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blotunga: "Real Programmers don't believe in schedules. Planners make up schedules. Managers "firm up" schedules. Frightened coders strive to meet schedules. Real Programmers ignore schedules."
I'm gonna hand that to our management. I'm sure that'll go swimmingly :D But yeah, there is wisdom beyond such statements - I only know very few programmers who would be lazy to code as it were, we tend to enjoy our jobs for some reason. However, vast majority of programmers that I know concern themselves with doing the job right, which is naturally taking ages. I hope this delay is just so said programmers get enough time to do the job right. It would be a nice change in the industry, considering how many games which got too delayed turned out.

toxicTom: And of course I've never heard of any Pen and Paper RPG group that gave a shit about story and just enjoyed maxing out their characters to defeat the traps and monsters the DM would throw at them...
I was always the DM who tried to tell a story and nobody cared. "And there's a mysterious, shady figure sitting at the bar."
"Right, screw the figure, I want to get the badass sword you said is over in that dungeon!"

... I wasn't a very good DM :D I really want to play DnD again tho.

Tormentfan: Dude, you're not worth the arguement any more, when you throw a fit like you did at that last post you lose all credibility.
Verb 1. throw a fit - get very angry and fly into a rage; "The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question"; "Spam makes me go ballistic"

Yeah, that was definitely me ;-)

Tormentfan: I won't be replying to any more of your tripe, because talking to you is akin to headbutting a wall.
Tormentfan: RPG's EXIST for those things, it's was the sole reason for their birth in the first place.
Tormentfan: I play an rpg primarily for the experience of the world, story and characters, and if they fail there then it doesn't really matter what else they may have succeeded in.
Fenixp: Do they? Do people only play RPGs for story and character interactions? ... And no, you won't drag me into "What is an RPG?" debate :D
Tormentfan: Yes, they do. RPG's come from PnP, in those the system served the storytelling..

It doesn't really matter the offshoot of reasons why other's may play them today, but primarily they are story experience.
Oh yeah, I bet it's not you who just repeated a single point two times and then got angry when I said I don't want to discuss that point and just said it for the third time :D Yea I get, you prefer story-based RPGs, I acknowledged that in my first post, I can read you know. I quite purposefully didn't point out that you somehow think to know better than thousands of people about what do they prefer ;-) I was there when people were playing DnD you know, I know the two distinct thought processes first hand.

I'm sorry, I should not have responded to the last post you have posted - I just find it funny that first, you repeat the same thing without actually arguing with any of what I said directly and then throw two angry tantrums and tell me that that's what I've been doing :D No, I'm not 'throwing fits' or 'getting the humps' on discussion boards. It's not worth it. You shouldn't either. Calm discussion gets you much further.
Post edited December 09, 2014 by Fenixp
Hopefully the delay could improve the optimization of the game as well as minimizes the bug occurrence.
I'm really looking forward for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Well then, before that I still have to time to finish Witcher 1 & 2.
toxicTom: And of course I've never heard of any Pen and Paper RPG group that gave a shit about story and just enjoyed maxing out their characters to defeat the traps and monsters the DM would throw at them...
Fenixp: I was always the DM who tried to tell a story and nobody cared. "And there's a mysterious, shady figure sitting at the bar."
"Right, screw the figure, I want to get the badass sword you said is over in that dungeon!"

... I wasn't a very good DM :D I really want to play DnD again tho.
I'm DMing a campaign that is extremely story heavy and complex. Since about 2003. The same campaign. And my players actually cheer if they get to use their dice more than once per evening. But since they still haven't run away and even drop dates with their girlfriends (one of which is rarely in town) when I call around "I'm free this Friday night" to come play I must be doing something right ;-).
We play The Dark Eye (V3 with numerous custom additions and changes) btw, not that it would matter much if we would use another system.
I hope we can make it this Friday.
delayed again.... and the DLC line-up was announced weeks ago...
Post edited December 09, 2014 by inc09nito
realkman666: Looks legit. Might have to pre-order it if they keep putting quality above release dates.
jiom: Damn, it's pretty crappy! I've planned to start it on my birthday.
I have a solution for you but it will require a time machine....
Let me know when you've got that part of the plan sorted.
Why May 19th? If they're setting these release dates as arbitrarily as it seems, they could have made the new date May 17th and (maybe) launched the game on Witcher 2's fourth birthday. Unless they have no confidence that they'll actually make the new date, either?
toxicTom: I'm DMing a campaign that is extremely story heavy and complex. Since about 2003. The same campaign.
Holy shit, I'm not sure how The Dark Eye works setting-wise, so are you building your own world, or is the setting predetermined by The Dark Eye ruleset?
Fenixp: Holy shit, I'm not sure how The Dark Eye works setting-wise, so are you building your own world, or is the setting predetermined by The Dark Eye ruleset?
The setting is predefined. The Dark Eye includes one very defined continent (Aventuria) with an ongoing history (though I'm not sure if it's still ongoing with the original publisher being down, I've long since lost touch with the official/canon world). It's a lot more detailed and defined than, say, Faerûn of the Forgotten Realms. Must be the German obsession for details.
I'm building upon this, changing things as needed. My players are rather familiar with this world (we've played there since many, many years) and so it's easy to build atmosphere. When they visit places that they already know from the setting or meet important official characters I can cut short on introductions and explanation because they already have an image in their mind that I can use.
Also the campaign makes important changes to the "official" history - that's part of the whole point - and as players they have a lot of fun to muse about the meanings of these and as characters it gives them a strong sense that something is awfully wrong with the world.
Well gave, actually - they now have a pretty good impression of what's the matter and we are in the final stages of the campaign. I'm rather afraid they will be able to guess the final plot twist - they've become awfully good at reading my mind through all these years ;-)
Fenixp: ... I wasn't a very good DM :D I really want to play DnD again tho.
toxicTom: I'm DMing a campaign that is extremely story heavy and complex. Since about 2003. The same campaign. And my players actually cheer if they get to use their dice more than once per evening.
I'm a pretty good DM but a pest as a player.
I tend to get all excited, happy and giddy if the story isn't extremely serious. And then somehow it all turns into Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Sadly I have only very rarely found time to play or be a DM in the last 3 years. I should really try to do it more often again. DMing, I mean. Not playing. Really, I'm not acceptable as a player.
Ragnarblackmane: Is it odd that legitimately I worry about loss of my own extremities before I can finish playing certain games or dying
Ixamyakxim: I don't know about you, but I'm a 97 year old venomous snake handler, so it's not an odd worry at all. Also, long time no see! Welcome back! You'll be happy to know after a huge scare, my stout FINALLY freaking carbonated! Only a month late ;)
Whew, thought it was only me worried I'd miss the next Witcher :)
CD Projekt RED: ‘Witcher 3′ content is “locked”, Final bugs are being addressed with extra dev time.
Great to know. It's all optimization and polish from now on.
All I can say is Witcher games to me are up there on my top rpg list. If they need a tad more time to make it just right then so be it..

Well, at any rate Elder scrolls 6 - Blackmarsh supposed to be done January 2016.. care to guess when it actually gets released. And what about Fall-out.. there should have been another one by now. WTF
Time to save up for beefy rig.
I heard on the grapevine that the reason GOG have been doing all these sales recently is because CDP are way over-budget on Witcher 3 and in danger of bankruptcy, but the game still isn't finished - thus the multiple delays.