophet just for their amusement, it is indeed intolerance when people like "Geert Wilders" say openly that they hate Islam and spread foul and broken information about Islam. Oh yes it is indeed intolerance, you can keep your double standards to yourself that Islam is intolerant religion while the very roots of intolerance and disrespect are inside your heart.
Islam is not deserving of respect or graciousness and neither is Muhammad. Muhammad was a horrible person, a sexist warmonger. Part of that may've been just due to the kind of environment he was born into, but still I'd sooner spit on his grave than hold my tongue just because he happens to be considered a prophet.

Simply being honest about my beliefs about Islam does not make me intolerant of it. I wouldn't ban the religion, I wouldn't want it's followers killed or imprisoned, I wouldn't prohibit people from gathering and practicing the religion, exclude them from the same rights everyone else has, etc. Call and consider it intolerance if you want, but it's just free speech in action.
Freaky_Freddy: Secondly, the story you linked has nothing to do with religion, its just an unfortunate case of women with serious mental problems that murdered her babies (although it should make you think were was god when that happened... maybe ploughing those 72 virgins everyone talks about...)
Ofcourse, whenever a Muslim commits a crime, it has to be inspired by religion. But when non-Muslims do it, it has nothing to do with religion. Funny how that goes.
And thirdly, you can't blame my religion, because i don't have one. Religion is for simple minded people that can't think for themselves and need a stupid book to teach them how to live their lives.

Isn't that what the "great" Communist and other atheist leaders of the world said? Before and during they "purged" millions?
Oddhermit: It is not just my concept, I am not only a nonbeliever I am opposed to the religion. According to Islam, that quite clearly makes me an enemy of Allah, and an awful doom in an eternity of fire will be my fate. Luckily, I don't believe that.
Didn't we talk about this before? Have you defined an unbeliever as the Arabic word is translated? Because the Quran quite clearly says that every man and women who is righteous and does good will go to Heaven. Ofcourse, you will never talk about that. And you will always refuse to define unbeliever as mentioned in those verses. Funny how that goes. Still smoking that pot?
Post edited June 06, 2011 by Arsalan
I will talk about that. What it defines as good is different from what I define as good.
Unbelievers are also clearly not considered righteous.

"The parable of the Garden which the righteous are promised! Beneath it flow rivers. Perpetual is the fruits thereof and the shade therein. Such is the End of the Righteous; and the end of the unbelievers is the Fire."

Also, while we're on the topic of the Islam heaven, it's basically Donald Trump's wet dream, clearly dreamt up by humans of very simplistic and material desires.

"For them will be Gardens of Eternity; beneath them rivers will flow; they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade: They will recline therein on raised thrones. How good the recompense! How beautiful a couch to recline on! "

What a joke, astounding to me people really buy into this.
Post edited June 06, 2011 by Oddhermit
Arsalan: Ofcourse, whenever a Muslim commits a crime, it has to be inspired by religion. But when non-Muslims do it, it has nothing to do with religion. Funny how that goes.
Dude, there isn't any reference to religion in that news story, so for all we know she could have been a muslim, a christian, a jew, a Buddhist, an atheist or whatever!

Arsalan: Isn't that what the "great" Communist and other atheist leaders of the world said? Before and during they "purged" millions?
If it is i guess they were kinda smart after all.
It actually wasn't smart, Stalin ended up reviving and expanding the orthodox church to raise morale and support. And of course it was as barbaric and wrong as any religious purging. You're not going to rid the world of religion through the same kind of persecutions and mass murders we frown on religious organizations for taking part in.

The long term effects of russia's persecution of the religious has also been detrimental to athiesm. It's why under god was put into the pledge, it's why people think of athiesm as some sort of communistic idealogy rather than a simple lack of belief in god. It's also why the U.S. has been so resistant towards socializing certain things - like healthcare - which have been successfully socialized in other countries and should be socialized.
Post edited June 06, 2011 by Oddhermit
Oddhermit: The long term effects of russia's persecution of the religious has also been detrimental to athiesm. It's why under god was put into the pledge, it's why people think of athiesm as some sort of communistic idealogy rather than a simple lack of belief in god.
Agnosticism is the lack of belief in god. Atheism is the belief in the lack of god.
Oddhermit: The long term effects of russia's persecution of the religious has also been detrimental to athiesm. It's why under god was put into the pledge, it's why people think of athiesm as some sort of communistic idealogy rather than a simple lack of belief in god.
redfo1: Agnosticism is the lack of belief in god. Atheism is the belief in the lack of god.
Wrong. Gnostic vs. agnostic deals with whether we can know(gnostic) or not(agnostic), while theism vs. atheism deals with what we believe. One can be an agnostic atheist, they are not separate things - most atheists are agnostic atheists, believing there probably isn't a God rather than claiming we can know that there isn't.

Explained in a chart form -
Well, kinda.

Agnosticism is neither belief nor non-belief.

I saw the textures replaced, and had to kinda chuckle about it. Seriously? But hey, if this keeps some nutcase from suicide-bombing CDP headquarters, then I'm all for it.
An agnostic doesn't know, or think we can know - at least currently, whether there is a God or Gods. They may think our minds simply aren't capable of knowing for certain(science can't really test for a non-physical entity), and/or they simply don't think there's any sufficient evidence of God(s) - or in-existence of. Or they may have simply never heard of the concept of God.
Post edited June 07, 2011 by Oddhermit
my response was to redfo1, you simply beat me to it