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Cavalary: Would be nice if this would show up on site...
mrkgnao: I don't think the number of games in the catalogue has changed in the last 6 months (N=379), certainly not significantly.
New games are trickling through. The first 3 on that list are newly released within the past few days.

Zoom Platform are also working themselves on a reboot of Megarace. Not sure when it is expected to be ready, but you can see screenshots of it here. (they seem to be quite good chums with Lance Boyle ;-) )
low rated
mrkgnao: I don't think the number of games in the catalogue has changed in the last 6 months (N=379), certainly not significantly.
Time4Tea: New games are trickling through. The first 3 on that list are newly released within the past few days.

Zoom Platform are also working themselves on a reboot of Megarace. Not sure when it is expected to be ready, but you can see screenshots of it here. (they seem to be quite good chums with Lance Boyle ;-) )
Thanks. I'll continue to follow them, but for now I don't consider them a real alternative. Perhaps if they allowed one to migrate their GOG library (similar to GOG Connect)...
The ZOOM Platform certainly have some great games, including a few Duke Nukem ones, for those wanting a Duke fix.

As mentioned earlier in this thread, they have 8 free games, 5 or 6 of which are also free here at GOG. And a good number of games unavailable here at GOG right now.

While I have purchased 17 games from them now (8 of those free), I have generally not found the pricing to be conducive to buying much, so I am hoping they will eventually do some sales, and they have already hinted at that possibility.

The ZOOM Platform right now, is a long way behind GOG, and not just because of far fewer games. There is a substantial lack of info about their games, with some info being better than others. You mostly rely on a short summary plus video clip, though the video clips are like jingles sometimes and not helpful at all ... or just not available at all. You don't get any update stuff or file sizes or screenshots etc. And no mention from what I have noticed, of whether any Multiplayer element is DRM or not. They also only seem to mention Minimum system requirements, and not whether a game will work on latest Windows OS. They seem to offer the ability to do Reviews, but I can't say I have seen any yet.

Just noticed another game that wasn't there a week or so ago.

[Moderated by SmollestLight: Deleted Links]
Post edited April 04, 2022 by SmollestLight
Timboli: The ZOOM Platform right now, is a long way behind GOG, and not just because of far fewer games. There is a substantial lack of info about their games, with some info being better than others. You mostly rely on a short summary plus video clip, though the video clips are like jingles sometimes and not helpful at all ... or just not available at all. You don't get any update stuff or file sizes or screenshots etc. And no mention from what I have noticed, of whether any Multiplayer element is DRM or not. They also only seem to mention Minimum system requirements, and not whether a game will work on latest Windows OS. They seem to offer the ability to do Reviews, but I can't say I have seen any yet.
Hey, I asked about some of these on their Discord channel just now. I had a nice chat with Adam, who is their main technical guy who is working to strip the DRM from the games.

He tests on Windows 10. So, most games should work out of the box on Win 10. If something doesn't, you could probably mention it in the Discord and he'll take a look at it for you. I was on there the other day and one guy was asking when the French version of Order of War was going to be ready, so he finished and released it on the store for him right there on the spot.

Regarding MP DRM: they have no client, so there are certainly no requirements on client applications. None of their games require online connections for activation. Currently, Adam is not aware of any games on ZP that require a remote server connection for MP. If there are any specific games you are looking at, again you could ask in the Discord.

They are in general very friendly and responsive on their Discord channel. He responded to me within minutes, despite it being Sunday. I must say, very refreshing compared with the usual experience on GOG.

Timboli: Just noticed another game that wasn't there a week or so ago.

And I think this might be another new one, and maybe my next purchase. It unusually has a large summary.

And this one too, which looks great, but pricing deters me ... especially because I am unfamiliar with the game.
I think 688i Hunter Killer has been on there for a while. Not sure about the Calvin Tuckers Farm one. I think Order of War is fairly new as well. It looks pretty cool from some video reviews I saw on YouTube - a bit like Company of Heroes. It's on my wishlist.
Post edited March 28, 2021 by Time4Tea
Time4Tea: Hey, I asked about some of these on their Discord channel just now. I had a nice chat with Adam, who is their main technical guy who is working to strip the DRM from the games.
Thanks for all that, great to know.

Time4Tea: I think 688i Hunter Killer has been on there for a while.
Not sure about that, as it is an unusual title and caught my attention straight away, and looked promising enough to check out. I certainly don't recall seeing it before and my last visit there was one to two weeks ago, where I did a big examination of their entire listings. But hey, things happen. :)
Okay ZOOMERS listen up.

I've come to the rescue .... sort of.

Until those running the ZOOM Platform get their act together, I have created a helpful little program.

ZOOM Checker

It's not all I wanted it to be, but does the job well enough.

I was hoping to also be able to scrape the games list online, but with their tricky setup I've yet to find a solution.

I've tried a few more things for scraping, but no luck.

However, I have now added another helpful GO button to ZOOM Checker, which does a few processes to simplify or speed up things for the user. GO changes to TAB and SAVE.

I could implement a price watch element too, but as they never seem to change prices, probably a waste of effort.

See prior post for links to downloading and further information.
Very nice! Thank you for your continued work for the convenience of others! :-)
Thanks, and not a problem, I like to share, especially with good folk like yourself. :-)
Timboli: I was hoping to also be able to scrape the games list online, but with their tricky setup I've yet to find a solution.
Here you go.
Increase the page value in a loop to get all the data.
Post edited April 12, 2021 by SlackR84
SlackR84: Here you go.
Increase the page value in a loop to get all the data.

It took me a while, but I finally realized you were using CURL.

I was hoping to avoid using a third party program, and I have some more complex AutoIt user functions to investigate.

If all else fails, I will then try CURL, so thanks for the info.
low rated
Timboli: ZOOM Checker

It's not all I wanted it to be, but does the job well enough.
Thanks for your efforts on this, Timboli! This looks useful and I will check it out :-)

(btw, I like your new hat ;-) )
Post edited April 13, 2021 by Time4Tea
Time4Tea: Thanks for your efforts on this, Timboli! This looks useful and I will check it out :-)

(btw, I like your new hat ;-) )
Much appreciated.

It is rather cool isn't it.

For some reason I am drawn to funny crazy dudes as my avatars ... no doubt I am a bit crazy myself ... and have been known to be funny on occasion ... though not with Dad Joke's according to my kids ... what do they know ... ha ha ha.
Post edited April 13, 2021 by Timboli
SlackR84: Here you go.
Increase the page value in a loop to get all the data.
While I am at it, I might as well ask you for the full CURL command line you used, as I am having no luck elsewhere or with Curl.
SlackR84: Here you go.
Increase the page value in a loop to get all the data.
Timboli: While I am at it, I might as well ask you for the full CURL command line you used, as I am having no luck elsewhere or with Curl.
firefox, developer tools, go to the search page.

Screenshot shows how to get the command you need.
curl.png (106 Kb)
Post edited April 17, 2021 by SlackR84