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high rated
Seriously? You're judging my dignity based on whether or not I buy a certain video game?

Sit and spin dude.
Most likely will be infested with Denuvo, so I wouldn't have picked it up anyway.
Smannesman: TL;DR, I'm buying two copies.
PookaMustard: 3 minutes and I read it all. You haven't seen TL;DR.
The acronym "TL;DR" may very well be too long to read for some people.

Regardless of how easy or tough a person's life may have been, the worst they have ever known is still the worst they have ever known.

Take it easy :-P
high rated
Ha! I was thinking the exact same thing about this guy! Seriously, are we falling victim to Poe's Law or something?
Post edited January 31, 2017 by JK41R4
zeogold: If we were to boycott every company that's had a shady or dishonest dealing in the past, we'd never buy anything again.

It's not a lack of dignity, it's common sense and realization that this is just how things are. Big companies do crappy things, and I can 100% guarantee you that not enough people are going to care to make an impact unless a superior competitor is presented.
paladin181: I mean, Apple is still making $800 iPhones for $100 total parts and slave labor. They are literally working people to death, and no one cares about that. And this IS documented. Forcing a company out of business for not playing ball is small potatoes to that.

paladin181: His name is MaximeMartyr. Just saying. He already sees himself as a Martyr. Unfortunately, I don't think he realized martyrs have to die for their cause.
MaximeMartyr: Do you think that sacrifices are acceptable for the good of the most?
I personally don't.
paladin181: Your name LITERALLY means to die for a cause and the good of many. To kill one man and save 100, absolutely sacrifices are acceptable. And on that note, those advances in medicine and science are used today. By your logic, if the doctors of today had any ethics, they'd let their patients suffer and die because some of those lifesaving medical advances came at a cost and should be boycotted.
Do you know why Apple is still making $800 iPhones? Because people keep buying iPhones.
What about you? Do you care about that? I guess you do since you talk about it so it is something in your mind.
Do you buy iPhones?
Personnaly I boycott Apple, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, which are the five eyes of the NSA to violate everyone privacy, who are privacy traders, and who have been trying to impose their monopoly to the software market.
I didn't know about Apple's slavery but I was already boycotting them anyway because I already had a bunch of reasons to not want to fund them.
I am a supporter of free open-source softwares, meaning softwares that you are free to do whatever you want with them, that you can check what exactly is inside it, unlike proprietary softwares whose code is unreadable so you can't see what is inside, the most notorious example being Windows which is full of hidden NSA spying tools (Did you know that some NSA employees work in Microsoft and participate into Windows development? Windows is a software partially made by the NSA, you knew it?).
To get back to Apple, I never liked them. And I don't like smartphones either so I don't buy any smartphone. :-3
But about you? Do you buy iPhones knowing that they are products of slavery?

Maxime Martyr is my real name. Martyr is the name that I inherited from my father. Anything to say about it?
And I would prefer to die rather than to live in a way I don't like.
Because I don't care that much for my life and I think that life is pointless if we can't live it the way we want.
To live in order to live is pointless to me.
To me, life is nothing but a limited amount of time that each one has to deal with and I came to the conclusion that the best way of life is to live each moment as if it was our last because we are aware that our existence might end anytime so let's not think about what we would like to do in a theorical future but about what we want to do right now.
Thinking this way, you are aware that trying to stay alive the longest that you can is a pointless goal and you are ready to die anytime for what you care about.
Truth is, I fear an unpleasant life much more than death.
Because death is the end of existence.
Just like birth is the beginning of existence.
If we don't exist, then we are free of any injustice, any pain, any sadness, any regret, any nostalgia, any problem, any stress, any constraint, any limit, any rule, any question, any doubt, any uncomfort, any unease, any bitterness, any responsability, any duty, anything.
And as I said, we are free of any regret so we can't regret the good things.
Before we were born, we were not regretting to not be alive, right?
Then when we will die, we will not regret to not be alive either.
Then to be unhappy to exist is much more scary than to not exist.
Knowing that a martyr is a person who prefers to die rather than to give up what they believe in, and thinking that to live without ideals is pointless, then yes, I think that Martyr is a name which suits well my way of thinking and so which suits me well. Anything to say about it? :-3

Martyr doesn't necessarily mean to die for what they believe in. Martyr means to prefer to die rather than to give up what they believe in. A martyr actually is a stubborn person who will never reject what they believe in even if this stubborness will lead them to their end. And knowing how much idealist and stubborn I am and that I don't fear death, this name definitely suits me well. At least one appropriate thing from my father. :-3
But a martyr has nothing to do with the good of many.
As I said, a martyr is ready to die for their own beliefs. They don't need that their stubborness is good to many.
I don't think that quantity means anything for life. I don't think that 100 persons mean more than one. Numbers don't mean anything to me.
I think that the discoveries made by the nazi scientists desserve to be used because otherwise, the suffering and death of many victims of their unethic experiments would have been totally useless so if their unethic deeds can be used in an ethic way, it should be. To not use their discoveries wouldn't do any good to their victims and wouldn't do any good to people who need it today and who don't deserve to be punished for someone else's sin.
But I still think that the results don't justify the ways, unlike what Machiavel has claimed.
CARRiON-XCII: Seriously? You're judging my dignity based on whether or not I buy a certain video game?

Sit and spin dude.
No. On whether or not you fund an unethic society by buying their products.
Post edited January 31, 2017 by MaximeMartyr
hedgenkher: Most likely will be infested with Denuvo, so I wouldn't have picked it up anyway.
I didn't know Denuvo but since you talked about it, I searched about it.
I read an interesting thing: "The use of this DRM prevents the port to Linux and Mac OS since Denuvo is compatible only with Windows, a software which uses it cannot be ported to other OS.".
Isn't that an interesting information that this DRM makes softwares no more being portable to other OS than wanna-be-the-only-one-OS Windows and so helps Windows to secure its monopoly?
I bet that Microsoft love it.
Post edited January 31, 2017 by MaximeMartyr
I'm just going to point out to Maxime here that unless he stole his computer, and is bumming off of someone else's internet, he is also supporting unethical practices by continuing to post here, by his own logic.
Edit: added off before of
Post edited January 31, 2017 by JK41R4
MaximeMartyr: Then Bethesda reacted like a man who wants a woman but the woman doesn't want him so the man gets mad and does everything to make the woman suffer out of revenge.
I think you got something wrong here. Men don't do things like what you wrote. Women would do such things like for example spreading rumours over a man who doesn't act like he is supposed to or hurt him psychologically when ever possible. We men aren't better. We just do things differently. We just take what we want by force.

I can understand you and your motive. But I doubt that there would be many gamer that will support you. Asking gamers to boycott a game, is like asking an addict to reduce his drug consumption. And when I think about it that is totally normal in consumerism...

Post edited January 31, 2017 by viperfdl
low rated
*ahem* Shut the fuuuuuuuuuuck up!
So what did Bethsoft do exactly? The OP sucks and doesn't explain anything and the video is 16 minutes long and mostly explains a game I am not interested in.
MaximeMartyr: Do you know why Apple is still making $800 iPhones? Because people keep buying iPhones.
What about you? Do you care about that? I guess you do since you talk about it so it is something in your mind.
Do you buy iPhones?
Nope. I don't buy smart phones because of those reasons. But enough people don't care, so my personal boycott (and the thousands of others like me) doesn't make much of a difference at all. People need their convenience and will pay for it, and no care to who is hurt on the other side.

MaximeMartyr: Maxime Martyr is my real name. Martyr is the name that I inherited from my father. Anything to say about it?
And I would prefer to die rather than to live in a way I don't like.
You talk a lot, and most of it is repetitive propaganda, but I wanted to respond to this to say, I meant no offense if that is your name. I've never heard of Martyr as a surname. By your attitude and the way people put names on the net (I assure you paladin181 is not my given name) I made a reasonable assumption. I do want to apologize for that assumption and all statements linked to that assumption if they in anyway offended you.

MaximeMartyr: Martyr doesn't necessarily mean to die for what they believe in. Martyr means to prefer to die rather than to give up what they believe in. A martyr actually is a stubborn person who will never reject what they believe in even if this stubborness will lead them to their end. And knowing how much idealist and stubborn I am and that I don't fear death, this name definitely suits me well. At least one appropriate thing from my father. :-3
No, preferring to die for what you believe in makes you a fanatic and an extremist, but only those who are severely tortured and/or killed are considered martyrs. They are the rallying point for causes, people who have been destroyed to the point they may as well be dead, or people who have actually given up their lives for the cause.
Post edited January 31, 2017 by paladin181
jamotide: So what did Bethsoft do exactly? The OP sucks and doesn't explain anything and the video is 16 minutes long and mostly explains a game I am not interested in.
Sounds like they exercised their rights within a legal contract.

My suggestion to Human Head Studio: next time, get a better lawyer.
high rated
I congratulate you on your principled stand, Maxime.

It can't be easy living in an unpowered shack that you built from rocks, eating wild food that you scavenged and hunted, and wearing clothes you made from tree bark and animal skins, but at least you have DIGNITY.
low rated
I didn't get an answer, but I'm still greatful to the esteemed Mr. Martyr here. The truth is, I didn't play the first Prey because I heard bad things about it and as such I wasn't even considering the second. He, however, made me look into it and so I learned that it's made by Arkane and inspired by System Shock.

Bethesda's marketing didn't reach me, but Max did! Thank you, old boy, buddy, chum, pal!

P.S. — I'm bitterly disappointed in Paladin181 who is using fake names on the Internet. How could he do this to me? I was certain he inherited that name from his father, and he from his own, and so on, and so forth 181 times in total. But lying about one's own name? Is nothing sacred? Doesn't anyone have any dignity left? O, cruel world!
Post edited January 31, 2017 by
paladin181: No, preferring to die for what you believe in makes you a fanatic and an extremist, but only those who are severely tortured and/or killed are considered martyrs. They are the rallying point for causes, people who have been destroyed to the point they may as well be dead, or people who have actually given up their lives for the cause.
thank you for making this distinction, I knew something about his reasoning bothered me..

HereForTheBeer: Sounds like they exercised their rights within a legal contract.
My suggestion to Human Head Studio: next time, get a better lawyer.
or look for better business partners that don't manipulate you until they can buy you for the lowest price (if what Maxim claims is at least partially true)