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Freedom of choice. Optional client. Cross-play. Coming soon to all gamers!

Earlier today (or was it yesterday for you?), during the [url=]CD Projekt RED and’s Summer Conference we dropped the news about our next big step forward! has always been home to more and more of the the best games in history (for Windows and Mac), both classic and new. Differing in shapes, flavors, and sizes they had one thing in common: they were mostly single-player, and our focus was mainly on the experience of a singular gamer. If that's your thing, nothing really will change. You can always enjoy your favorite games 100% DRM-free on, with no need to activate your game online or remain connected to play your single-player title. Just like has always been about.. But what if you want to play with your friends?

Today we are excited to announce GOG Galaxy, a truly gamer-friendly, 100% DRM-free online gaming platform that will finally provide the community with the easy option to play together online. GOG Galaxy will allow you to share your achievements, stay in touch with your pals and get the updates for your games automatically. We've developed this technology to improve your experience. We think GOG Galaxy really deserves your attention and we hope many of you will give it a try! But, here's the great thing: it is totally optional, so it's all up to you! If you do not want to play online, or use our optional client to access these features, then no worries, you will always be able to play the single-player mode 100% DRM-free, and download manually the latest updated version of your favorite title from our website. Now, for one more feature we call cross-play. We always believed in an open world for gamers, with no obligation to be tied to a specific platform or client; and this is why GOG Galaxy will allow gamers to play with their buddies who use Steam, without any need to use any 3rd party client or account, nothing, nada. We’re taking care of connecting and Steam players, so just sit back, relax and give it a try.

See the outtake from the CD Projekt RED & Summer Conference

Talking of which, we are proud to announce the soon-to-come launch of the beta phase for The Witcher Adventure Game, a faithful adaptation of the board game of the same title. It allows up to 4 players to play together, whether they use Steam or Cross-play at its finest! If you wanna get the chance to try it out, please visit and sign up to get in the queue for your beta access key. You can also simply take advantage of our amazing [url=]pre-order offer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which includes 2 beta access keys for he Witcher Aventure Game, delivered to you as soon as we start handing them out to public.

We believe GOG Galaxy has the power to provide the best of both worlds. Playing the single player mode of your favorite game, 100% DRM-free, while still having the OPTION to use our soon-to-come client for an enhanced experience (auto-patching, achievements, and much more) or play online with other (and Steam) players if you so wish.

There will be more GOG Galaxy titles coming up this year, so stay tuned for more news and get the word around!
Post edited June 06, 2014 by G-Doc
pbnjoe: That's the "deals struck" part ;)
Well "no deals struck" can simply mean "we didn't negotiate for months and had to make compromise", but it doesn't necessary mean that they didn't simply ask and got the authorization from Valve. Given how Valve like to say recently that they want to make Steam more "open" it wouldn't surprise me.
JudasIscariot: Your best bet would be to sign up for the beta and give feedback while testing the Galaxy client :) Would you like me to post a link to the beta? I have posted it in this thread a couple of times but I can post it again if you'd like it :)
HypersomniacLive: I'm a bit confused - the link clearly states:

Sign-up for a chance to participate in
The Witcher Adventure Game closed multiplayer beta:
HypersomniacLive: What we users of the GOG Downloader are more interested in is testing the downloader features of the GOG Galaxy.
Will there be a beta just for this part of the client? Given that the GOG Downloader will be pulled, do we get a chance to make our voices heard?

Unless I'm missing something, the main purpose of this closed beta is to get feedback in relation to the multiplayer/ gaming features.
And please don't get me wrong, but as it is right now, it feels like input regarding the client will be taken only from those fully embracing GOG Galaxy.
As I said, the beta should feature the client and TWAG as you'll be able to play the game with other people. I don't know if there will be other beta tests as of right now.
pbnjoe: That's the "deals struck" part ;)
Gersen: Well "no deals struck" can simply mean "we didn't negotiate for months and had to make compromise", but it doesn't necessary mean that they didn't simply ask and got the authorization from Valve. Given how Valve like to say recently that they want to make Steam more "open" it wouldn't surprise me.
Yeah, it was poor wording on my part. I really just meant any contact at all.
amok: That only works with Steam, though. What about all others clients?
They have similar API, even if they are less documented than Steamwork, IMHO the biggest issue would be more to convince EA and Ubi to cooperate rather than a technical one.
Post edited June 06, 2014 by Gersen
amok: That only works with Steam, though. What about all others clients?
Gersen: They have similar API, even if they are less documented than Steamwork, IMHO the biggest issue would be more to convince EA and Ubi to cooperate rather than a technical one.
yeah - that's what I mean. At least valve gives the API to devs. If gOg can not secure it from the others also, then it is just a pipedream.
Looks interesting.

Steam and this are really consumer friendly.

I really hope EA and Ubisoft will get rid of there client.
So, was this asked/answered actually?

If i get TWAG on Steam, do I need the Galaxy Client to participate in Multiplayer? (and if so do you need to log into an account on the client to multi?)
Post edited June 06, 2014 by Pheace
Shendue: I really hope it doesnt' turn out that way, but i have bad feelings about it.
Vestin: "Don't center on your anxieties, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now, where it belongs."
Shendue: Also, "client" has "online check coming soon" written all over it.
Vestin: I guess the Slippery Slope is not a fallacy, it's a way of life. Please, by all means, tell us what other nefarious visions of the future you can conjure up in your darkest fantasies...
Shendue: I don't give a capital F about achievements (...)
Vestin: Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this vital piece of information. As you might have noticed - this thread is full of people telling others about the things they VERY VERY MUCH do not care about.
Eh. I hope things like this were just the byproduct of anxiety. I've seen way worse things made in the name of profict. We are talking about the same company that not so far in the past pulled off a Microsoft and decided to throw away their own fair price policy just to take it back in a few days due to the huge negative reaction. If not for those "anxious" people, you wouldn't have the fair price policy anymore.
About my "vital piece of information", i may very much say the exact same thing about your very constructive reply. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and, as far as i know, a internet forum is something you can reply in. If people's opinions annoy you, just don't read them.


Seriously, put Galaxy up on Github and let us go at it. Seeing how far the mod community has taken old games like Doom far beyond the DOS days, I think it would be worth investigating. I know I'd be willing to throw some code at it. With Linux support on the horizon, you might even earn points with the FOSS community over Steam, especially with the commitment to DRM-Free games. I think it would also help assuage some of the "GOG going DRM" fears that are popping up with this announcement.
That's constructive criticism. Absolultely brilliant suggestion. I second that.
Post edited June 06, 2014 by Shendue
I'm always suspicious when Steam (spit!) gets mentioned in close proximity to GoG, but I suppose this might be a good idea for many players and it would attract alot more publishers to GoG.

But I've still got my suspicious eye on you. Always remember to spit after you say Steam (spit!), that would be more reassuring to me. I have this nightmare that Steam (spit!) might one day try and buy out GoG, y'see.

It would be the end of the world if that ever happened :(
skeecher: I have this nightmare that Steam (spit!) might one day try and buy out GoG, y'see.
Who tells you they haven't already tried? I think I recall TET saying at some point that GOG management declined an offer to sell the company, though that's a sketchy memory of ~3 years ago. Let me see if my google fu is up to the task.
I haven't read through the whole thread, but I have noticed several requests or recommendations for the client to be modular and plug-in friendly.

I like that. Download the client installer, do a custom install, and pick from the menu which components you want and don't want. Make it so that it's anywhere from a bare bones downloader up to the full client.

Extensibility sounds nice too. Maybe provide a section on the GOG site dedicated to a user created content database of extensions/plug-ins.
JohnnyDollar: I haven't read through the whole thread, but I have noticed several requests or recommendations for the client to be modular and plug-in friendly.

I like that. Download the client installer, do a custom install, and pick from the menu which components you want and don't want. Make it so that it's anywhere from a bare bones downloader up to the full client.
+1 !

i very very much like this. At the core of my being i like this. i wish it all for all things. And very very much hope that GOG would take the user-customized, modular approach as you say. Not just for Galaxy client and downloader, but for forums and ++ as well.
DrearierSpider: God forbid they give people options.
Smannesman: God forbid you let other people have their own opinions.
His opinion is illogical. Why would you "-1" when they're only giving you more options, you don't have to use Galaxy or any of the new features. I get not liking Galaxy, but it won't even affect him in that case.
Erundil: Sorry, I probably came across as more acerbic than I meant to there. My post wasn't meant as a dig at you, just as an illustration of what I'd meant earlier.
Fair enough. At any rate, it's not a game manager / client or its accompanying features that I find to be bullshit. What's bullshit is the accompanying DRM and blackboxing and lack of choice. If someone wants to play their game on Steam, that's aces. If the game can only be played on Steam, that's bullshit.

Like they say, freedom of choice.

I do understand though why (especially indie) developers of multiplayer games stick to Steam, even if it doesn't make me happy. I don't play a lot of multiplayer, so it's not that big a deal to me, but hopefully Galaxy will provide a way out of that exclusivity trap.
Post edited June 06, 2014 by Mentalepsy
DrearierSpider: His opinion is illogical. Why would you "-1" when they're only giving you more options, you don't have to use Galaxy or any of the new features. I get not liking Galaxy, but it won't even affect him in that case.
Am I the 'his' in this situation?
Your post is not very clear.
I love how the 'amazing' community that everyone always mentions is A) unable to recognize a bad joke when they see it and B) immediately downrate anybody that has an opinion they don't like.
The very first post made said +1 because they liked the idea and yet it's impossible to rate an official post, so since I'm not excited about the idea I jokingly said -1.