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Limited access - sign up now!

Time to <span class="bold">Kill the Servers!</span>, one round of GWENT at a time! We want to know if our hosting backend can take a beating and for that we need your help: Put on your GWENT face, grab your best friends, and raid our servers, starting today at 3PM UTC.

Sign up now to gain access to the Kill the Servers! event and join us for a round of GWENT. Or forty.
Number of openings is limited and they will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Here's the event schedule:

September 23 – Event Day 1 (expected to start at 3PM UTC and end at 7PM UTC)
September 27 – Event Day 2 (expected to start at 6PM UTC and end at 10AM UTC)

So, GWENT lovers, go ahead and help us <span class="bold">Kill the Servers!</span> They totally deserve it.
Also, they said that you guys look fat in those pants.

To learn more about this limited-time event, make sure to check out the FAQ <span class="bold">here</span>.
Post edited September 28, 2016 by maladr0Id
I KILLED THE SERVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111
I guess we've successfully killed yhe servers)
But the game is super awesome
Aaaaand it looks like it's over

Very nice adaptation, it would have been great to get some sort of tutorial to see what has changed from the original but got the hang of it pretty quickly.
I did not experience many crashes, although it seemed like my opponents did (forfeiting really quickly after inital screen)
I was able to play 5-6 times and now it's stuck in searching for a worthy opponent
Great job CDPR! can't wait for the beta!
There's a typo in the splash screen when waiting to connect to an opponent that shows Ciri. It reads, "Return this card to YOU hand if you lose the round"
I manage to play 4 rounds (2 win 2 loss :)) looks good. Unfortunatly it looks like my old loptop is a bit too weak. 10 or 15 fps on average.

quit button wasnt responding well, had to pushit for 5 or so times
Had problem joining a game initially, but seems like it was ok after a while. Just kept queuing. Completed a round using the Northern Realms deck.
No worthy opponents, tried 20 times, every time going back to deck screen. Then get message, there is no server aviable to play, and please try later.. Still trying! ;)
Yay!We did it! It was pretty cool playing the game!Loved it!
Opponent found!

edit: No wait, instant victory.......WTF :D
Post edited September 23, 2016 by Cobra6
I can't find any worthy opponents...
Guess a will sit in my Throne of worthiness, alone. :/
Well, now when I try to sign in the game says "wrong login or password" or "Could not conect to Gwent servers".
SUPER!! Już nie mogę się doczekać premiery :-D
Post edited September 23, 2016 by ekstrakt11
It's now officially my most awaited game, i couldn't play a lot but the few rounds between two crashes were awesome.

Also a strange bug: i've a dual screen and the game will ONLY launch on my second screen, the only way to play it on my main is to disable the second...
Can't find free servers it says, but it's not yet 9. Does that mean we broke it?
Thank you, I had a lot of fun. Great project you have here.