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adambiser: Thanks also for the info. I can forgive a good deal of nostalgia in a game. Older graphics and sound aren't a show killer for me, but clunky controls and just plain dumb stuff can be.

Example of "dumb stuff": Why can't I see anything but walls in Might and Magic 1? I have to read that I'm standing at stairs leading out or in to a city. You couldn't just draw that on the screen, too? :(
I love the Settlers as a city builder & economy sim.
As a wargame, it's very simplistic & not great.
However, by mostly using Catapults rather than soldiers, you not only avoid the majority of combat, but it also adds extra dimensions to the strategy (The stones that the cats throw is the same stone you need to build stuff..... & you'll still need SOME soldiers...)
Thanks again.

I'll probably wishlist them both for now. Don't think I can get them right now and I have a backlog to empty anyway.
Arthandas: Today's is Friday 13th, a good day to play some Blood. Too bad I don't have it <hint><hint>

And now for something completely different: HIB3B-1TLCZ-NRC84-YMSNY-PDIWX (HIB2 Desura key)
ooh I redeemed that code, thank you so so much :)
i666an: ooh I redeemed that code, thank you so so much :)
Hope it make you feel better ^_^
I would ryl try Septera Core :)
Not expecting anything from this I guess but,

My wishlist at the moment:

To The Moon
Gemini Rue
Rayman 1
adambiser: Just making sure you see this post directed to you.


I also asked this in the promo thread, but I'll ask here, too, since it is more active:

Are Battle Isle Platinum and Settlers 2 good? Both have been on and off my wishlist a few times. Are they still good for first-time players who enjoy older games or are nostalgia goggles needed?
We await your review :)
i666an: We await your review :)
Thanks! but you didn't have to do that, i666an.
Guess I'll have to start on this over the weekend. :)

Thanks again for Battle Isle Platinum.
i666an: We await your review :)
adambiser: Thanks! but you didn't have to do that, i666an.
Guess I'll have to start on this over the weekend. :)

Thanks again for Battle Isle Platinum.
your welcome :)
VIPERs: I finished Broken Sword 1 and Phantasmagoria 1.
Would love to continue with 2nd parts in these series.
"George, George !!!!!!!!! you have a new PM" lol
Since Panzer General 2 and Battle Isle Platinum are on sale, I'll be more than happy to get one of them :-)

in the unlikely event someone has some money left after another day of huge sales everywhere :D
Post edited July 14, 2012 by Barry_Woodward
Thanks i666an.
I promise I will keep my sword always broken.
I'm in the mood for some battles on an isle. Thanks you stranger.
All I wish for is a journey To the moon, so I could see the stars.