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Barry_Woodward: The 25th of August 2014 I asked Tom Happ if he planned on releasing Axiom Verge on GOG:

Tom Happ: "@Barry_Woodward @GOGcom Yeah, we're already in contact :) But it won't be until mid-2015 or so that it'll be out for PC in any form."

The 11th of June 2015 after it had been released on Steam I asked for an update:

Tom Happ: "@Barry_Woodward @GOGcom Not sure, but @Dan_Adelman is working on it!"

Since the creator of the game himself was not sure and it seemed he had put Dan Adelman in charge of the details, I tweeted Dan about it, two months later and it turned into a nightmare.

Dan Adelman: "Do you work for GOG? Spamming the shit out of everyone is bad form. @Barry_Woodward @AxiomVerge @GOGcom"

Brian Provinciano: "@Dan_Adelman @Barry_Woodward someone should find out whose photo that is and let them know it's being used on a spam account, lol."

Steven Nikolic: "@Barry_Woodward @Dan_Adelman @AxiomVerge you can see why ppl think that? Yr twit is Gog this, Gog that, I dream of Gog"

Brian Provinciano: "@Barry_Woodward @tylerglaiel @Dan_Adelman a Twitter account used entirely to tweet devs/pubs about putting their game on gog = deceptive"

Brian Provinciano: "@Barry_Woodward @tylerglaiel @Dan_Adelman you could post a vine with some proof that you're who's in the photo and not located near gog. Lol"

Tyler Glaiel: "@Barry_Woodward @BriProv @Dan_Adelman on the GOG forums you're listed as the director of biz dev"

Dan Adelman: "@tylerglaiel @Barry_Woodward @BriProv That's some mighty fine police work, Lou."

Brian Provinciano: "@Barry_Woodward @tylerglaiel @Dan_Adelman okay, director of biz dev for gog pretending to be a kid -- your actions are unethical/deceptive."

Tyler Glaiel: "@BriProv @Barry_Woodward @Dan_Adelman even if I was slightly interested in @GOGcom before, this basically kills any interest in it"

Yeesh. I never portrayed myself as being connected to GOG, just a fan, but at the time people were joking on the forums that I should be a biz dev because I had gotten a number of responses from developers about bringing their games here. Tyler Glaiel happened to see that in whatever thread it was, took it as fact and escalated things considerably. I tried to set the record straight but there was no convincing any of them. Needless to say the whole ordeal put me off contacting developers at all.

No disrespect but this is funny as hell. Bunch of asshats with huge heads. lol
muntdefems: If you decide to give it a try despite your history with them, please let us know if there's actually the option to download a DRM-free, standalone installer/zipfile. And while you're at it, also whether they offer Mac and Linux versions of those games that have them, even though they only mention Windows on the store.

If the answer is affirmative in both cases, I miiiiiiiiight consider it as a valid store for me.
As much as I'd like to find out, I'm not prepared to drop $19.99 to do so.
low rated
i had warned you barry a ton of times over this , mindlessly posting on all forms of media asking for a game to be released on gog would bring backlash to gog , you never stopped , i also remember you guys getting flack in some game forums too asking for gog release creating thread here and asking people to post in forums.

Both you and tfishell need to stop pursuing games to gog in such a way , its annoying and puts gog team off when someone contacts them back regarding it.

Why dont you both contact gog team instead of developers and let them contact the devs and publishers so that a proper professional way is established.

Just google barry or tfishell your posts are all over the web jeez

The way you post barry and suggest that even certain features be dropped to get gog release would confuse anyone as you being a pr spam person or a bot.
Post edited January 29, 2018 by liquidsnakehpks
muntdefems: If you decide to give it a try despite your history with them, please let us know if there's actually the option to download a DRM-free, standalone installer/zipfile. And while you're at it, also whether they offer Mac and Linux versions of those games that have them, even though they only mention Windows on the store.

If the answer is affirmative in both cases, I miiiiiiiiight consider it as a valid store for me.
Barry_Woodward: As much as I'd like to find out, I'm not prepared to drop $19.99 to do so.
Thought as much. Neither am I, with the added uncertainty of OS availability on top of everything else.

Well, if anyone does try it (or has already done it), I'd really appreciate some feedback regarding my doubts.
high rated
This is such a weird situation. Surely if barry or tfishell's actions would have made it harder for GOG to get games, somebody form GOG would have contacted them, and let them know to ease up on their posts. Or some of the devs could have let them know if they were too persistent. In a world connected by the Internet, I find it baffling that there still are people that just don't take the time to set things straight.

I for one, just can't see what you could have done wrong, Barry, and the fact that you took the time to try and get them to better understand the situation, is reason more to convince me of that. I think your email, should have been enough to set your mind at ease.
high rated
Barry_Woodward: He replied:

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt just keep in mind your original
tweets came off as really corporate sounding and a better way of getting
games onto gog would be to convince GOG to reach out to developers
rather than the other way around

- Tyler"
This just screams "we view GOG as the lesser platform". Would they expect Steam to reach out to them? Fuck no because they know Steam is a (popular) store and developers / publishers are responsible for putting games on it. You won't see Valve reaching out to fucking developers. They don't seem like a very professional company if you ask me... we got enough metroidvania games anyway. Screw em.

I wouldn't worry about being called a GOG employee... I've been called the same a time or two (just not by devs). :P
I think this "GOG users asking publishers to release their games on GOG" would anyway only work for those cases where a developer/publisher doesn't know of GOG's existence, and I presume it is pretty well known already, through media and such.

Then there are the other cases:

- The publisher knows about GOG, but doesn't feel it is worth it to release it also on GOG (either they don't have enough resources to handle a release on several platforms, or they just don't believe it would sell well enough on GOG).

- The publisher has already tried to release their game on GOG, but GOG said no.

For the first one, I don't even think such publishers should be lured to GOG, at least if it is a new (indie) game that will still get many more updates. If the developer is reluctant to release the game on GOG (but still does it because people asked for it)... I feel such games are probably the biggest candidates for GOG games that have been abandoned by their publishers. If they were reluctant to release a game on GOG, then they are probably even more reluctant to support it on GOG.

The second one, it is just a slap to the face of the publisher if they have been declined, yet people come to ask why aren't they releasing on GOG.

Having said that... maybe Barry should work for GOG? :D He seems to have a good view on what kind of new games are appearing (I personally haven't even heard about this "Axiom Verge" before, and the trailer left me completely cold, yet another indie 2D platformer with pixellated retro-graphics), now all he needs is a bit of guidance from GOG which games have already been declined by GOG, or have been asked already but the publisher said no. But maybe they already have enough manpower for that.
Post edited January 29, 2018 by timppu
timppu: Then there are the other cases:

- The publisher knows about GOG, but doesn't feel it is worth it to release it also on GOG (either they don't have enough resources to handle a release on several platforms, or they just don't believe it would sell well enough on GOG).

- The publisher has already tried to release their game on GOG, but GOG said no.

For the first one, I don't even think such publishers should be lured to GOG, at least if it is a new (indie) game that will still get many more updates.
The second one, it is just a slap to the face of the publisher if they have been declined, yet people come to ask why aren't they releasing on GOG.

1.... that's literally why GOG should reach out, to convince these people otherwise: that money is money and a DRM-free release is just a good and ethical thing to have so why not Zoidberg.

2. A single developer can make several games, some of which are art games / jamware / crap and one a potential huge runaway hit. See: Jefequeso's walking sims and DUSK, Cellar Door's fart simulator 2010 (or whatever) and Rogue Legacy, Nigoro's magical princess teacup battle and La-Mulana, even Jonathan Blow's overbundled, overhyped flappybirdlike Braid and awesome fluffy purple The Witness (that nearly killed me, but that's beside the point). A sane person isn't going to be offended when GOG says, "sure, we declined your Sonic recolor for android but our audience would love this epic RPG, please let us sell it".
Starmaker: Jonathan Blow's overbundled, overhyped flappybirdlike Braid
I'm not a huge Braid fan (although it was a pretty cool game), but I don't see the correlation between it and Flappy Bird. Even if someone didn't like Braid, there's no denying that the game managed to bring it's own ideas to the table and didn't fall into the well of generic indie platformers.
I bought AV for my Ps Vita. I regret that purchase after seeing this thread. Fuck these guys.
high rated
...Well, I guess watching a youtube playthough is all I need of this game, then. I don't even want to support them with the statistic of a pirated copy, as bought or not, that still shows interest.

I don't understand all the details, but I really don't like it when these small name, big ego situations happen.

GOG is clearly of open arms in spite of what many people complain. After all, Empire Earth III and Disney Games share the same roof!
Starmaker: 1.... that's literally why GOG should reach out, to convince these people otherwise: that money is money and a DRM-free release is just a good and ethical thing to have so why not Zoidberg.
GOG staff yes, but my point was that such games where the publisher was reluctant to release it on GOG, are also less likely to get support on GOG. I personally feel that not all games necessarily need to be on GOG, and GOG declines many as well apparently.

Of course if it already a bit older (few years old) game that isn't receiving much of updates anymore nor DLC, then it doesn't matter much even if the publisher is not willing to support it much on GOG.

Also, I guess there may still be some publishers, even big ones, that aren't fully aware of GOG. Like some Japanese publishers, I guess. Yeah, GOG should go after such big fish and try to convince them to release their stuff on GOG (I personally prefer those "few years old games" that have all the updates and DLCS already).

GOG probably has less interest to actively try to lure indie developers here one by one, as my understanding is that lots of indie developers contact GOG already, so many that GOG has to decline many of them.
Post edited January 29, 2018 by timppu
Twatter, full of twats, who would have thought.
high rated
Never heard of Axiom Verge, but into the trash it goes.

This whole situation is stupid and so unfair to Barry.

Anyone with knowledge could clearly see that Barry is an enthusiastic fan, or at maximum worse, an individual that is a tad in over-drive. Professional companies with a CEO, full bevy of staff and lawyers have strict business protocols for doing things, which means going through the proper official channels. If they were to even deign to tweet anything, they would do it through their corporate-verified account. All trusted accounts have a "tick" next to their twitter profile. Professionally employed staff also usually have disclaimers on their profile, separating their personal opinions from the company, to free both from liability.

Don't they know all that?

Bah! This reminds me why I really dislike some game developers. Between being snobbish pricks, having unprofessional mindsets, ill-disciplined work attitudes and incessant whining over twitter, they are frankly a terror to behold. No wonder the gaming community is sometimes antagonistic towards them. Not without cause.
Post edited January 29, 2018 by Nicole28
MadalinStroe: Or some of the devs could have let them know if they were too persistent.
That's exactly what happened here.

liquidsnakehpks: Why dont you both contact gog team instead of developers and let them contact the devs and publishers so that a proper professional way is established.
Because GOG has already shown themselves to be disinterested or incompetent in the area? How many times do we ask them for something like fixing their broken fucking site and forums and get a "we'll look into it" or a "soon™"or "We've been working on that and a release is right around the corner" and yet, several years later the problem still persists and has been fixed/worked around in seconds by a community member, or just forgotten altogether until someone brings up a post on the 3rd anniversary of them saying it will be fixed. Hell, I'm still waiting on the "coming very soon" Pillars of Eternity upgrade routes that were on the verge of being delivered 3 years ago.

GOG has gotten to the point they don't care. So we have to once again do their jobs for them.
Post edited January 29, 2018 by paladin181