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We (still) want to hear from you!

We recently asked you guys for feedback based on some potential games that we may be able to sign in the future. The results were pretty clear--and we will be sharing them with you all soon--but we did want to ask you a single follow-up question with an actual real-world game example. One of the games that we would like to add to our catalog is Planetary Annihilation. This is an RTS with many modern gaming features, and we figured we'd use it as our test example.

<iframe width="590" height="332" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Planetary Annihilation is distinctive for the following:

- Multiplayer and skirmish focused gameplay; there is no story-based single-player campaign, but AI skirmish matches provide a great single player experience.
- Optional persistent online features such as scoreboards, social features, achievements, and the online multiplayer campaign - a persistent galaxy-wide war; an account with the developer's online service is required in order to use these features.
- No activation, unique codes, or third-party accounts are required for single-player play or, LAN/direct connection multiplayer.
- A unique key is required for Internet multiplayer, and an account with the developer's service is only required for the persistent online features.

Now, that you know about the game's specifics, here's our question:
Post edited April 15, 2013 by G-Doc
high rated
I guess the real question is, do YOU believe that it conflicts with the following statements in any way (even though others on may, in your opinion, already conflict with them):


(1) DRM-free games

Forget activations or malicious DRM - every game on is 100% DRM-free

You buy it. You own it. 100% DRM-free.
DRM, also called copy protection, tries to control you and your games. We don’t believe in that - all of the games on come without any DRM at all!

Download, reinstall, or backup without limits
While you can always redownload your games off the cloud, you can also install them on all your computers at home or back them up onto a DVD or spare hard drive. No limits!


If you do believe there is a conflict with that statement, then you might answer:
Yes, if you are ok with that description being changed to a new one (which would not conflict)
No if you do not wish the description to be changed.

If you do not believe there is a conflict with that statement, then you can probably safely answer Yes because it is in line with what GoG says the site is about.

Ultimately, each person should decide on how the game coincides with the statement on's front page. Some people may believe that it does not because they only feel single-player should apply, while others may believe it does because they feel all aspects should apply. REGARDLESS of current offerings, since it's possible they may already conflict with these statements, in your opinion...

Maybe that makes things a big easier for people, thinking about it that way :-) maybe not..
Post edited April 15, 2013 by CyberNigma
Magnitus: Anyone got a complete list of games that require keys for any feature? I figure I might as well send GOG on big request for all my keys when I get around to it.
JMich: [url=]The GOGWiki is supposed to have one[/url], but it's far from complete. Guess I'll have to try and update it at some point.
It's a good start. Thanks.

What we'd probably need is to open up a thread and ask people who've bought various games recently whether it has a key or not.

I'm not sure exactly when the feature to add the key in your library was implemented, but it would have to be after that.

I'm guessing anything that was bought in 2013 has it.
Post edited April 15, 2013 by Magnitus
gibbeynator: I had to go with no. Any exceptions, no matter how minor, are lost ground in the DRM-free crusade, and any publisher could turn to this game on GOG and say "well, you let THAT game have online connectivity, so you can't have our game unless you let us have that."
hucklebarry: Makes sense, but in this case, the features gated behind DRM are features that I would never use even if they weren't. Its like when they charge extra for anchovies as a pizza topping. Gross, I'm not going to pay extra just so I can vomit (very precise DRM analogy ;) ) So why would I care what it takes to get leaderboards and multiplayer versus strangers?

I'm as anti-DRM as you can get, but this DRM doesn't bother me because it literally doesn't bother me. As I mentioned earlier, I would have bought Diablo 3 twice if only the leaderboards and matchmaking were behind the DRM. I only wanted that game for LAN and direct connect anyway.

Also, for people that want to play online with all the extra online bells and whistles... I'm a little confused at how the account is bothersome, shouldn't that be expected at this point? My biggest gripe with DRM is the un-necesity of it. Don't take me online when I don't need to go online... but in this case, the people wanting the online only features, are the ones not wanting the DRM... Again, I'm not a fan of DRM, but isn't it more justified here, in a multiplayer focused game? AND, there are non-drm options to fully play with friends.

I voted yes. I'll save my 'no' for if/when that line truly is crossed.
I don't know if you read it wrong but when a game has an optional DRM feature for MP, for me it measn it has a strong SP to help with people who don't play online. This game has none SP. And yes people can mention UT which I played a LOOOOOOOT when I was a kid againts bots all the time but it did had some kind of SP campaign, no interesting story at all but it had the option for a campaign.

This game doesn't even have the smallest effort on that, Just throw some maps and an AI that we don't know how smart or fun it is to play againts and thats it.
The DRM-free aspect of GOG has never been a big attraction for me, I like you guys because of your awesome catalogue and your conscientious attitude to your customers, and because you've always made me feel like I'm buying from hardcore gamers rather than some businessmen that don't care about the quality of their products.

Bring it on, the game looks great!
high rated
Feyjoo: Just in case you don't know the reason GOG came to be is to bring old games that stopped working on the new OS and DRM free.
I was under the impression that the reason GOG came to be was 30-something people with nostalgia glasses and disposable income. The older games working on newer OS is a service (that I prefer to pay for instead of trying to get them working myself), and the DRM free is (for better or worse) just a bonus.

So, as long as they keep getting games that I can play single-player or in LAN, without needing to ask permission from a 3rd party, I don't care what that game may be, be it a 1980s game, a 1990s game, a 2000s game or a 201x game. If the publisher wishes to request permission, let him request permission somewhere else.

As to how much time that takes? I'll hazard a guess of 5 work days, and if the poll returns true, it will allow newer games to be sold here, and newer games are easier to set up for sale than old ones (since most work out of the box).
If the community says no, then those games won't appear here, and GOG spent 5 days (which I still doubt it's that much) to prevent itself from doing a blunder. In my opinion, time well spent.
Since there is Lan/direct connect then the answer is yes.
Magnitus: I'm guessing anything that was bought in 2013 has it.
Heroes of Might and Magic V was the first game with automatic CD-key system if I recall correctly. I know I bought it a bit after release and I do have a key for it, without asking.
Feyjoo: I don't know if you read it wrong but when a game has an optional DRM feature for MP, for me it measn it has a strong SP to help with people who don't play online. This game has none SP. And yes people can mention UT which I played a LOOOOOOOT when I was a kid againts bots all the time but it did had some kind of SP campaign, no interesting story at all but it had the option for a campaign.

This game doesn't even have the smallest effort on that, Just throw some maps and an AI that we don't know how smart or fun it is to play againts and thats it.
If it has a flexible skirmish mode with AI players, then it has single player.

Some beloved turn-based strategy games from the past were like that: No campaign mode, just skirmishes on randomly generated maps.

Actually, in many strategy games, the campaign mode annoys the heck out of me, because the story is lame and the campaign acts as an overdrawn tutorial, putting heavy restrictions on what you can build and relaxing the restrictions at turtle pace.
Post edited April 15, 2013 by Magnitus
I can see something like Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity being used as a example (to a extent) because there's no single player campaign-it's all skirmish and MP vs people/AI and requires a unique key to be able to play online. Point 2 also meets this game as well. This is just one other example of a possible game coming to GOG outta this
Feyjoo: And yes people can mention UT which I played a LOOOOOOOT when I was a kid againts bots all the time but it did had some kind of SP campaign, no interesting story at all but it had the option for a campaign.

This game doesn't even have the smallest effort on that, Just throw some maps and an AI that we don't know how smart or fun it is to play againts and thats it.
Eh, do you recall what UT's single player was? A series of matches to win, to be crowned champion or something. How is that different from a set of 30 skirmishes, in 3 game modes?

Not to mention that the Galaxy Attack (or however it's called) is also available for single player.
Wishbone: You may not like an offer, but when push comes to shove, can you afford to say "no"?
TheEnigmaticT: Simply? Yes, we can.

We've had a few offers on the plate that simply didn't mesh with our values well enough, and we decided that mattered more than a quick cash grab. And if this survey comes back with a strong "no", we'll politely decline Planetary Annihilation. The devs agreed up front to this particular experiment with asking you guys about their game, and while we would be disappointed not to bring this title to, we do care what you guys think.

It looks like PA is going to be a great game, but just because it's a good game doesn't mean it has to be on GOG. ;)
Barefoot_Monkey: What exactly is unavailable on direct IP / LAN that you have on the official server? Can you summarise? Obviously stat tracking, achievements and matchmaking, but that's not an issue. Specifically, please tell us more about the online campaign if you can.
TheEnigmaticT: The game is still under development, so I'm not convinced *anyone* can answer that. The persistent galaxy bits seem to be what will not work, though. Whatever that entails.
Point Man: I said yes. Now, are you guys having a Spring conference or what!?
TheEnigmaticT: Not to my knowledge.
This post is made of win (well no conference is maybe a sad thing but let's stay positive ;) ).
Outside of a few specific Dev groups GOG is just about the only thing in gaming currently which has earned some solid trust/benefit of the doubt from me. It's the only place I can come to buy a game and just read about the game rather than read about all the BS usually attached to contemporary gaming to make sure whether or not I'll even be able to play the game without supporting toxic business models.

Thank you GOG for being a cut (or several) above the standard, for being a place ethical and responsiveness enough that I don't regret getting my extended family set up with accounts here :)

Yes - as Long as I can OPT OUT of those Achievements I hate Achievements I prefer a game that's Done when I say it's done is when I have finished the LAST LEVEL!
I had to go with no myself. Sure, the whole third party account thing is optional, but then if you choose not to take that option you end up with a limited game - there is no single player campaign but there is a multiplayer persistent galaxy wide war campaign.

I see some have mentioned activation keys in comments to games already here on GOG, but my understanding is that they are just unique keys to prove you have a legitimately purchased game and that they don't bind to any accounts or machines or anything like that. Please let me know of any games here on GOG if this isn't the case for them.
korell: there is no single player campaign but there is a multiplayer persistent galaxy wide war campaign.
The persistent galaxy wide thingy can also be played in single player, though obviously you are the one saving it. 2 posts here already mentioned it, and linked to the Kickstarter update mentioning it. Can dig it up if you want me to.
Feyjoo: Just in case you don't know the reason GOG came to be is to bring old games that stopped working on the new OS and DRM free.
JMich: I was under the impression that the reason GOG came to be was 30-something people with nostalgia glasses and disposable income. The older games working on newer OS is a service (that I prefer to pay for instead of trying to get them working myself), and the DRM free is (for better or worse) just a bonus.

So, as long as they keep getting games that I can play single-player or in LAN, without needing to ask permission from a 3rd party, I don't care what that game may be, be it a 1980s game, a 1990s game, a 2000s game or a 201x game. If the publisher wishes to request permission, let him request permission somewhere else.

As to how much time that takes? I'll hazard a guess of 5 work days, and if the poll returns true, it will allow newer games to be sold here, and newer games are easier to set up for sale than old ones (since most work out of the box).
If the community says no, then those games won't appear here, and GOG spent 5 days (which I still doubt it's that much) to prevent itself from doing a blunder. In my opinion, time well spent.
You should read the post completely before you reply, I don't mind new games heck I was all forward Indie games.
The problem here is this is not a 100% DRM free game, and those 5 days could have been spend on another classic or a new game DRM-free.

And to think DRM was a bonus? Dude I'm sorry but 3 years ago almost 4 now I think when I got to GOG for the first time the only thing I saw was DRM free DRM free DRM free, Google gog and it appeared everything between DRM's and DRM conflicts and all DRM so to think it just a bonus is wrong. GOG was receaved different from others digital distributors because of two concepts, classic games and DRM-free. This game has none of those two.
Feyjoo: I don't know if you read it wrong but when a game has an optional DRM feature for MP, for me it measn it has a strong SP to help with people who don't play online. This game has none SP. And yes people can mention UT which I played a LOOOOOOOT when I was a kid againts bots all the time but it did had some kind of SP campaign, no interesting story at all but it had the option for a campaign.

This game doesn't even have the smallest effort on that, Just throw some maps and an AI that we don't know how smart or fun it is to play againts and thats it.
Magnitus: If it has a flexible skirmish mode with AI players, then it has single player.

Some beloved turn-based strategy games from the past were like that: No campaign mode, just skirmishes on randomly generated maps.

Actually, in many strategy games, the campaign mode annoys the heck out of me, because the story is lame and the campaign acts as an overdrawn tutorial, putting heavy restrictions on what you can build and relaxing the restrictions at turtle pace.
I know what you mean by not having a campaign but we are not in those times anymore in other words there is no limit to what they can do to the game. I just see the SP on this game as a poor effort unless the AI is smarter than your average RTS player and it has plenty of maps to not bore me.
Post edited April 15, 2013 by Feyjoo