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Ancient-Red-Dragon: This is dire news.

Ruining the site for the 10th Anniversary was a really, really, really terrible idea.

Yet a simple solution was and is still available: roll it back to it's pre-10th anniversary state.

I really hope GOG starts fixing its issues and and stops making & implementing horrible decisions like its site 'redesign.'

It would really suck if GOG goes away.

GOG has been bleeding money the ENTIRETY of 2018

Stuff was bad BEFORE the '10th anniversary'

You want to 'go back' to when GOG was 'bleeding money like a screen door on a submarine'. Sure please explain how losing 500k PLN in Q1-Q3 is 'awesome'

Elmofongo: Easier said then done. 500+ installers to get, and I don't think my PC has enough space to hold them all :P
Starkrun: At 496 folders (games) I have 3,468 files coming in at 1.77 TB of space. I actively archive backup ad update my off-line collection once a week.

The biggest worry is (worst case here) if GOG goes down, since were not in the 90's or even early 00's we will never see patches to our games.

But this is still better then Steam, or Greenman or Any of the others... I once had a ton of games from ShinyLoot do you even remember them gone and no way to download... Gamergate i had 248 games from them mainly from a single publisher and they left no more form them... thankfully I archived them. its a weird world we live in... we must curate our lives... each folder is a game for me to cheerish and buy storage for and protect. I never know when i wont have it around to be part of my life anymore. And in the end how long will i want to play these games?

This is a nice wakw up call to cheerish what i have and not worry so much about what the future will bring. Except i better see that sexy new Grim Dawn Expansion soon!
If a DRM game is on Steam

1) install steam library to external drive
2) there is no step 2
Post edited February 26, 2019 by satoru
Can't say it's surprising.
Ironically I've been thinking lately about how I don't really buy games on GOG anymore, I'm not sure if it started with the prices in sales, the games not releasing on gog (but on steam) or the way (game) devs don't update gog versions well enough. I always loved GOG I would daily check for sales,releases, the forums,etc but after a while things slowly started to change; good internet became easier to get, huge games get updates which required a full manual redownload of said game, 3rd party sites that have insane (steam) deals and also I don't know when it happened but - I stop caring about games being DRM-Free.. Yeah it was good to have a backup of my favorite games but it didn't "make" the games better, it just allowed me not to worry when the internet went down so I could continue playing the games.

I love the old classic games that came of this site and the witcher series and can't wait for the upcoming cyberpunk 2077 and all in all I really hope cdpr doesn't go under or get bought out by epic or microsoft it's one of the very few sites that just cares about it's customers and has such an awesome community but in the end I just don't know what will bring me back to buying games offered here as opposed to steam.
Post edited February 26, 2019 by comradegarry
I really hope this is just an overblown story. I love the service GOG offers and use them for anything singleplayer. It would be a big blow to me personally to how I consume gaming content without GOG.
Mawthra: And this news won't do anything to help their situation, sadly... people like me who buy a crap ton of games on GOG will now pause or pump the brakes a bit wondering if they should still be buying games here after this
Breja: Why would they? Offline DRM-free installers, remember? If GOG really was to go out of business it would actually be all the more reason to buy all the games you want from here right now.
Because I'll be stuck with a whole lot of games that will never again get updates... my library here mainly consists of newer tiles, many of which we've been waiting on updates for a really long time and I'd hate to spend money on a game that's forever locked in a buggy state or whatever if I can just buy it on Steam and not have to worry about that
low rated
I think they need to relax their curation process for their store a little, not to the point of letting anything and everything in like Steam, but relax it a bit.

Then if they drop their revenue split they take to around 10-15%, they could sway many developers to sell their games on GoG.

I think they need to make GoG Galaxy a requirement in order to update games without needing to download the whole game again. Basically what I mean is they stop making patch installers, and only make full game installers for current version of the game, and then require GoG Galaxy to get updates as they release, since GoG Galaxy allows the developers to just upload their updates without GoG staff doing anything.

GOG has been bleeding money the ENTIRETY of 2018

Stuff was bad BEFORE the '10th anniversary'

You want to 'go back' to when GOG was 'bleeding money like a screen door on a submarine'. Sure please explain how losing 500k PLN in Q1-Q3 is 'awesome'
Not that I keep up on this as well as some people here, but didn't they change how Gwent's financials were reported in 2018 compared to 2017 which inflated GOG's revenue in 2017? I remember reading something about this. The report also explains 2018 had "ongoing expansion of the development team and upscaling of development activities at CD PROJEKT S.A. and GOG sp. z o.o." compared to 2017.

Which is probably related to Galaxy ( the development of Galaxy's back-end [ie dev portal]), Gwents MP back-end (also handed by GOG reportedly), and other things like the site redesign.

So yea all of that probably played a large part. You typically do bleed money when you are trying to quickly build up and expand. But it is also worth saying that the site redesign is only one part of GOG's overall problems, and as I've said before GOG has the most to lose from the Steam vs Epic battle, and GOG is too hands on to survive at a 12% revenue share and probably to far behind to make enough changes at this point to do so. It's clear from this report, if accurate, that GOG employees are keenly aware of the challenges GOG faces in the future.
Elmofongo: Well I feel there has to be some law to fall back on because I have 500+ games in my library, and if this whole website shutdown, I lose my games and thus possibly hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of purchases.

So either they completely archive this whole site for the customers that have a library, or they pay back every customer all the money they have spent over the years in this site.

And people would say, "Hey just download all the offline installers"

Easier said then done. 500+ installers to get, and I don't think my PC has enough space to hold them all :P
Lord_Kane: I am in the same situation as you.
I'm at over 900 (:
eisberg77: I think they need to relax their curation process for their store a little, not to the point of letting anything and everything in like Steam, but relax it a bit.

Then if they drop their revenue split they take to around 10-15%, they could sway many developers to sell their games on GoG.

I think they need to make GoG Galaxy a requirement in order to update games without needing to download the whole game again. Basically what I mean is they stop making patch installers, and only make full game installers for current version of the game, and then require GoG Galaxy to get updates as they release, since GoG Galaxy allows the developers to just upload their updates without GoG staff doing anything.
Yah, with the pressure of new stores emerging and Discord and Epic really shaving off a lot from the cuts they take, you have to think from a developers point of view... why do GOG? Far less sales and they still take a 30% cut... they gotta do something
Post edited February 26, 2019 by Mawthra

GOG has been bleeding money the ENTIRETY of 2018

Stuff was bad BEFORE the '10th anniversary'

You want to 'go back' to when GOG was 'bleeding money like a screen door on a submarine'. Sure please explain how losing 500k PLN in Q1-Q3 is 'awesome'
BKGaming: Not that I keep up on this as well as some people here, but didn't they change how Gwent's financials were reported in 2018 compared to 2017 which inflated GOG's revenue in 2017? I remember reading something about this. The report also explains 2018 had "ongoing expansion of the development team and upscaling of development activities at CD PROJEKT S.A. and GOG sp. z o.o." compared to 2017.

Which is probably related to Galaxy ( the development of Galaxy's back-end [ie dev portal]), Gwents MP back-end (also handed by GOG reportedly), and other things like the site redesign.

So yea all of that probably played a large part. You typically do bleed money when you are trying to quickly build up and expand. But it is also worth saying that the site redesign is only one part of GOG's overall problems, and as I've said before GOG has the most to lose from the Steam vs Epic battle, and GOG is too hands on to survive at a 12% revenue share and probably to far behind to make enough changes at this point to do so. It's clear from this report, if accurate, that GOG employees are keenly aware of the challenges GOG faces in the future.
Post edited February 26, 2019 by Linko64
WryFlavoredBread: I really hope this is just an overblown story. I love the service GOG offers and use them for anything singleplayer. It would be a big blow to me personally to how I consume gaming content without GOG.
I don't see how its 'overblown'


1) GOG has been bleeding money for Q1-Q3 of 2018
2) The layoffs are real

From the above 2 facts its easy to deduce

* GOG's Q4 was not enough to keep the company out of the red for 2018
* Layoffs are the first step to reduce the bleed and try to get the subsidiary in the red
Damn, this is really freaking me out.
satoru: Refer to page 31 of the statement where CD Project Red (all the Witcher stuff) is separated out from GOG (the store)
Bambusek: They are separated, but CDP is a holding, with CDP RED and GOG being their subsidiaries. As such, what's important is overall result of a holding. The results and goals of separate subsidiaries are less relevant. There are even situations when one subsidiary is supposed to project loss, because it profits holding as a whole. I have no idea if it is the case here, but remember that GOG was moved from Cyprus to Poland, and Poland has way higher taxes.
If this was the case then they woudln't be firing pepole at GOG and instead would be taking it as a 'loss leader' using the holding corporation as cover

Given that they DID fire a bunch of people at GOG, that contra indicates the notion that 'as long as the holding is making money one subsidiary can lose money without issue'.

Thus its obvious they are treating GOG like the red headed step child it always was once the Witcher got popular. GOG may have been the engine that allowed the Witcher to exist, but now its the anchor that is holding back profits. And investors do not care about how much GOG helped in the past. They only care how much its hurting right now.
Elmofongo: Well I feel there has to be some law to fall back on because I have 500+ games in my library, and if this whole website shutdown, I lose my games and thus possibly hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of purchases.

So either they completely archive this whole site for the customers that have a library, or they pay back every customer all the money they have spent over the years in this site, or at least a flat payment of 1000 dollars to every longtime customer.

And people would say, "Hey just download all the offline installers"

Easier said then done. 500+ installers to get, and I don't think my PC has enough space to hold them all :P

You have zero legal recourse
17.3 It seems very unlikely, but if we have to stop providing access to GOG services and GOG content permanently (not because of any breach by you), we will try to give you at least sixty (60) days advance notice by posting a note on and sending an email to every registered users – during that time you should be able to download any GOG content you purchased.
Note they will 'try'.

They'e not obligated to let you download it.

Aka you better invest in a 5tb external drive right now.

Also I'm gonna call it. Expect a future EULA update that removes section 17.3.
Post edited February 26, 2019 by satoru

"At the same time, since the process started we have welcomed nearly twice as many new team members, and currently hold 20 open positions.”
So, no net loss in employee count and still hiring (at least according to an unnamed gog official)? I'm not sure I should be worried (well, other than being worried that there may be fewer games to add to my backlog, I'm not super worried in the first place). This seems to contradict what the ex-employees have to say (to Kotaku), though. Maybe they got an ambiguous generic form letter/prepared speech, the likes of which gog is apparently known for.

This is not evidence of a "mass" layoff prior to death, at least not yet. The group that they keep in a separate room to carry on the torch in the final days tends to be a much smaller percentage.

Keep on talking about how the company has already failed, though. I'm sure that will boost this site's popularity.
Who after reading this thread has started to download all their games?

I predict a server crash in 3 ... 2 ... 1
Symphony8: Who after reading this thread has started to download all their games?

I predict a server crash in 3 ... 2 ... 1
Funny enough, I had a connection issue not 20 min ago. Could not reach GOG at all, but that could have been my ISP (though other sites were working fine).