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Good morning! Vault-Tec calling! You can't begin to know how happy I am to finally speak with you. I've been trying for days. It's a matter of utmost urgency, I assure you.

…Because Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition is now available on GOG with a -75% discount that lasts until August 31st, 2 PM UTC! That’s right, Bethesda Game Studios’ post-apocalyptic open-world RPG and another entry in their iconic franchise is ready to join your library!

We know you’ve waited and we couldn’t be happier that it is finally here. Moreover, if you want your locations enhanced and with ultra details, High Resolution Texture Pack is also available in our catalog, for free!

Make sure to also join our Twitch Stream on August 20th, 5 PM UTC and take our QUIZ to find out which main faction suits you best.

We believe that every Fallout game is a must-play title and Fallout 4 is no exception. With a unique blend of immersive storytelling, expansive exploration, and engaging gameplay mechanics, the game has captivated players' hearts and minds all over the world since its release.

At its core, Fallout 4 weaves a compelling narrative that captures the essence of survival in a world ravaged by nuclear devastation. You assume the role of the Sole Survivor, emerging from cryogenic stasis in the aftermath of the Great War, only to find yourself in a wasteland fraught with danger and mystery.

The Commonwealth, the wasteland's setting, is a sprawling expanse filled with unique locations, each with its own story to tell. From the decrepit remains of historic landmarks to the eerie beauty of irradiated forests, the world of Fallout 4 is a testament to the developers' attention to detail. Every nook and cranny holds surprises, and the exploration factor is enhanced by the inclusion of dynamic weather systems and a day-night cycle. The thrill of uncovering hidden treasures, unearthing lore, and encountering unexpected dangers is an adventure that never ceases.

Fallout 4 also introduced a revamped gameplay experience that seamlessly blends traditional RPG elements with modern mechanics. The S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system, which governs character attributes, and the intricate crafting system provide a sense of progression and customization. You can modify weapons and armor, construct settlements, and even create intricate machines to aid in your survival. The introduction of the Power Armor as a formidable tool adds an element of power and excitement to battles against mutated creatures and hostile factions.

And of course, one of Fallout 4's strongest assets is its replayability. The choices you make during the game significantly impact the outcome of the story, encouraging multiple playthroughs to explore various story arcs and character interactions. The diverse range of playstyles, whether focusing on combat, diplomacy, or stealth, ensures that every experience is distinct. The Commonwealth is a canvas for limitless creativity.

We could go on and on about why we love Fallout 4 but the most important thing is that you can now enjoy it DRM-free on GOG. So enough talking. Grab your copy, make full use of the discount and embrace the Wasteland – Fallout 4 guarantees an unforgettable journey. Have a great one!
high rated
Well done GOG, keep the momentum going!

Ancient-Red-Dragon: Based on the Disclaimer on the GOG store page about this version of Fallout 4 not having the Creation Club feature, so I take that to mean that this version is therefore also using a different version than the Steam version is?

If so, then the mod capabilities of this GOG version are no doubt going to be highly gimped, which vastly diminishes the value of the game, just like they are with the GOG version of Skyrim, because it suffers from that exact same problem.
BKGaming: The GOG version does not suffer this problem. There were a select few mods that didn't work, the vast majority did. And the ones that didn't, most have already been updated to work. As long the script extender is supported then the vast majority of mods will work. The creation club has no bearing on that.
^ This. I even posted how to get most mods working on the GOG version of Skyrim and how to reinstall them all completely offline in future without any online connection, client or Mod Manager (including Vortex). "No Skyrim mods work on the GOG version, they're all broken!" is blown way out of proportion.
Most excellent release!! And of course, instabought!! Thanks GOG and Bethesda! Hope to see the new DOOM games as well!
OldFatGuy: I bought it again, even though I "own" it on Steam. DRM Free baby. DRM free. And screw Bethesda's creation club.
Thumbs up mate! ;-D
mdqp: How is the game? I never bought this one, because it struck me as "not an RPG", but now that it's here on GOG, maybe I can think about it.
Just a reminder: Whether a game is an RPG and whether a game is good are not related. There are plenty of great games that aren't RPGs, and there are terrible RPGs out there (to the point where kuso RPGs exist).
mdqp: How is the game? I never bought this one, because it struck me as "not an RPG", but now that it's here on GOG, maybe I can think about it.
dtgreene: Just a reminder: Whether a game is an RPG and whether a game is good are not related. is the game?
Yes ! this is the definitive version of the game. Not having the creators club is a win in my book !
mdqp: How is the game? I never bought this one, because it struck me as "not an RPG", but now that it's here on GOG, maybe I can think about it.
Its Skyrim with guns. You have a huge world to play around in with a barely noticeable main quest and most of your actions don't matter in the end.
Its fine for a single playthrough but gets boring real quick unless you mod it to oblivion and back.

Oh, and most of the factions are pretty lame, except maybe for the Brotherhood of Steel and that's only because Beth decided to copy Fallout Tactics and make them like the Midwestern BoS (even though they are the BoS from Fallout 3) for some reason, complete with blimps and extreme aversion to mutation and synths.

The RPG mechanics from earlier Fallout games are gone and replaced with perks. So builds aren't that much of a thing.

The dialogue options are laughable and have been memed to hell. You always have 4 options, and they are some variation of "yes", "no", "sarcasm", "what?"
Post edited August 17, 2023 by CthuluIsSpy
dtgreene: Just a reminder: Whether a game is an RPG and whether a game is good are not related.
lupineshadow: is the game?
I give it a 0/0. or NaN, rating, based on what I've played of it.

The 0 denominator comes from the fact that I haven't actually played the game (and I currently have no plans to); therefore, I have no basis on which to judge it.

There is no other reasonable and fair rating I could give without playing the game, or at least watching enough of the game to judge it.

Edit: For a real answer, see the post above this one.

Edit 2: Or below.
Post edited August 17, 2023 by dtgreene
dtgreene: Just a reminder: Whether a game is an RPG and whether a game is good are not related.
lupineshadow: is the game?
If you liked Fallout 3 and/or Fallout NV, you will like this one. It does away with the skill system and replaces it with perks, something that I had an initial negative reaction to, but it really does work pretty well. Now if you didn't like 3 or NV, and instead felt they were affronts to the Fallout series (1 and 2) then you won't like this one either. It's a refined (in terms of gameplay) version of 3 and NV, with a couple of new variants (the perk system and the building settlements system are the bigger ones) and though I did originally balk, I do think (IMO of course) they all work pretty well. YMMV.
dtgreene: Just a reminder: Whether a game is an RPG and whether a game is good are not related.
lupineshadow: is the game?
This game is awesome ! Great quests and the dlc adds some really good side stories as well. I just rebought this on Gog, but have played it before on ps4 prior and sunk close to a hundred hours in the game. Buy it & if you like it try Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas which are also both available here at Gog.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Based on the Disclaimer on the GOG store page about this version of Fallout 4 not having the Creation Club feature, so I take that to mean that this version is therefore also using a different version than the Steam version is?

If so, then the mod capabilities of this GOG version are no doubt going to be highly gimped, which vastly diminishes the value of the game, just like they are with the GOG version of Skyrim, because it suffers from that exact same problem.

It's a real shame that Skyrim has apparently sold very well on GOG, and probably so will this Fallout 4 game, despite them surely both having massively reduced mod compatibility for the reasons I've just described.

GOG customers overlooking this problem en masse, and buying these inferior versions of the games anyway, will just cause the problem to continue forever with other future releases of likewise-inferior versions of games.

The best thing to do would be for GOG customers not to buy these games and instead demand that this problem be corrected, meaning the GOG version is patched so as to be given the identical version as the Steam version, either by removing the Creation Club feature from the Steam version, or by making it so that feature is still present in the GOG version, but benign because it doesn't phone home in the GOG version.

But most likely that won't actually happen, and so these gimped, inferior versions will keep being the status quo on GOG.
Creation club requires logging in. How could Gog implement that without people starting bitching "Fallout 4 contains DRM. Gog sucks" ?
Oh ... oooohh... ooo
Since steam and recently denuvo I lost hope in PC games... DRM things. I take those things somehow personally, like- developers being mean to me, so wtf I wont buy it with those conditions and DRM. But then I found GoG some time ago. And i said to myself, ok its worth a shot, that idea alone- drm free- i m sympathetic with.
One day, GoG somehow shows me: Skyrim drm free. O.o OK thats a dream come true ( i never thought it would happen :D) And now THIS?! I can now die in peace, everythting from my youth "literally" (virtually) coming to my doors.
Like in old bioware games, u just completed my loyalty mission. Whatever happens, I am with you GoG.

Thanks yous GoG and Thank yous Bethesda. You ROCK! I wont forget this.

(Elder scrolls and Fallout Bethesda games are my favourite (for nexus modding since oblivion))
alright solid :D
mohamad4321: hopefully in the far future we can get games from publisher bethesda like:
Doom 2016 and Eternal
Ghostwire: tokyo
Rage 1 and 2
Starfield hahahahah im kidding
I'd love to see all DRM-free versions of everything you just listed, just to get them away from Steam.
Yes! Looking forward to this!