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Seph22: Show me the list of millions killed by Muslims then, we don't have dark ages/churches that rule and kill in the name of god or crusaders go watch kingdom of heaven movie, we are not even allowed to attack even if we were MUCH STRONGER, actually through history Muslims were not even part of the most popular wars, muslims are allowed to fight in 1 condition only which is defending yourself and that's why every islamic country declared 9/11 as a terrorists attack even we disagree with america we can't attack their homeland but can do (if needed) by pushing them outside our country not invading theirs

in fact during the wars in europe Jews escaped Europe and came to settle in arabia because they were hunted by euros (many blamed jews for black death disease and was hunting them) and so many other similar stories, Muslims land were favorite lands by all people and all religions through all history the terrorists and stuff is things that only started heard of in the last decades you can't throw 1400 years of history and judge last decades specially when all muslims disagree with those terrorists attack which if you search you will find most people killed by those are MUSLIMS, these terrorists have no religion.

Islam is unlike other books it's 1 book unedited and original and it's original language is alive today used by hundred of millions , many churches expect certain bibles only and reject many others, Quran is very clear and simple read and no EXCUSES can be used for it, if it can't defend itself then it's failing you can't say "oh but the other version says it better or but that point is not in the other book/ or it was bad translation) etc modification is not allowed to it and millions memorize the Quran word by word from page 1 to the last page in their head
BlazeKING: Muslims were a part of World War 1 actually. The Turks? Hello? Muslims have invaded and slaughtered just as many as Christianity has. To deny that is to deny history. They enslaved, they conquered and they murdered. The crusades were not just Christian attacks, they were to defend Christian borders from attacks as well. Christianity is losing members because most of the Christian world is free and not living under totalitarian rule. Something that most of the arabic world has not seen yet. When the Christian world had Kings and rulers, they had high religious rates as well.

Look, the New World Order is coming after the Arab world and they already occupy 2 countries and have already started riots through raising food prices. Democracy is coming to the middle east and Islam will likely lose followers just like Christianity has...Once they have a choice and do not fear choosing. That's what the "arab spring" is all about. I wonder what you think about the attacks in Libya, the revolution in Egypt etc? This actually is an interesting debate.
Sorry but you are the one who is failing history here, Kuwait and Iraq fought so it's Islamic war? most Muslims countries were NOT part of any world war which is a fact, Crusaders were holy wars in the name of religion not countries plus the army was multi-countries supporting the idea of spreading Christianity as a goal whether people liked it or not and mostly not "defend borders" they didn't even care about borders and advanced beyond their borders taking over lands hello philistine?

You talk about World order in Arab worlds have you like seen the news and statements of those anti-government rebels? 100% were Muslims so far, have you not seen the screams of Allah akbar etc and the signs ? in case you didn't know I'm from Kuwait which is the only Islamic country with any sense of Democracy in it every other country in the middle east does not, who did force these losers kings on us the muslims? NO, muslim lands were occupied by france and Britain mostly in the 19xx and when they left after world wars and due peace agreements after the world war each country had to leave any country it does occupy, they did leave but left us with "kings"

Islam DEMAND the people to chose their own ruler and not to be forced on them something most Islamic countries can not do, these kings does not care to kill thousands of their own people to stay kings using super advanced weapons against simple muslim folks who their only weapon is their simple tools yet they are winning, muslims of all over the world supported egypt/libya etc in fact many countries sent people to help not just money.

Democracy IS islam since 1400 years ago but if you think spoiled kings care you are mistaken.
Post edited June 06, 2011 by Seph22

Can you not see that the west is pushing democracy on the arabic world?
Post edited June 06, 2011 by BlazeKING
I'd like to counter that with an article of my own:

If you look, you can find all kinds of stories of Muslims protecting people from the genocide. I'm not discounting that religion--any religion--can be violent. I'm just saying that the people who do violent things in the name of religion are zealots, assholes, and make a mockery of their so-called beliefs. You can see a bit of both sides in that article.
BlazeKING: Peaceful?

Can you not see that the west is pushing democracy on the arabic world?
See this then answer me
Spread = does not mean spread by the sword

Whether the west/east/etc pushing Democracy, Muslims do want it because it's what their religion says not what their kings ban for the sake of staying kings, Democracy is not Anti-islamic idea is you make it to be, even the prophet himself was democratic and was teaching everyone around him to be so, he even was telling people to always suggest things on him because most people were like "why would we share our opinion if he got god on his side? our opinions are worthless yet he always listened to everyone and was not like current kings who never listen to anyone and kill/send to prison anyone they disagree with.

And I'm not denying there was never people who used islam for their own agenda and greed in history (such a case did happen in spain) but those are extremely minority and almost have no stories neither did last long because the people toke these greedy people down, overall 99.9% islamic history is clear
Post edited June 06, 2011 by Seph22
To the OP: Gz for being a muslim.

But let me get this straight.
A few stupid carpets in a brothel in the game look a bit like islamic praying rugs and the muslim world is offended again?
And CDP patched the carpets away?

I'm not sure if I have to feel more sorry for muslims or for CDP.
Post edited June 06, 2011 by Endoryl
Endoryl: To the OP: Gz for being a muslim.

But let me get this straight.
A few stupid carpets in a brothel in the game look a bit like islamic praying rugs and the muslim world is offended again?
And CDP patched the carpets away?

I don't know if I have to feel more sad for muslims or for CDP.
MANY muslims posted in this thread said they were not offended and zero case if any muslim being offended reported, i said thank you in the thread only due CDP behavior of being very nice toward us muslims, the removal of the rug itself have no value but CDP intention is very valuable to me and i respect them even more as a developers :)

CDP removal of the rug as you saw in the OP was their decision that a muslim prayer rug in a brothel is a bad taste, that's all the story is not a big deal it's just Muslim haters are making a big deal out of aka "how can i enjoy the game now that they have changed single texture that i have never noticed to begin with"
Post edited June 06, 2011 by Seph22
BlazeKING: Peaceful?

Can you not see that the west is pushing democracy on the arabic world?
Seph22: See this then answer me
Spread = does not mean spread by the sword

Whether the west/east/etc pushing Democracy, Muslims do want it because it's what their religion says not what their kings ban for the sake of staying kings, Democracy is not Anti-islamic idea is you make it to be, even the prophet himself was democratic and was teaching everyone around him to be so, he even was telling people to always suggest things on him because most people were like "why would we share our opinion if he got god on his side? our opinions are worthless yet he always listened to everyone and was not like current kings who never listen to anyone and kill/send to prison anyone they disagree with.

And I'm not denying there was never people who used islam for their own agenda and greed in history (such a case did happen in spain) but those are extremely minority and almost have no stories neither did last long because the people toke these greedy people down, overall 99.9% islamic history is clear
True but you must admit that most was done by the sword..same as with all religions. Now I will grant you that Saladin and other muslim conquerers, many were humble and considerate to those they conquered. That cannot be said of the Christian conquerers who committed horrors against northern europeans and south americans. But you have to admit that religion is mostly spread by conquering.

I wonder what you think about the Iraq war/Afghanistan? I like hearing other views because I know our media here is terrible. I'm not saying democracy is anti-islamic. But when most countries women have no say in government and there is no popular vote over any measures and law is determined by one ruler...that isn't democracy nor is it favorable to human rights. I will also say, I do not know much about the state of Kuwait other than that Iraq once tried to invade so maybe you could enlighten us as to what is going on there?
Methinks time to move this thread to some kind of Rants and Raves section
Seph22: See this then answer me
Spread = does not mean spread by the sword

Whether the west/east/etc pushing Democracy, Muslims do want it because it's what their religion says not what their kings ban for the sake of staying kings, Democracy is not Anti-islamic idea is you make it to be, even the prophet himself was democratic and was teaching everyone around him to be so, he even was telling people to always suggest things on him because most people were like "why would we share our opinion if he got god on his side? our opinions are worthless yet he always listened to everyone and was not like current kings who never listen to anyone and kill/send to prison anyone they disagree with.

And I'm not denying there was never people who used islam for their own agenda and greed in history (such a case did happen in spain) but those are extremely minority and almost have no stories neither did last long because the people toke these greedy people down, overall 99.9% islamic history is clear
BlazeKING: True but you must admit that most was done by the sword..same as with all religions. Now I will grant you that Saladin and other muslim conquerers, many were humble and considerate to those they conquered. That cannot be said of the Christian conquerers who committed horrors against northern europeans and south americans. But you have to admit that religion is mostly spread by conquering.

I wonder what you think about the Iraq war/Afghanistan? I like hearing other views because I know our media here is terrible. I'm not saying democracy is anti-islamic. But when most countries women have no say in government and there is no popular vote over any measures and law is determined by one ruler...that isn't democracy nor is it favorable to human rights. I will also say, I do not know much about the state of Kuwait other than that Iraq once tried to invade so maybe you could enlighten us as to what is going on there?
Not even extreme minority were spread by sword let alone "many" killing is one of the biggest sins in islam Quran 5:32 "whosoever killed a person it shall be as if he had killed all mankind and whoso gave life to one, it shall be as if he had given life to all mankind" (Translation not clear but you can't give life it means sparing someone from death in arabic~ for example someone who wanted to kill somebody and you saved him)

You wont have a muslim army of killers, muslims will rather die over killing someone and that's a mistake the retard previous Tunisia king did he ordered his army to open fire at people and the army refused and he had to escape when the army did rebell once he told them to open fire at muslims, same story happened in egypt and libya and yemen (whos president just escaped from yemen yesterday if you saw the news) these kings still have access to private smaller police or mini-army that follow whatever the king says for money/etc but these can't do shit if things get serious because muslim army wont open fire because a king said so, they wont mind forcing order but not killing) and that's one of the main reasons why muslims are not afraid to go public they know the army wont go against them, if an army decide to go against the people, the simple people wont have a chance to survive.

Islam conquering is huge subject that wont fit here even the speed of its spreading if you check dates/how big areas they are expanding at so fast, not possible even with latest weapons in this century, the people themselves of these none-muslim countries wanted Muslims to rule them over their kings who don't give a fuck about their people, Islam force taking care of the poor it's 1 of the 5 things that make you a muslim "believing in 1 god and his messengers /praying/giving the money to the poor/going HAJ if possible/fasting in ramadan) helping the poor is not optional in islam it's the VERY core of it, if you check history many people were Sad that Muslims couldn't help them to get rid of their bad kings because muslims didn't want to clash with kings that have big armies to avoid any blood, you are talking about muslims who have Army with huge numbers vs tiny areas in arabia with tiny mini-kings who surrender before a fight take place, once Muslims are in they let the people chose their own king/give them money and teach them stuff like medicine/science and LEAVE them, the people never felt invaded etc seriously big toopic can't be explained here.

About democracy in kuwait a woman can vote (only in the last decade LOL) but yeah the issue is complicated you have tight kings wont refuse to move vs islam it's clash of power vs religion, no sane person want 1 ruler to decide everything, it's very oppressive if he was a bad king and that's why many Arab countries have a lot of politic corruption etc

Iraq Invaded Kuwait because Kuwait is oil rich like crazy just last month my country gave every citizen 3500$ free gift in cash (you can google it) so greed/politic/etc the usual humans in history we are not exactly perfect beings as humans

About Afghanistan sadly i don't know much regarding it but neither i understand why America is there or in Iraq for a decade now but i know some people look at it as an occupation and hate it
Post edited June 06, 2011 by Seph22
BlazeKING: A mind blowing subject is the Zodiac and astrology and how it relates to religion.

For example, in Christianity.. The 12 disciples (12 signs of the zodiac) who travel with the son (sun).. Note that the beginning of the suns journey across the sky begins on Christmas (the birth of the Son). There are 3 days where the sun doesn't move at all and resides under the constellation called the Southern Cross (Crux). Jesus, the Sun of God, the light of the world who defends against darkness. The three kings are actually stars in the Orion Belt that line up with where the sun will ascend over the horizon on Christmas. The Three Kings guiding to thy perfect light. The constellation Virgo, or The Virgin, is also in the eastern sky at that point and has a symbol that resembles an M (mary?) Then there is the resurrection of the sun on March 21st, the equinox, or easter also known in other cultures as Ishtar or Oestre.

The list goes on and on. And I bet if you look at Islam, there are heavy roots in Zoroastrianism, the former Persian religion as well as in the Zodiac. But I can't say for sure because I've never studied the Quran. Maybe there are those here who have studied the origins of Islam who can give some facts?

I just wonder..if these religions are so right and just, why did they have to slaughter millions to spread it?
Seph22: Show me the list of millions killed by Muslims then, we don't have dark ages/churches that rule and kill in the name of god or crusaders go watch kingdom of heaven movie, we are not even allowed to attack even if we were MUCH STRONGER, actually through history Muslims were not even part of the most popular wars, muslims are allowed to fight in 1 condition only which is defending yourself and that's why every islamic country declared 9/11 as a terrorists attack even we disagree with america we can't attack their homeland but can do (if needed) by pushing them outside our country not invading theirs

in fact during the wars in europe Jews escaped Europe and came to settle in arabia because they were hunted by euros (many blamed jews for black death disease and was hunting them) and so many other similar stories, Muslims land were favorite lands by all people and all religions through all history the terrorists and stuff is things that only started heard of in the last decades you can't throw 1400 years of history and judge last decades specially when all muslims disagree with those terrorists attack which if you search you will find most people killed by those are MUSLIMS, these terrorists have no religion.

Islam is unlike other books it's 1 book unedited and original and it's original language is alive today used by hundred of millions , many churches expect certain bibles only and reject many others, Quran is very clear and simple read and no EXCUSES can be used for it, if it can't defend itself then it's failing you can't say "oh but the other version says it better or but that point is not in the other book/ or it was bad translation) etc modification is not allowed to it and millions memorize the Quran word by word from page 1 to the last page in their head
Dude... you are really digging yourself a hole here. The same way you try to approach Islamic values I can do the same for Christian values. The crusades were not done by true christians, they were done by christians living in sin and all they wanted was the treasures of the east. Thus christianity isn't the bad thing you see on TV, heck the religion teaches the people to turn the other cheek when they are slapped.

"Show me the list of millions killed by Muslims then, we don't have dark ages/churches that rule and kill in the name of god or crusaders go watch kingdom of heaven movie, we are not even allowed to attack even if we were MUCH STRONGER, actually through history Muslims were not even part of the most popular wars, muslims are allowed to fight in 1"

Then will you please tell me what were the muslims doing IN MY LAND? Killing my people? A place where historically THERE WERE NEVER ANY MUSLIMS so no point in attacking right, there was no defending to do.

I'm sorry to spaz out like this but when I read such bullshit about muslims not killing people and when they do they only do it in self defence makes me laugh out loud considering I come from Romania, a place where muslims have tried for hundreds of years to occupy through war and eventually succeeding due to the fact that they had an endless supply of personnel willing to come over in my land and die to invade it.
Post edited June 06, 2011 by SLOFila
Seph22: Your arguments are silly "i wont join a religion that send people who don't believe in it to hell" how about don't join it and live your life the way you please? plus i have told you before it doesn't send people to hell who never heard of it or heard bad things about Islam and not the true islam.
2:6 As for the Disbelievers, Whether thou warn them or thou warn them not it is all one for them; they believe not.
2:7 Allah hath sealed their hearing and their hearts, and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be an awful doom.

2:257 Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are the evil ones: from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They will be companions of the fire, to dwell therein forever.

2:98 Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and His messengers and Gabriel and Michael - then indeed, Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers.

Yeah, Allah is an enemy to people who don't believe in him(and he considers them his enemy). When they die they'll spend an eternity in fire(yeah doesn't sound like hell at all to me...) because of their non-belief.

I've heard and read enough about Islam to know that I will never believe it. Even if it were true and I knew it to be true, I still wouldn't follow the religion, still wouldn't be able to worship such a douchebag of a God.
SLOFila enough of your rubbish please so you are saying there was never political wars in history? wow ! so Kuwait vs Iraq is religion war?

Your post is nothing but stupid due "Wallachia united with Moldavia (as United Principalities), to form the basis of the modern state of Romania, with Transylvania joining 59 years later (1918) to form the new Kingdom of Romania which was first established 1881."

That was an old war over dispute of the south, Romania of today did not exist back then it was united later on plus history wise they toke over the land back then it didn't belong to them, this is long issue similar to philistine now everyone claim it's HIS and again that was not religion war as you make it to be. I wont reply to more silly posts from you
Post edited June 06, 2011 by Seph22
Seph22: SLOFila enough of your rubbish please so you are saying there was never political wars in history? wow ! so Kuwait vs Iraq is religion war?

Your post is nothing but stupid due "Wallachia united with Moldavia (as United Principalities), to form the basis of the modern state of Romania, with Transylvania joining 59 years later (1918) to form the new Kingdom of Romania which was first established 1881."

That was an old war over dispute of the south, Romania of today did not exist back then it was united later on plus history wise they toke over the land back then it didn't belong to them, this is long issue similar to philistine now everyone claim it's HIS and again that was not religion war as you make it to be. I wont reply to more silly posts from you
You said muslims don't kill to invade, i showed you they do as the Ottoman Empire was far to keen to expand their religion on the european continent, just that they never went passed Romania and when they finally did they were too weak to continue their pursuit.

P.S. Now i see you know the history of my own land better than I do because of a brief sentence on wikipedia. Well played sir, well played.
Post edited June 06, 2011 by SLOFila
Seph22: Your arguments are silly "i wont join a religion that send people who don't believe in it to hell" how about don't join it and live your life the way you please? plus i have told you before it doesn't send people to hell who never heard of it or heard bad things about Islam and not the true islam.
Oddhermit: 2:6 As for the Disbelievers, Whether thou warn them or thou warn them not it is all one for them; they believe not.
2:7 Allah hath sealed their hearing and their hearts, and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be an awful doom.

2:257 Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are the evil ones: from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They will be companions of the fire, to dwell therein forever.

2:98 Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and His messengers and Gabriel and Michael - then indeed, Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers.

Yeah, Allah is an enemy to people who don't believe in him(and he considers them his enemy). When they die they'll spend an eternity in fire(yeah doesn't sound like hell at all to me...) because of their non-belief.

I've heard and read enough about Islam to know that I will never believe it. Even if it were true and I knew it to be true, I still wouldn't follow the religion, still wouldn't be able to worship such a douchebag of a God.
Then don't i wont be less happy, less rich or anything you give too much credit and value to yourself in the big picture of the 7 billions people on earth, you and i are nothing but 2 out of billions.

Your problem is you are hating things you don't even understand and not trying to understand and just want hate like psycho

Quran was revealed through 23 years not 1 day, it didn't fell a book from the sky and pretty much everyone you mentioned was related to an issue.

2.6 and 2.7 it's those who were mocking the prophet/hurting him personally etc those god have locked their heart and brain as a punishment due their behavior, those who take it so "far" to hurt Islam as a way of punishment god let them blind due truth to gain more sins and go to hell even if you show them undeniable proof they still wont get it, in a sense their brain got expired

2.257 : talking about the end of the world where everyone awaits his judgment and he is rewarded to his work, if you are bad hell awaits you if you are good heaven awaits you, you don't like it deal with it that's the point of islam no one is forcing you to be one.

2:98 : Jews came to the prophet in real life and told him we will follow you and believe you if Gabriel was not a good angel because we hate him and the response was the one you saw in the verse

God does not judge the misinformed or those who have never heard of true Islam teachings, he aint throwing people to hell for joy it's justice system why become good in life if there is no judgment in the end? why I'm not allowed to steal anything i want/rape/etc if I'm sure i can get away with it? you have manners good for you but not everyone is the same, if all were the same we would never need a police and prisons, if you agree then you agree to punish criminals in life but not the afterlife way to go smart, and if you don't then you are nothing but criminal if you don't like the existence in prison for life if you made big crime or anything.

If you think you are flawless person with the best heart in the world you wont have much to worry about but nitpicking and quoting UNRELATED things whenever i post something NOT TO YOU is nothing but childish we get it you hate islam and we don't care.

Going to play Witcher 2, Boring thread is boring i can clearly tell who want to hate blindly like Slofia and oddherpt and who was asking legit questions and fair like blazekings

Post edited June 06, 2011 by Seph22
I have no reason to hate since I get treated by the muslims better than they treat their own people :D

"If you think you are flawless person with the best heart in the world you wont have much to worry about"

That's nice and all but muslims over here are taught that everyone who is non-muslim will go to hell.
Post edited June 06, 2011 by SLOFila