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That was...possibly one of the nicest, friendliest, most understanding moments I've seen in this thread.

Edit: Aaaand right before I post...*sigh*...oh, was good while it lasted.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
tinyE: Because of Regals there are several people in here convinced I am a scammer
Woah crazy consider your army of circle jerking homos down voting every post I make .. didn't know I had that much power.

So where do you live this week considering you change it every other day?

Sargon: The GOG moderators should do something about this.
Agree maybe they should start banning virgins who think trolling on companies store forum is good idea.
Specially the ones that openly admit it...

tinyE: All I can say is I'm the only asshole behind this keyboard. Sorry to disappoint. :D
Which since you twits keep crying rules should be enforced here to fluff your balls would also mean you are begging to get banned.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by Regals
Sargon: Where do you get this information from? Some conspiracy theory website headed by a foaming clown? I have never heard anything about this (close) war from any reputable source. I would love to see any links if you have any!
LeonardoCornejo: Anyone with a bit of common sense knows Hillary Clinton is much worse. Just look at all those leaked e-mails and her behavior. And she did say there would be war with Russia. In fact Putin himself warned there would be conflict if she won. Of course I am not going to cite sources because I know you won't accept any source that is not something such as The Guardian or Huffington Post, which I don't read since they have said despicable things about gamers and men in general.
How about CNN?

I happen to live just about there (Latvia) and still would have voted Clinton, if had the chance. But, just like Dalailama I have no worries about Trump, and less by any passing day actually.

I know this is unlikely the right tread to ponder such matters, but for those interested in The Big Game, there a short report from the ground:

The issue is, Putin (and personification of Russia if you like) take our country independence as personal insult. He might even have reasons. (We are a tiny nasty folk liking to be in all the wrong places bit too often.)

But, against all odds and any cold logic we somehow managed to smuggle ourselves into NATO.

So now survival of your unique language and ancient heritage (whatever crumbs are left after German lead Christians launched robbery intended Crusade against us in AD 1201 and here was nearly constant war and/or foreign occupation ever since) is now protected by U.S. nukes. At least, in theory.

Now, years after Russian invasion in Ukraine and just another blatant example how little West promises are worth, just like we didn't know... (for fact, Ukraine made and used to house great part of USSR nukes, all of with were given up against security guarantees by all and every of permanent UN security council members)

...NATO decided to deploy here Canadian led international unit of 1000 men. Russia condemned the move as aggression. I guess they have reason to worry, that effectively double our active ground forces and Russians only have around 130000 men army stationed in spitting distance across the border (NO, I didn't error on zeroes. Yes, there is irony).

Actually, given Russians have effective control of the sea and can claim air space easily, and also can cut off or at least make difficult ground connection with Poland our position is military undefendable... with anything less than U.S. heavy corps of at least 50000 standing here permanently anyway. Unfortunately we can't pay Trump to drop such force here (nor build one ourself, given we count only ~2M total and are dirt poor).

For a dubious resolve, if Trump will sell us to Putin he will do it for something real at least (and tweet about it), if (when) Clinton would have we (or anyone really) would not notice or undestand why.
Post edited November 24, 2016 by Enneagon
low rated
So how come GoG is still OK with leaving a white supremacist movement's / internet harassment and hate campaign's thread up?

I can't fucking believe this, every time I see it.

GG = 4chan and /pol = Stormfront and Nazis = get the fuck off my internet you racist scumfucks.
Ganrao: So how come GoG is still OK with leaving a white supremacist movement's / internet harassment and hate campaign's thread up?
Wow what a solid argument you just made there.
Ganrao: So how come GoG is still OK with leaving a white supremacist movement's / internet harassment and hate campaign's thread up?

I can't fucking believe this, every time I see it.

GG = 4chan and /pol = Stormfront and Nazis = get the fuck off my internet you racist scumfucks.
U mad bro?
low rated
Ganrao: So how come GoG is still OK with leaving a white supremacist movement's / internet harassment and hate campaign's thread up?
Why hasn't madonna given you blow job yet like she promised to do for all hillary voters?
low rated
Ganrao: So how come GoG is still OK with leaving a white supremacist movement's / internet harassment and hate campaign's thread up?
GOG is basically ok with everything except for saying "fuck" in CAPS.
Post edited November 24, 2016 by Breja
Ganrao: So how come GoG is still OK with leaving a white supremacist movement's / internet harassment and hate campaign's thread up?

I can't fucking believe this, every time I see it.

GG = 4chan and /pol = Stormfront and Nazis = get the fuck off my internet you racist scumfucks.
gr8 b8 m8. Pls cry more.
still wonder how it went the whole way from "consumers want ethic disclosure in video game journalism" to "we are a nazi mysoginistic/xenophobic army of evil scumbags"...

i sure missed a few episodes to the show...
but, well, it seems all this crap finally reached my country because now, adressing a female human with the word "miss" is considered as penal offense at same level as racist/homophobic insults (same jail and money fine penalties for either of those crimes)... (well, my mommy tried to give me a good education, and the word "miss" was supposed to be part of it... but if it helps the cause, i dont mind calling 8yo kids "madame" !)

the minister behind this law even managed to pass it by force against even the people of same political "clan"... and asked to redirect cybercrime department ressources so far allocated to fight against online pedophilia, drug smuggling and ISIS to be used instead to search and punish "sexist" jokes on internet... (implying that protecting women from online bad humor was more important than preventing our youths to be raped/drugged/endoctrined as isis warriors to bomb us)... while at same time, surprinsingly, additions to the law regarding protection of crippled/disabled people were "dismissed" and labelled and useless...

sorry to say this, but i think this whole thing is going a bit too far for the sake of its own credibility.

i can't stand in favor of someone who dare to tell me "protect me from puns, we dont care if kids get rapped or bomb your neighbourhood"... consider i quit giving any kind of support to such "greater cause" afaic. and if you disagree i don't mind but i feel sorry for you

btw in my country police just managed to prevent an incoming terror strike (we soon will have our mandatory annual attack) that was targetting disneyland (means kids and family). I prefer our policemen to work to avoid that than to catch teenagers doing blonde jokes, but what do i know about that ? i sure am a nazi scumbag, probably...

feel free to adress your criticism and other arguments to families of Bataclan's victims, i'm pretty sure they will show concern and comprehension to your worries.
and while you are at it, instead of worrying about videogame issues regarding women, why wouldnt you FIRST show concern for female journalism in middle east who are jailed for doing their job, or women there who got killed bu hurling stones/lapidations for whatever reason, or those who are sentenced to 100 whip strikes and death penalty because they were unfaithful to their husband (which include those who were RAPED, in fact). I guess it's easier to rant on social media about video games well hidden behind a screen that adress the real immediate and physical threats to women throughout the world... I see, "priorities", as always... makes PERFECT SENSE, does it ?

that is exactly the kind of sudo-sociological/intellectual sectarism that push many silent people like me to be rather angry and fed up at all this mess; while, before that, same people (me included) would never had any issue against women, and who would have stand in favor of them without a second thought or any question, as a natural reaction, and would never have considered to think otherwise. Congrats, you are alienating random people who were naturally prone to agree with you beforehand due to their education, but who don't like being insulted and bullied for no reason... great job ! Someone against your cause couldnt have done a better job
Post edited November 24, 2016 by Djaron
Ganrao: I can't fucking believe this, every time I see it.
I Cri Evrytiem
Ganrao: So how come GoG is still OK with leaving a white supremacist movement's / internet harassment and hate campaign's thread up?

I can't fucking believe this, every time I see it.

GG = 4chan and /pol = Stormfront and Nazis = get the fuck off my internet you racist scumfucks.
Djaron: still wonder how it went the whole way from "consumers want ethic disclosure in video game journalism" to "we are a nazi mysoginistic/xenophobic army of evil scumbags"...
There's a nice summary quite early in here:
Djaron: but, well, it seems all this crap finally reached my country because now, adressing a female human with the word "miss" is considered as penal offense at same level as racist/homophobic insults (same jail and money fine penalties for either of those crimes)... (well, my mommy tried to give me a good education, and the word "miss" was supposed to be part of it... but if it helps the cause, i dont mind calling 8yo kids "madame" !)

the minister behind this law even managed to pass it by force against even the people of same political "clan"... and asked to redirect cybercrime department ressources so far allocated to fight against online pedophilia, drug smuggling and ISIS to be used instead to search and punish "sexist" jokes on internet... (implying that protecting women from online bad humor was more important than preventing our youths to be raped/drugged/endoctrined as isis warriors to bomb us)... while at same time, surprinsingly, additions to the law regarding protection of crippled/disabled people were "dismissed" and labelled and useless...

mmm, even if I follow the French news daily, I don't remember this one. As there ever been a court case to "set an example"? Tu peux balancer les liens d'articles en français ;)
LeonardoCornejo: Anyone with a bit of common sense knows Hillary Clinton is much worse. Just look at all those leaked e-mails and her behavior. And she did say there would be war with Russia. In fact Putin himself warned there would be conflict if she won. Of course I am not going to cite sources because I know you won't accept any source that is not something such as The Guardian or Huffington Post, which I don't read since they have said despicable things about gamers and men in general.
Enneagon: How about CNN?

I happen to live just about there (Latvia) and still would have voted Clinton, if had the chance. But, just like Dalailama I have no worries about Trump, and less by any passing day actually.

I know this is unlikely the right tread to ponder such matters, but for those interested in The Big Game, there a short report from the ground:

The issue is, Putin (and personification of Russia if you like) take our country independence as personal insult. He might even have reasons. (We are a tiny nasty folk liking to be in all the wrong places bit too often.)

But, against all odds and any cold logic we somehow managed to smuggle ourselves into NATO.

So now survival of your unique language and ancient heritage (whatever crumbs are left after German lead Christians launched robbery intended Crusade against us in AD 1201 and here was nearly constant war and/or foreign occupation ever since) is now protected by U.S. nukes. At least, in theory.

Now, years after Russian invasion in Ukraine and just another blatant example how little West promises are worth, just like we didn't know... (for fact, Ukraine made and used to house great part of USSR nukes, all of with were given up against security guarantees by all and every of permanent UN security council members)

...NATO decided to deploy here Canadian led international unit of 1000 men. Russia condemned the move as aggression. I guess they have reason to worry, that effectively double our active ground forces and Russians only have around 130000 men army stationed in spitting distance across the border (NO, I didn't error on zeroes. Yes, there is irony).

Actually, given Russians have effective control of the sea and can claim air space easily, and also can cut off or at least make difficult ground connection with Poland our position is military undefendable... with anything less than U.S. heavy corps of at least 50000 standing here permanently anyway. Unfortunately we can't pay Trump to drop such force here (nor build one ourself, given we count only ~2M total and are dirt poor).

For a dubious resolve, if Trump will sell us to Putin he will do it for something real at least (and tweet about it), if (when) Clinton would have we (or anyone really) would not notice or undestand why.
I understand your reasoning. Russia screwed you over. Now I hope under that same reasoning you will understand why I prefer Trump since Hillary's intervention (as well as Obama's) in my country led to worsening the situation making the value of our currency sink, our energy industry became more expensive, and our people fell into worse poverty levels. Trump claims he will cease America's meddling in other countries. Compare that to Hillary who orchestrated the energy reform that screwed us over and you will understand why I keep my stance.

Now, back to more relevant matters to GG, Korea is falling apart under the effects of the 8 Goddesses conspiracy.
Ganrao: So how come GoG is still OK with leaving a white supremacist movement's / internet harassment and hate campaign's thread up?

I can't fucking believe this, every time I see it.

GG = 4chan and /pol = Stormfront and Nazis = get the fuck off my internet you racist scumfucks.
Djaron: still wonder how it went the whole way from "consumers want ethic disclosure in video game journalism" to "we are a nazi mysoginistic/xenophobic army of evil scumbags"...
Klumpen0815: There's a nice summary quite early in here:
good choice of video IMHO