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(about Heroes V)

deadfolk: Yeah - I might wait for a deal with the expansions.
gyokzoli: The expansions is on sale too.
Are you sure about that? Because from where I am I can't see them discounted
Post edited October 13, 2011 by uchos
taczillabr: I take my hat off to Gearbox, for having the guts to actually release DNF, they deserve $10 for doing that, it's history. (And it's funding for Duke Begins).
I don't know if it really took any guts to take over the development Duke Nukem Forever. They knew there were a bunch of people who were sure to buy the game just for the novelty, no matter how bad the resulting product might be, so the financial risk may have been rather small. I guess it depends on how much they had to pay for it.
dyscode: I think somehow really few people understand the humor.
No I don't think that's it. The humour is stale, overdone, at times out of place and of course there's the hive level.

Saying "Remember when I said I'd kill you last? I Lied" after killing a random enemy makes no sense. In Commando, that line was based off a previous event in the movie and so it was funny.

It's overdone because if you play Duke 3D, he actually doesn't talk that much. Duke won't shut up in Forever.
Post edited October 13, 2011 by Kabuto
I'd suggest on skipping out on Heroes V, and wait until Tribes of the East gets discounted. You can put all the content on the base game AND the other expansions on Tribes of the East, along with better AI and other optimizations. Skip.
Shit, I wanted to get Homefront but after having read the synopsis, the concept appears to be brain-meltingly idiotic so will have to pass.
dyscode: I think somehow really few people understand the humor.
Kabuto: No I don't think that's it. The humour is stale, overdone, at times out of place and of course there's the hive level.

Saying "Remember when I said I'd kill you last? I Lied" after killing a random enemy makes no sense. In Commando, that line was based off a previous event in the movie and so it was funny.

It's overdone because if you play Duke 3D, he actually doesn't talk that much. Duke won't shut up in Forever.
This. Duke 3D's 'humor' is total overkill to the point of the inane.
Metro09: This. Duke 3D's 'humor' is total overkill to the point of the inane.
I'd have gone loony if I played it instead of watching a Let's Play. To be fair, I'm not the target audience of Duke Nukem games, but I don't think anyone appreciated the overly repetitive phrases.

I wanted to like it, too, since the franchise is so engrained in gaming history. Oh well, hopefully the next DN game will be the over-the-top thing everyone seems to want, because I'd like to know what people see in it.
Post edited October 13, 2011 by Eriako
deadfolk: Yeah - I might wait for a deal with the expansions. It still have I-IV to play through yet,
gyokzoli: The expansions is on sale too.
Not for me.
gyokzoli: The expansions is on sale too.
lightnica: Not for me.
Yeah, I was mistaken.
Do the three TR games on Steam use ye old tank controls or something more convenient?
Some sales on Beamdog.

In particular the King's Bounty series: KB Crossworlds GOTY at 6.25 USD.

Anyone has any experience with them? What about the DRM, is it just their client?
grviper: Do the three TR games on Steam use ye old tank controls or something more convenient?
Tank controls? As in the original Tomb Raider games lumbering controls? No.

Move with WASD, turn and look with mouse. Shoot with mouse. I have Legend on PS2 and TR:A on PC. After playing both, I find that Keyboard and Mouse controls are actually better than with a gamepad.
Post edited October 14, 2011 by Kabuto
Kabuto: Tank controls? As in the original Tomb Raider games lumbering controls? No.
As in "I've only played the freebie Angel of Darkness" controls :)
Tried the demos of Legend and Underworld. Bought all three.
grviper: As in "I've only played the freebie Angel of Darkness" controls :)
Tried the demos of Legend and Underworld. Bought all three.
To be fair Angel of Darkness was the worst Tomb Raider game and the nail in Core Design's coffin. The controls being horrid were only one of many problems with that game.
Back to the thread topic, DotEmu is offering half price on a crapload of point-n-click adventures. Sadly most of them are of the "let's knock out the player with graphics and hope they don't notice the puzzle design" type.