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Very considerate, thanks!

I'm in for Batman Arkham Knight.
Count me in for Batman Arkham Knight, thank you.
Yay! I'm in for The Witcher 3 too, please!
Thank you for the chance!
+1! I'm in for Arkham Knight! :)
Im in for Witcher 3 and thank you for a very generous giveaway.
I'd be in for both The Witcher 3 and Batman - Arkham Knight.
And thanks for a very generous giveaway!
I'd like to be in for both. Thank you for your generosity and hosting this wonderful giveaway. Here's my +1.
Post edited May 27, 2015 by Ikarugamesh
Thank you for your generosity, I'm in for Batman Arkham Knight.
I'm in for Arkham Knight.

Thank you!
Oooo, I'd be hugely tempted, but I'm buying Witcher 3 on disc anyway and I'll be getting Arkham Knight for PS4, so I'll pass for someone more needy. +1 for the generosity though.
I'm in for The Witcher 3.
Thank you for this fantastic giveaway Orion66!

I will give myself a chance I think. Definitely I'm in for The Witcher.
Game will barely run with lowest possible settings but this doesn't bother me at all.

it's serious now..
Post edited May 27, 2015 by mike_cesara
Orion66: I got these codes with a new vid card. I had already bought Witcher 3 during the pre-order and I won't be playing Batman.
If you would like one of these codes, post which one(or both) you're in for. Each code will have their own random draw.

I'll draw the winners 5PM on May 28, CST.

Just to make sure, is it the consensus of the forum that I have a right to give away these codes?
Thanks, I'm in for Batman Arkham Knight.
I really enjoyed both Asylum and City, but for now I can't afford AK, I'll probably take it when it will be 75% off with all DLC included or something like that.
Thanks a lot for the chance :)
I am in for Arkham Knight ...
Because I am Batman

Mighty generous of you.

I can't chhose which one to go for at all as I love Arkham series but it seems Witcher 3 is amazing game.
So if you don't mind I'll try for both.
But if I was by any chance to win both of them, then give one to someone else.

Thanks a lot, mate.
Post edited May 27, 2015 by Vitek