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B0SC0: Age of Empires III?
ElTerprise: Yes. Your turn!
This game tells the tales of a young boy as he enters a world beyond his wildest dreams and chronicles his adventures as he learns his way and thrives within this world, conquers the challenges that await him and fights his nemesis on several occasions. This particular game covers the early part of his journey.
B0SC0: This game tells the tales of a young boy as he enters a world beyond his wildest dreams and chronicles his adventures as he learns his way and thrives within this world, conquers the challenges that await him and fights his nemesis on several occasions. This particular game covers the early part of his journey.
Teenagent. hehehe
B0SC0: This game tells the tales of a young boy as he enters a world beyond his wildest dreams and chronicles his adventures as he learns his way and thrives within this world, conquers the challenges that await him and fights his nemesis on several occasions. This particular game covers the early part of his journey.
ZFR: Teenagent. hehehe
Nope :)
ZFR: Teenagent. hehehe
B0SC0: Nope :)
Baldur's Gate I?
I'll ask a question then: Could you describe his nemesis?
B0SC0: Nope :)
Fever_Discordia: Baldur's Gate I?

ZFR: I'll ask a question then: Could you describe his nemesis?
His nemesis is a fellow human within this universe that displayed hints of evil even from a young age and has corrupted himself beyond all hope in his goal for absolute power
Post edited May 14, 2015 by B0SC0
(here is hoping with all the new Galaxy users joing GOG, some will join this game too...)

Another question then: Could you describe the setting a bit? Fantasy, sci-fi, modern?

Is it available on GOG?
B0SC0: This game tells the tales of a young boy as he enters a world beyond his wildest dreams and chronicles his adventures as he learns his way and thrives within this world, conquers the challenges that await him and fights his nemesis on several occasions. This particular game covers the early part of his journey.
Might be Commander Keen... the first episode was called "Marooned on Mars", I believe.
ZFR: (here is hoping with all the new Galaxy users joing GOG, some will join this game too...)

Another question then: Could you describe the setting a bit? Fantasy, sci-fi, modern?

Is it available on GOG?
Yep - It's a multiplatform affair and Nope to Commander Keen :)
Post edited May 19, 2015 by B0SC0
Ok, I saw the topic in the general discussion forum and I knew the answer right away so I thought I'd drop in. I never read the first post or any other posts in the thread but I'm just going to answer anyway since I know the answer.

You're playing The Witcher 3 right now (whoever you are, I didn't look). Ok, now everyone else doesn't need to answer anymore which means you can all go play The Witcher 3 now too.
skeletonbow: Ok, I saw the topic in the general discussion forum and I knew the answer right away so I thought I'd drop in. I never read the first post or any other posts in the thread but I'm just going to answer anyway since I know the answer.

You're playing The Witcher 3 right now (whoever you are, I didn't look). Ok, now everyone else doesn't need to answer anymore which means you can all go play The Witcher 3 now too.
Actually, if it covers the early part of his journey surely he's playing the first part - the original 'The Witcher', unless The Witcher 3 is a bit flashback / prequely?
In case it's not, could you say anything about the genre, B0SC0? Is it an adventure, RPG, FPS?
ZFR: In case it's not, could you say anything about the genre, B0SC0? Is it an adventure, RPG, FPS?
It's definitely not the witcher :D. Fantasy/Action-adventure
ZFR: In case it's not, could you say anything about the genre, B0SC0? Is it an adventure, RPG, FPS?
B0SC0: It's definitely not the witcher :D. Fantasy/Action-adventure
Alone in the Dark?
B0SC0: It's definitely not the witcher :D. Fantasy/Action-adventure
ZFR: Alone in the Dark?