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rtcvb32: Considering the utter lack of NPC's, that seems.... like a very boring game.
P-E-S: Eh? 76 had NPCs for about four years now.
How many? 10? Pretty sure it's not populated as much as any other Fallout game.

And yes i know they added 'some', it was a big sticking point from the launch, but to my understanding they didn't add very many.

edit: a quick glance suggests maybe 100. More than i expected. But would it be worth it?
Post edited April 09, 2024 by rtcvb32
I really thought 2024 would be our year.
high rated
maxpoweruser: I really thought 2024 would be our year.
And as long as this game isn't here, it is.
CthuluIsSpy: Yeah, it would seem that Fallout 76 has come a long way since release and does have some NPCs.
I played it during a free weekend and...well, it wasn't as bad as they say, but it still wasn't great. For some silly reason they made every enemy scale with your level, so you have even less of a feeling of progression than your typical modern Bethesda fare and it can get pretty damn grindy.

They really should have not attempted to chase the MMO market (which no one asked for) and instead made Fallout New Vegas 2 / Fallout 5 but with Obsidian (which people do want)
Fallout 76 would NEVER have stayed like this if it first released on PC. Remember how broken ESO was when it first launched on PC? After deciding they wanted to launch it on consoles they majorly fixed it. Fallout 76 launched on everything at once so they took a big dump on the carpet then proceeded to say "Beautiful" and walked away. Better to release a broken piece of crap across all platforms after majorly hyping it up and selling swag filled editions. I mean make piles of money all at once at launch and who cares if you will ever see decent sales again, am I right?
edit: I wish I could upvote Breja's post before this 1000 times.
Post edited April 09, 2024 by Sarang
Dos_Boss: Ah, got all excited when I seen it was going to be a GoG code :/

Kinda surprised the game hasn't gone F2P by now, then they wouldn't need DRM anything.
Breja: Since when are F2P games DRM free?
what's the point of putting DRM in a F2P game? what exactly is it protecting or even checking against?
Breja: Since when are F2P games DRM free?
Dos_Boss: what's the point of putting DRM in a F2P game? what exactly is it protecting or even checking against?
I don't think you know what you're talking about. We're talking about an online only game. That's DRMed by definition. Unless you're imagining some kind of offline, single-player only Fallout 76, which is completely delusional, even more so as a free game.
Dos_Boss: what's the point of putting DRM in a F2P game? what exactly is it protecting or even checking against?
Breja: I don't think you know what you're talking about. We're talking about an online only game. That's DRMed by definition. Unless you're imagining some kind of offline, single-player only Fallout 76, which is completely delusional, even more so as a free game.
Of course it's online, Of course it needs to talk to the server to actually play the game, something that interacts online is not the same as DRM.. DRM is making sure you're suppose to have access to the software.

If it it was on GoG but f2p then what would it be checking against? right now they want MONEY to buy the game to play it so there is a interest in having checks for that.. DRM.

But if it was f2p the software would not need protecting as it's "free" already.. so I ask what would the DRM even be checking against or protecting in that situation?
high rated
Dos_Boss: If it it was on GoG but f2p then what would it be checking against?
Fallout 76 Microtransactions : Boost, Cosmetic, Free-to-grind, Unlock

"Let's do an online ownership check to see whether this person has purchased this skin / pay2degrind 'booster' pack", still needs an in-game DRM check, regardless of whether you paid for the 'base' game or not. F2P games are generally "free" for a reason... ;-)
Post edited April 10, 2024 by AB2012
high rated
Dos_Boss: Of course it's online, Of course it needs to talk to the server to actually play the game, something that interacts online is not the same as DRM..
Ah, yes, of course, the DRM-free online game - an aboslutely real, completely not self-contradictory thing and the reason all games on GOG (except for, you know, goddamn Gwent) specify they are "DRM FREE. No activation or online connection required to play."
Dos_Boss: If it it was on GoG but f2p then what would it be checking against?
AB2012: Fallout 76 Microtransactions : Boost, Cosmetic, Free-to-grind, Unlock

"Let's do an online ownership check to see whether this person has purchased this skin / pay2degrind 'booster' pack", still needs an in-game DRM check, regardless of whether you paid for the 'base' game or not. F2P games are generally "free" for a reason... ;-)
Wouldn't that be checked on the server when you log in? everything has to go thru the server unless you've found an exploit it's not going to display your skin to anyone else even if you some how hacked it locally.

Dos_Boss: Of course it's online, Of course it needs to talk to the server to actually play the game, something that interacts online is not the same as DRM..
Breja: Ah, yes, of course, the DRM-free online game - an aboslutely real, completely not self-contradictory thing and the reason all games on GOG (except for, you know, goddamn Gwent) specify they are "DRM FREE. No activation or online connection required to play."
Anarchy Online, Free 2 play MMORPG, has subscription based expansion packs.. can just download and play it..

Although you do have to create an account if you consider that DRM lol.

You guys are confusing internet traffic with DRM.

DRM can be Internet based but not all internet traffic is DRM.
high rated
Dos_Boss: Wouldn't that be checked on the server when you log in?
What "login"? You don't "log in" to DRM-Free games to get them to work, so if you need to do that, there simply wouldn't be a GOG version in the first place...

Dos_Boss: DRM can be Internet based but not all internet traffic is DRM.
True but in this case, needing to log in to an account to do a microtransaction purchase verification check on every game start is exactly a perfect example of what DRM actually is... ;-)

Edit: As for FO76 (GOG version), I can't see it. No-one's going to rip all those juicy MT's out (that pay for the game) then make a huge loss giving it away for nothing. They could sell it here for $30 repackaging some of the online stuff they'd need to remove, but I seriously doubt they'd make many sales. It's nothing like Skyim (see the GOG Wishlist votes = just 63 votes for FO76 vs +30,000 for Skyrim). It wouldn't even make 0.25% of sales and would cost both GOG and publisher far more money to "adapt" its monetization to than they'd ever make back.
Post edited April 10, 2024 by AB2012
high rated
Dos Boss should be formally declared the new gold standard for stupid on this forum.
Dos_Boss: Wouldn't that be checked on the server when you log in?
AB2012: What "login"? You don't "log in" to DRM-Free games to get them to work, so if you need to do that, there simply wouldn't be a GOG version in the first place...

How does it know to load your character without a login?

GoG has DRM cause you have to log in?

Dos_Boss: DRM can be Internet based but not all internet traffic is DRM.
AB2012: True but in this case, needing to log in to an account to do a microtransaction purchase verification check on every game start is exactly a perfect example of what DRM actually is... ;-)

Edit: As for FO76 (GOG version), I can't see it. No-one's going to rip all those juicy MT's out (that pay for the game) then make a huge loss giving it away for nothing. They could sell it here for $30 repackaging some of the online stuff they'd need to remove, but I seriously doubt they'd make many sales. It's nothing like Skyim (see the GOG Wishlist votes = just 63 votes for FO76 vs +30,000 for Skyrim). It wouldn't even make 0.25% of sales and would cost both GOG and publisher far more money to "adapt" its monetization to than they'd ever make back.
I think you're confusing payment processing with DRM, gog has DRM cause you have to create an account and pay for your games?

I've not played 76, but my understanding is they make money off the social stuff and "atom" currency purchses

There is no reason that couldn't be handled by a gog version, whether or not the current framework lends it self to this or not I don't know but it's not DRM..

I gave an example of Anarchy Online which has a $$$$ store and paid subscriptions to access the expansions..

So whether you guys want to argue if 76 would ever make sense for them to bring it to gog, etc that's fine.. but claiming it can't be done or it hasn't' been done is flatly wrong and I already gave you an example of a game company Funcom that does this.
Post edited April 10, 2024 by Dos_Boss
high rated
Dos_Boss: I've not played 76, but my understanding is they make money off the social stuff and "atom" currency purchses
Yes, and those DRM'd micro-transactions are precisely what requires "All versions require a account and a constant internet connection for all game modes"... A GOG version would mean no MT's at all and would be so butchered as to be non-viable.

Dos_Boss: I gave an example of Anarchy Online which has a $$$$ store and paid subscriptions to access the expansions..
Is that the same Anarchy Online where "All versions require a Funcom Anarchy account" with account based DRM?... ;-)
Post edited April 10, 2024 by AB2012
Dos_Boss: I've not played 76, but my understanding is they make money off the social stuff and "atom" currency purchses
AB2012: Yes, and those DRM'd micro-transactions are precisely what requires "All versions require a account and a constant internet connection for all game modes"... A GOG version would mean no MT's at all and would be so butchered as to be viable.

Dos_Boss: I gave an example of Anarchy Online which has a $$$$ store and paid subscriptions to access the expansions..
AB2012: Is that the same Anarchy Online where "All versions require a Funcom Anarchy account" with account based DRM?... ;-)
Explain to me if you need a Bethesda account for 76 how it would fail to function because it was distributed via GoG?

Eh AO I think is on Steam now.. but it predates steam, I do not know if you can access MT via steam.. Steam might be able to setup a FC account for you but normally you would make an account on funcom and use that to log in, you'd have to provide a creditcard or Think they also have giftcards in the account to be able to process transactions but that's only if you buy something from the $$$$ store or upgrade to a subscription account for access to expansions.

It sounds like Bethesa is using a similar system so I don't really understand why this couldn't work.

Right now they have an interest in making sure you actually PAID for the game where as AO is free off the git and only cost if you want the expansions or to buy something out of the $$$ store.

I wouldn't consider that DRM just because they need information on how to pay for stuff.. im sure verification happens on the server to make sure oh ya your account is in good standing so you can goto X Y Z location where the expansions are.. but this is not something that would be native to gog and it would happen on the servers end.

IT by very nature is a online game so I don't understand why we would even be having a conversation of this game on gog in the first place if everyone considers this DRM and a violation of the spirit of gog.