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Good morning! Vault-Tec calling! You can't begin to know how happy I am to finally speak with you. I've been trying for days. It's a matter of utmost urgency, I assure you.

…Because Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition is now available on GOG with a -75% discount that lasts until August 31st, 2 PM UTC! That’s right, Bethesda Game Studios’ post-apocalyptic open-world RPG and another entry in their iconic franchise is ready to join your library!

We know you’ve waited and we couldn’t be happier that it is finally here. Moreover, if you want your locations enhanced and with ultra details, High Resolution Texture Pack is also available in our catalog, for free!

Make sure to also join our Twitch Stream on August 20th, 5 PM UTC and take our QUIZ to find out which main faction suits you best.

We believe that every Fallout game is a must-play title and Fallout 4 is no exception. With a unique blend of immersive storytelling, expansive exploration, and engaging gameplay mechanics, the game has captivated players' hearts and minds all over the world since its release.

At its core, Fallout 4 weaves a compelling narrative that captures the essence of survival in a world ravaged by nuclear devastation. You assume the role of the Sole Survivor, emerging from cryogenic stasis in the aftermath of the Great War, only to find yourself in a wasteland fraught with danger and mystery.

The Commonwealth, the wasteland's setting, is a sprawling expanse filled with unique locations, each with its own story to tell. From the decrepit remains of historic landmarks to the eerie beauty of irradiated forests, the world of Fallout 4 is a testament to the developers' attention to detail. Every nook and cranny holds surprises, and the exploration factor is enhanced by the inclusion of dynamic weather systems and a day-night cycle. The thrill of uncovering hidden treasures, unearthing lore, and encountering unexpected dangers is an adventure that never ceases.

Fallout 4 also introduced a revamped gameplay experience that seamlessly blends traditional RPG elements with modern mechanics. The S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system, which governs character attributes, and the intricate crafting system provide a sense of progression and customization. You can modify weapons and armor, construct settlements, and even create intricate machines to aid in your survival. The introduction of the Power Armor as a formidable tool adds an element of power and excitement to battles against mutated creatures and hostile factions.

And of course, one of Fallout 4's strongest assets is its replayability. The choices you make during the game significantly impact the outcome of the story, encouraging multiple playthroughs to explore various story arcs and character interactions. The diverse range of playstyles, whether focusing on combat, diplomacy, or stealth, ensures that every experience is distinct. The Commonwealth is a canvas for limitless creativity.

We could go on and on about why we love Fallout 4 but the most important thing is that you can now enjoy it DRM-free on GOG. So enough talking. Grab your copy, make full use of the discount and embrace the Wasteland – Fallout 4 guarantees an unforgettable journey. Have a great one!
timppu: I was first confused "Didn't GOG have this game already?", but nah, Fallout New Vegas =/= Fallout 4, I guess...

It is a bit similar as how after GTA 3 there were a couple of extra GTA games... and then GTA 4. Huh? Makes sense in another dimension.

Oh well, buying this anyway, no idea if this is a good or bad Fallout. I hope it is good. Nice that GOG still manages to release lots of games where I get an urge to buy them.
Well - It's no Fallout 3, but still a nice game. I recommend some modding though. I especially modded out those constant "a settlement is in trouble and needs your attention" calls. They get very annoying very quick.

But for the €10 it's for sale now it's a no-brainer. Especially because all the DLC's are included and some of those are very good and/or fun. If you like RPG-Like FPS then it's absolutely a fun game...
Mafwek: Sorry, but no.
J Lo: I prefer it without mods, with the exception of better textures. Some mods mess with game balance or the art style too much.
Yeah, who could forget all time classic Enchanting and Alchemy balance of vanilla Skyrim. Elden Ring never managed to achieve that level of balance and interesting gameplay!
TomNook: I don't need to buy it again...I don't need to buy it again...I don't need to buy it again...
Let me guess... You bought it... ;-).
matterbandit: Now I'm way too agitated to go to bed... xD
And I can't get that stupid grin off my face since yesterday. :-D
TomNook: I don't need to buy it again...I don't need to buy it again...I don't need to buy it again...
Yes, you do! :D
Post edited August 18, 2023 by kultpcgames
Even if I gave up that time Skyrim was released here, bought the game on steam and being 200 hours on it already...
Finally we have a DRM-Free version of FO4! I Thought this day would never come!
I'll use this version for a full Vanilla run, just like I did 5 years ago on my PS4 XD
Thanks GOG and Beth (again!) for not only this great release, but also the other great ones you made lately! XD
Post edited August 18, 2023 by LUISDooM
I wonder, will there also be an "anniversary" edition in a few years, like for Skyrim? I have the GOTY version on Steam and would like to have an even more complete version on GOG. So while I'm intrigued, I won't buy it right now despite the big discount.
Good. I knew you would like my dance, I will take care of her for a few days if you don't mind. Yh. Love to you
Post edited August 18, 2023 by Seb3.7
high rated
The game kept on crashing on me during the intro near the bridge, a reddit post helped me out:

Turn off Weapon Debris in graphics settings. It causes a crash there on modern Nvidia cards.

Thought it'd help a couple of you. :)
In the video on the store page I thought I saw like a second of something that looked like it could be base building, is there any base building in this game, and is it just a tiny part of the game or can you focus a lot on it if you want?

I've never played any of the Fallout games, they're not the kind of games I go for normally, but I do love games that let you build bases and such, so I might buy it just for base building and survival if it's in the game :)
Uilos: I've never played any of the Fallout games, they're not the kind of games I go for normally, but I do love games that let you build bases and such, so I might buy it just for base building and survival if it's in the game :)
Sound like a perfect game for you then. You can focus almost entirely on base building in FO4 and it's the main reason why some people spend hundreds of hours with it.
timppu: I was first confused "Didn't GOG have this game already?", but nah, Fallout New Vegas =/= Fallout 4, I guess...

It is a bit similar as how after GTA 3 there were a couple of extra GTA games... and then GTA 4. Huh? Makes sense in another dimension.

Oh well, buying this anyway, no idea if this is a good or bad Fallout. I hope it is good. Nice that GOG still manages to release lots of games where I get an urge to buy them.
Funny how we thought Vice City was GTA4 and San Andreas was GTA5...then we got GTA4 years after that.

GTA III / Vice City / San Andreas = 3D Era
GTA IV + Expansions = HD Era
GTA V + beyond = Next Gen Era

At least that is how I heard fans reference the franchise and timeline. Fallout 3 and NV were based on the Gamebryo engine and Fallout 4 and 76 are the Creation Engine. I guess these two franchises use the next leap in engine technology to continue their franchises with a new number.
TomNook: I don't need to buy it again...I don't need to buy it again...I don't need to buy it again...
JClosed: Let me guess... You bought it... ;-).
I did. :D
matterbandit: Now I'm way too agitated to go to bed... xD
kultpcgames: And I can't get that stupid grin off my face since yesterday. :-D
TomNook: I don't need to buy it again...I don't need to buy it again...I don't need to buy it again...
kultpcgames: Yes, you do! :D
You've persuaded me. :)
Post edited August 18, 2023 by TomNook
seinmind: GTA III / Vice City / San Andreas = 3D Era
GTA IV + Expansions = HD Era
GTA V + beyond = Next Gen Era
Funny to call GTA 5 next gen as it launched on the same platforms as 4 and uses the same engine.
Post edited August 18, 2023 by ssling
Uilos: I've never played any of the Fallout games, they're not the kind of games I go for normally, but I do love games that let you build bases and such, so I might buy it just for base building and survival if it's in the game :)
ssling: Sound like a perfect game for you then. You can focus almost entirely on base building in FO4 and it's the main reason why some people spend hundreds of hours with it.
And can you also entirely ignore it? Because if I play Fallout, it's to roam the wasteland as a lone gunslinger, not to manage a base/town.
Memecchi: Refined "in terms of gameplay" it's not exactly accurate, I mean sure you can sprint and the guns are mechanically better, but only in some aspects (you don't have different types of ammunition like in New Vegas for example)

Everything else feels like a side-grade at best, and it loses out on everything that's important to an RPG
OldFatGuy: You obviously missed the last four letters of the Post.

For me, the game play is a more refined version of 3 and NV. In 3, you didn't really have the same shooting mechanic at all. NV improved on this, but it's even more improved in 4. Now the weapon degradation in 3 and NV are gone (something that is a shame) and if you're talking about the armor piercing and other types of ammo, yes that's gone, but IIRC it didn't even work properly in NV. And armor piercing is incorporated in the perks. Not as refined, true, but it does appear to work.

If you ask 1000 people on their opinions you will always get a 1000 answers. I stand by mine that 4 is a refined version, improvements in gun play, in health maintenance (3 was almost a joke in how you could have 1 HP, open the pip boy which pauses the game and instantly be fully regenerated). Explosive damage is more refined (again IMO), especially in survival mode. The chem system is also more refined (again IMO).

To each his own. I've played all of them (except 76, won't ever buy that or any other online only game) and Fallout 4 is the best of the Bethesda offerings, again IN MY OPINION. Hard to beat 1 and 2 (IMO).

And again, YMMV.
Thank you for this information.

Saved me hours and money.

To me. Any perk system that supplants a skill system, goes against the barely there logic the games had. I would have another skyrim on my hands and just get angry. These games keep moving away from a system of realism and that I cannot abide.

- ps, for anyone curious. Realism is a course of cause and effect to a logical conclusion, with an expected end result. Not "dragons and mutants are icky, because they do not exist". That perk thing ala skyrim just kills the enjoyment, even if I could chand the console control scheme.