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I would assume a $1000 phone would allow you to change the screen resolution in such a way that the picture doesn't get cut off at the side due to some pea-brained design decision, right?

I'm just baffled by the media attention this thing is getting. I mean, I wouldn't even know about it, I don't give a rat's ass about Apple's (or anyone's) new gadgets, but this thing was on front page of pretty much every news site I visit. It's just an overpriced phone, why does this warrant front page from BBC News?
Post edited September 13, 2017 by Breja
Breja: I'm just baffled by the media attention this thing is getting. I mean, I wouldn't even know about it, I don't give a rat's ass about Apple's (or anyone's) new gadgets, but this thing was on front page of pretty much every news site I visit. It's just an overpriced phone, why does this warrant front page from BBC News?
Well, the BBC is a business, no longer the impartial news reporter it once was, so its gotta make some cash as well. The one thing Apple does well is pay all the publicists, news, papers etc. very well. Hype anything up enough and thats 90% of your sales straight off.
Breja: I'm just baffled by the media attention this thing is getting. I mean, I wouldn't even know about it, I don't give a rat's ass about Apple's (or anyone's) new gadgets, but this thing was on front page of pretty much every news site I visit. It's just an overpriced phone, why does this warrant front page from BBC News?
nightcraw1er.488: Well, the BBC is a business, no longer the impartial news reporter it once was, so its gotta make some cash as well. The one thing Apple does well is pay all the publicists, news, papers etc. very well. Hype anything up enough and thats 90% of your sales straight off.
I'm not sure if that's it in BBC's case, given how the current headline reads "Embarrasing fail in Apple's iPhone demo" :D
nightcraw1er.488: Well, the BBC is a business, no longer the impartial news reporter it once was, so its gotta make some cash as well. The one thing Apple does well is pay all the publicists, news, papers etc. very well. Hype anything up enough and thats 90% of your sales straight off.
Breja: I'm not sure if that's it in BBC's case, given how the current headline reads "Embarrasing fail in Apple's iPhone demo" :D
Its whats called a stunt. "Oh look at the embarrasing problem with this, how funny, you should all go out and buy it" - could that be the Apple launch, the Windows launch, they all pull these little gimmicks, everyone has a chuckle then they go out and buy them in droves.
Really an ugly design, makes no sense.
Price of a better than average, brand new computer.... impressive
laser_eyes: It seems that the new iphone X has what I believe is the most stupid idea ever conceived of in smartphones. The area at the top of the screen containing the camera and other things obstructs full screen images. So every movie, every game, every app which runs full screen will have the image obstructed. On that edge you will only be able to see the top and bottom of the image. What a stupid idea!
nightcraw1er.488: I personally would have said the most stupid idea was paying over $1000 for a phone...
so true

but you know, innovation comes with a price
Post edited September 13, 2017 by Namida.Pip
nightcraw1er.488: I personally would have said the most stupid idea was paying over $1000 for a phone...
Namida.Pip: so true

but you know, innovation comes with a price
I think people have forgotten what words actually mean.
No telecommunications - telephone = innovation
telephone - portable phone = innovation
Expensive flappy bird player - even more expensive flappy bird player != innovation.
Namida.Pip: so true

but you know, innovation comes with a price
nightcraw1er.488: I think people have forgotten what words actually mean.
No telecommunications - telephone = innovation
telephone - portable phone = innovation
Expensive flappy bird player - even more expensive flappy bird player != innovation.
yeah, of course, Apple is crap, period XD

but soooooooooooooooo many people think otherwise, that sadly, I have to develop for them as well XD
nightcraw1er.488: I think people have forgotten what words actually mean.
No telecommunications - telephone = innovation
telephone - portable phone = innovation
Expensive flappy bird player - even more expensive flappy bird player != innovation.
Namida.Pip: yeah, of course, Apple is crap, period XD

but soooooooooooooooo many people think otherwise, that sadly, I have to develop for them as well XD
I didn't say they were crap, I have an iPhone7 (its a work one so doesn't cost me, you wouldn't catch me paying that kind of money for it) and they are a stable sturdy device, far better than the Windows phone I had before. Thats not really the point, what is the point is the need to go out and spend a grand on a phone every 6 months, or in fact anything. Its the whole global market now, keep buying shit you don't need at higher and higher prices from third world sweat shops, all whilst complaining how you can't afford things over the tax free coffee.
There is nothing new in this device, just a new big price hike.
nightcraw1er.488: I personally would have said the most stupid idea was paying over $1000 for a phone...
nightcraw1er.488: I think people have forgotten what words actually mean.
No telecommunications - telephone = innovation
telephone - portable phone = innovation
Expensive flappy bird player - even more expensive flappy bird player != innovation.
No headphone jack = expensive brick.
Post edited September 13, 2017 by blotunga
Asbeau: Apple is now referring to its stores as 'town squares'. Read that without cringing if you can.
That's because their employees sleep in the back rooms during the holidays. It's their barracks.

blotunga: No headphone jack = expensive brick.
The headphone jack is usually the first thing that goes out on me. (I have ipod touches and cheap throw away phones.) Been wireless for quite some time now.
Post edited September 13, 2017 by drmike
Apple already expects their customers to use their hardware and software products, and only those, so the next step is to expect all developers to adapt to the new design. Optimizing the interface for every different model is going to be a nightmare so I predict they'll just a keep a blank space there, which will look horrible in the rest of models.

However, what has really startled me was the price. I understand it's something that you are going to use every day, but I couldn't justify to spend that much when you can get (almost?) the same functionalities for half the price or less.
Don't take for an Apple fanboy, I'm really not, but isn't this just a matter of video player software needing to take care to not display video on the partially obscured part while for instance the home screen wallpaper can extend further than it otherwise could?