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Torchlight FREE for the next 48 hours, 500+ Games 50% off until July 5, Daily Deals up to 85% off!

The sun is shining, the weather is sweet, let's begin GOG's amazing humongous [url=]2013 #NoDRM Summer Sale. Most of the games in our DRM-free catalog (that's 500+ titles!) are available half-price until July the 5th. You can also expect special Daily Deals, allowing you to grab bundles of games (or in some cases individual titles) up to 85% off! To add a cherry on top that huge, delicious summer gaming cake, for the next 48 hours we're giving away Torchlight, a fantastic hack-and-slash action-RPG, absolutely free to all users! We have a lot of exciting deals in store for you, so remember to check our site frequently.

Normally, this paragraph would serve to further encourage you to go crazy with our extravagant and exciting offers. We'll get to that. But there's something important we'd like to address first. At we talk a lot about the importance of giving gamers the ability to play their games where they want, whenever they want, and how they want. Gamers should be able to play their games on any device they own in any location, no matter the Internet quality. There is only one way to ensure that: No DRM.

In the last few months, there has been a lot of outcry from gamers over DRM and how it is changing our favorite form of entertainment. If it keeps growing, it may well take a large part of the fun out of gaming. As anti-DRM crusaders, we're very glad to see that the issue of restrictive digital rights management has become an item of public debate, and we want to make sure that our #NoDRM stance is clear. None of the games in our sale have DRM, and none of our games ever will.

Once again: More than 500 games 50% off until July 5. Daily Deals bringing the discount even up to 85%. Torchlight distributed as a free gift to all users until Thursday, June 20, at 12:59PM GMT. We'll throw exciting offers at you daily, so consider following us on [url=]Twitter[/url], , and [url=]YouTube just to make sure you're not missing out. That's it! The 2013 #NoDRM Summer Sale is now on. Have fun and remember to support the #NoDRM movement on and elsewhere!
PaterAlf: Is it just me who thinks that Capcom catalogue is quite an euphemism?
But... it is solid... and strong :P
Once again GOG's early with its sale. I'm not at all surprised about that. Gotta strike while the iron is hot before Steam's gonna steal everybody else's thunder.

Well, I'm definitely taking GOG up on Alan Wake. :) Definitely interested in seeing what other bundles will pop up in the next three weeks. I'm sure I'll pick a game up here and there even if it's not bundled.

ThomNG: Stay tuned!
Say, is it likely for us to see the Red Faction and Darksider games here now that you own the IPs? That'd be swell!

Ashkaro: I've heard about the GOG Summer Sale alright, but this is beyond any of my expectations. Have mercy on my bank account people...
Bloodygoodgames: Yep. Last Christmas was my first big GOG sale (don't know HOW I missed last year's summer sale?) and I thought I'd died and gone to heaven :)
Actually, last year's summer sale wasn't anything like this. This seems to be the first time GOG's actually has a summer sale that's as big as its winter sales. I'm definitely pleasantly surprised. My wallet... less so. ;)
Post edited June 18, 2013 by mistermumbles
mistermumbles: Once again GOG's early with its sale. I'm not at all surprised about that. Gotta strike while the iron is hot before Steam's gonna steal everybody else's thunder.
Steam isn't that great as it was before. I believe this time as well Amazon will steal a good chunk of Valve's possible income.
Great promo, almost all my wishlist is discounted (except some more recent releases...), will acompain the daily promos to decide which games to buy
So same deal as usual?
Wait until the last day to buy games you want just in case they get marked off in a daily deal?
I need to say this:

Thanks GOG! Thanks for staying DRM free! Thanks for getting even more deals and free games!

Up until recently, I had Xbox360 as my main platform for gaming. Once they announced their DRM restrictions on Xbox One (+ lots of other awful things), I decided to switch to PC. Up until now, GOG was for me just a way to get good old PC games at good price. Now, it will be my main platform.

I´ll get plenty of games on this deal for sure. Please, stay DRM free! ;)
So the discount before on the recent titles where only a glitch?.

Oh why didnt i picket them up!. Thought i could wait until i recive more money. Oh well....
F4LL0UT: I think people consider it laughable and/or false information that cracking games is an awkward process and pirated versions are infested with malware. :P
Bloodygoodgames: I must have played or owned at least 200 pirated games over the years (I'm in Bangkok, all games are pirated here :) I've never once a) had a game that didn't play and b) had a game with any kind of malware or virus.

Pirates don't infest their stuff with malware. They want you to come back and buy from them again.

And, as far as the US government trying to convince people pirates are connected to 'terrorists'. Bullshit. They're just business people like anyone else. But, you know the US, if they don't want you to do something, they just say "terrorists" and half of America believes them :)
If you're BUYing your warez that sounds like a very different scene to free torrents with different motivations, although I agree that there is a lot of FUD spread from the industry about this sort of thing (hells any infected warez probably originate from the industry's black ops dept. too *dons tin foil hat*)

I actually assumed that a lot of the hassle OP says GOG eliminates vs. priracy of old games is the same hassle you get just running your old retail disks these day - hunting the patches down, fiddling with compatibility settings etc

Although, yeah, people then just torrent the GOG'd versions, sadly
Post edited June 18, 2013 by Fever_Discordia
mistermumbles: Say, is it likely for us to see the Red Faction and Darksider games here now that you own the IPs? That'd be swell!
I wish they could confirm the acquisition has been approved already.
Well I am a little sad that I cannot buy anything because I am broke at the moment but the sale lasts until July 5th.

Come July I can buy a lot of the stuff here on sale but it really does suck staring at all these amazing deals drooling at my wallet in suspense =)
Post edited June 18, 2013 by YellowAries
mistermumbles: Say, is it likely for us to see the Red Faction and Darksider games here now that you own the IPs? That'd be swell!
rodrolliv: I wish they could confirm the acquisition has been approved already.
Red Faction and Darksiders games DRM free would be awesome. Depending on the price, I might even pick some of them up on release, instead of waiting for a sale.
rodrolliv: I wish they could confirm the acquisition has been approved already.
jalister: Red Faction and Darksiders games DRM free would be awesome. Depending on the price, I might even pick some of them up on release, instead of waiting for a sale.
It's a shame Darksiders 2 lost it's backing.. makes the game somewhat pointless to play, at least from a personal perspective.

Edit: I rented Darksiders 2 and imagine my disgust when I realized what happened.. =(
Post edited June 18, 2013 by YellowAries
jalister: Red Faction and Darksiders games DRM free would be awesome. Depending on the price, I might even pick some of them up on release, instead of waiting for a sale.
I would finally buy RF1 and 2 if they appeared on GOG.
So those games with dancing prices shouldn't have been on sale. Which means I cheated. Oopsies.

I'll try not to play any until they go on sale, which shouldn't be too hard with my current schedule
If I choose to gift the entire pack of the D&D sale, would the games all come with a single GOG code, or one code for each game?