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I'm in for Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, The
Thanks for your generousity and good luck to all entrants!
Orion66: I got these codes with a new vid card. I had already bought Witcher 3 during the pre-order and I won't be playing Batman.
If you would like one of these codes, post which one(or both) you're in for. Each code will have their own random draw.

I'll draw the winners 5PM on May 28, CST.

Just to make sure, is it the consensus of the forum that I have a right to give away these codes?
I'd definitely be interested in the Batman code. Great idea for a giveaway! +1 And pre-congrats to whoever the winners end up being :)

I have Witcher 3 already because I bought a new GPU... literally less than 1 week before they added Batman to the promo. I'm a bit miffed, though going through the hassle of returning the card to re-buy again, eh. I haven't played any of the previous Arkham games (they're on my to-do though, for sure) so I figure by the time I get around to finishing THOSE, if I haven't already gotten Arkham Knight elsewise, I'll just pick it up on a Steam sale.

But, you know, I certainly wouldn't turn it down if you happen draw my name :D
not in, awesome giveaway +1

yes you bought the video card and thus bought the codes, you definitely have the right to giveaway
Not in, but just wanted to say thanks for your generosity!
I'm in for Batman.

Thank you for being so generous.
I would be in for Batman: Arkham Knight.

Not for myself, but for my nephew, who bought his new nVidia card two days before nVidia started the promotion.
i would like to enter the wicher and batman if posible and thank you for the contest :) +!
That's very generous of you!

If I may I am IN for The Witcher and Arkham Knight if that is possible.
In for Batman. ^^ I'm Batman fanboy.
Entering for Batman: Arkham Knight.

Giveaways are cool.
I'm not in for either game, but if you want to give the video card away instead, I'm in!
Im not in, i will buy Batman anyway to support devs, and witcher is already on my shelf.
Awesome giveaway btw.
In for Batman and thanks for the awesome display of generosity.
That's a mighty generous giveaway. +1. You have a big heart. Whoever wins these games is gonna be one hell of a lucky person.

I have played the first three batman arkham games.

Would love to have the Batman: arkham knight.

I'm in for Arkham knight.
Post edited May 28, 2015 by sasuke12